Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 148 Learn What Wisdom Is

Fan Lihua took Lu Fei to her office.

She didn't embarrass Lu Fei. After asking about the situation, she just asked him to cooperate if necessary.

Lu Fei happily agreed.

It is the duty of every citizen to cooperate with police investigations.

Lu Fei naturally wants to be a good citizen.

Fan Lihua sent Lu Fei out of the Ministry of National Security. On the way, Fan Lihua asked: "Mr. Lu, what do you think of our Ministry of National Security?"

Lu Fei said: "The defense is tight, even if the bird comes in, it can't fly out!"

Fan Lihua curled her sexy lips, "Who asked you this? I'm asking you what you think of the Ministry of National Security, okay?"

However, she was also surprised.

How did Lu Fei spot the hidden whistles?

From the average person's perspective, this is an open office like other administrative offices. Except for the strict inspection by the doorman, you feel that you can come and go freely after entering.

"Did you spot the guards here?"

Fan Lihua finally couldn't hold it back and asked.

Lu Fei was startled, then said: "What guard?"

"I just feel that since it is the Ministry of National Security, it must be heavily guarded, like an iron barrel."

As he spoke, he looked around exaggeratedly, "Is there really an ambush?"

Fan Lihua was amused by Lu Fei's appearance, and she didn't know whether what he said was true or false.

When the two of them walked to the door, Lu Fei suddenly asked: "Officer Fan, where is Officer Tang from?"

Fan Lihua's beautiful eyes fixed on Lu Fei's face and asked, "Why, are you still thinking about me?"

Lu Fei quickly shook his head, "No, I just saw a woman who looked very similar to her in Jiangcheng before."


Fan Lihua said: "She is from Jiangcheng and has a twin sister."

"The one you saw in Jiangcheng should be her sister Tang Feifei."

Lu Fei nodded.

No wonder, they turned out to be twins.

"Then who else is in her family?" Lu Fei asked again.

"Haha, are you really interested?"

"Tell me, are you attracted to it?"

Fan Lihua gritted her teeth and said, her face slightly stunned.

"What are you talking about? Even if I fall in love with you, I won't fall in love with her!"

Lu Fei regretted it as soon as he said it.

Bah bah bah!

It’s a waste of time again.

Fan Lihua stood on her head beautifully, her cheeks puffed up with anger, what did she say? What does it mean to like me but not like her?

Is this lady that bad?

Isn’t it beautiful?

Not in good shape?

Lu Fei's eyelids were twitching, and the beauty looked the same when she was angry.


"Slip of the tongue, taste!"

"Isn't this just to express my complete disdain for her?"

"It's all because when I was in junior high school, my Chinese teacher took sick leave. Later, Chinese classes were taught by my physical education teacher."

Lu Fei quickly confessed.

Fan Lihua was amused again.

This guy is quite interesting, he's very capable, very courageous, and he's so wicked and lovable.

Well, I will tell you everything and check your household registration for free.

"Tang Xiaofei has a family of five. His father's name is Tang Jintian, his mother's name is Gui Bin'e, he has a brother named Tang Miao, and a twin sister named Tang Feifei..."


Tang Miao?

Damn it, this world is so small!

No wonder Tang Xiaofei knew that I bought 500 Tang knives. It turned out that this little girl was Tang Miao's sister.

Haha, there is also my cheap nephew’s sister-in-law.

Well, I wonder if that cheap nephew Jin Baobao has caught up with Tang Feifei?

Lu Fei suddenly understood, and a smirk appeared at the corner of his mouth.

You are so young, you still want to detain me, get off the car and let you see me, follow Jin Baobao and call me uncle!

"What bad idea do you have?"

Fan Lihua couldn't help but ask after seeing Lu Fei's strange look.




Having already left the gate of the Ministry of National Security, Lu Fei had asked everything he wanted to ask clearly. He didn't want to stay here for a moment anymore, so he hurriedly said something to Fan Lihua and left as if running away.

Fan Lihua was so angry that she stamped her feet, "Who is this person?"

"Hey Hey hey……"

"My dad asked you to come to my house for dinner! Thank you for saving him last time..."

It wasn't until Lu Fei ran all the way that she heard what her father Fan Wei had told her and shouted at Lu Fei's back.

Invite me to your house for dinner?

Shouldn't it be the Hongmen Banquet?

Don’t go! Don’t go!

Lu Fei pretended not to hear and ran faster.

Lu Fei didn't stop until he was far away from the Ministry of National Security.

Alas, I thought I could return to Bazhou after I had an explanation with the Ouyang family, but now I can't. I can't leave Beijing until the case between Wu Desang and Aijihua is settled.

You must accept subpoenas at any time and cooperate with investigations.


Lu Fei shook his head, thinking that there was nothing to do in Tianjing. He couldn't leave anyway, so he was idle, so he might as well go shopping.

Tianjing is a shopping paradise, more prosperous than Jiangcheng.

Ok, deal!

Lu Fei flagged down a taxi.

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Lu?"

"What a coincidence, what a coincidence!"

"Huahua just called me and said she saw Mr. Lu, and I happened to be sending the guests nearby."

"Haha, I didn't expect that as soon as the guest got off the bus, he met Mr. Lu again."

"What a fate, what a fate!"

As soon as he got in the car, Lu Fei heard a series of surprising sounds.

By coincidence, she got into the car of Fan Lihua's father, Fan Wei.

"What a coincidence!"

Lu Fei forced a smile and said.

"Where are you going, Mr. Lu?"

"If there's nothing important, why don't we go find a place to drink?"

Fan Wei said enthusiastically.

"Thanks, I'll give it another day. I've got a lot going on these days."

"Oh, let's go to Wuhua Tianbao City!"

Lu Fei said quickly.

"Okay, Wuhua Tianbao City!"

Fan Wei responded with a smile and drove towards Wuhua Tianbao City. While driving, he started chatting with Lu Fei again.

"Where is Mr. Lu from?"


"what kind of business?"

"Do some small business and sell fruit!"

"Oh, Mr. Lu doesn't have a family at first glance, right?"


"Yes, yes, when you are young you should work hard first and then start a family. Like me, I got married too early."

"By the way, is Mr. Lu dating someone?"


"Very good!"

Lu Fei's face darkened, I have no one to talk to, and you actually said it was great. Is it possible to be so shameless?

"Mr. Lu, do you think my flowers are beautiful?"

Damn it!

Did you ask that?


Lu Fei answered bravely.

"I also think my daughter Huahua is beautiful!"

Fan Wei's face showed pride and he said happily.

Lu Fei breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, you didn't ask if you like it?


"Well, Mr. Lu, look at my age. It's not appropriate to call you Mr. Lu all the time."

"Okay, I'll call you Xiao Lu!"

"is that OK?"

Lu Fei could only say: "No problem, you can call me Shunkou however you want!"


Fan Wei was even more happy, "Xiao Lu, in fact, if you meet someone suitable, you can also consider dating."

Lu Fei rolled his eyes. I had heard you say before that when you are young, you should work hard first and then start a family.

Why did it change so quickly?

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