Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 156 Meeting At The Bar

"Williams, aren't you satisfied too?"

Rousi's tone was a little unclear, and her fingertips swept over Williams' body.

Williams couldn't help but let out a cry of joy.

"Of course I'm satisfied!"

Williams had to admit that this woman he had always liked could really satisfy him.

"As long as you are satisfied, nothing else matters!"

"And I believe that as long as you are here, everything will be better."

"After completing this mission, we can go back to the United States together and enjoy the sun and rain on the golden beach every day. We no longer have to behave in Tang Dynasty."

The soft silk is affectionate and looks forward to a happy future.

"Most definitely!"

Williams said firmly.

But his eyes seemed to see the man in the bathhouse again.

Jealousy is a psychological disease in every man and cannot be cured.

Williams went crazy again, causing Rousi to open her mouth in shock.

However, no matter how powerful a man is, he is no match for a woman.

After fighting again and again, the man lost completely, while the woman remained unfathomable.

In the darkness, Rousi went to the bathroom to wash herself off, got dressed and left the hotel room.

Even at the peak of happiness, it actually does not affect communication at work.

Agents are inherently different.

The goals and plans have been made clear through in-depth exchanges, and Rousi abides by the organization's regulations and does not stay overnight.

How else can we say that women are always more patient than men? Until Rose left, Williams was still sleeping, snoring loudly.

He didn't wake up until the next morning.

"So your name is Lu Fei!"

There was a fierce look on the corner of Williams' mouth, and his eyes were like daggers.

He picked up the phone and made several calls.

As a senior agent of the U.S. Intelligence Bureau, he has more resources than Rose.

Although Williams came to Tang alone, he was not alone. Tang Intelligence Bureau's many years of layout and management have given him a lot of elite soldiers and generals.

Although Rose had told her plan, Williams was not satisfied.

Women are always too slow to do things.

He has his own rhythm.

As he said himself, except in bed, men are faster at any time.

Therefore, he didn't even need to refer to Rousi's suggestions.

After making the call, Williams also left the hotel.

Lu Fei has been guarding Rousi, but he doesn't know that he has been targeted by a vicious wolf.

Moreover, this evil wolf also has another hostility towards him.

After he returned to Tianjing from Beidaihe, he did not return to the Su family.

Anyway, Su Zhe, Su Lin and Lu Xiaoqian were all accustomed to Lu Fei not coming back often.

The next night.

Lu Fei received a call from Fan Lihua, and the two met in a bar.

"Mr. Lu often comes to the bar?"

Fan Lihua took a sip of wine and asked with a smile.


Lu Fei didn't want to communicate on this issue.

No matter in his past life or this life, he had no good sense for bars and almost never went there.

The melancholy sounds and hormonal smells brewed by various kinds of alcohol will always make people sink and get lost.

Only weak men and women will use simple and crude stimulation to comfort themselves, while truly mature people will have higher-level adjustment methods.

For example, read a book!

Fan Lihua smiled and said, "I thought people like Mr. Lu would like it here."

In fact, she didn't like bars either, but she couldn't think of a suitable place to meet there, so she chose a bar near her apartment.

Lu Fei said: "If you have anything to do with me, it's better if we get to the point directly!"

Fan Lihua pursed her lips and smiled, slightly annoyed, "It's so charming!"

Lu Fei curled his lips, "There is only the case between us, no romance, okay?"

Fan Lihua sneered and said, "Didn't I see you having an affair with that Rousi today?"

"Mr. Lu, do you like the coquettish type of foreign girls?"

Lu Fei's face darkened.

At that time, my consciousness had been going out, and I didn't notice anyone watching me at all. I didn't expect that I was still under surveillance.

Mud, someone must have seen your cowardly look.

But it was a fluke. Fortunately, I held back in the end. Otherwise, if I had surrendered my gun, it would have been stained for life.

Fan Lihua smiled brightly and said, "I didn't send anyone to monitor you. I just accidentally discovered you while monitoring Rousi."

She emphasized the word "accident" very strongly.

After saying that, he looked at Lu Fei and continued: "Of course, we have made another unexpected discovery."

Lu Fei couldn't help but ask: "What unexpected discovery?"

Fan Lihua said: "Want to know something related to you?"

Lu Fei asked curiously: "Is it related to me?"


Fan Lihua nodded. At this moment, she was like a cute girl next door, so cute.

She said: "While monitoring Rousi, our people discovered that an American who had just entered the country was monitoring you and Rousi."


Lu Fei was surprised that he didn't find anyone watching him.

Fan Lihua continued: "If it goes as expected, this American who just entered the country must have something to do with Rousi. You have to be careful."

In fact, she had already investigated Williams' identity, but the Ministry of National Security also had disciplines. She could not reveal it to Lu Fei and could only give a reminder.

Lu Fei didn't ask.

He understands discipline.

Just pay more attention to it in the future.

Perhaps sensing Fan Lihua's kindness, Lu Fei relaxed a lot and started chatting with her, laughing and joking.

Of course, we are not talking about work.

People have more exciting lives besides work.

It is easier for young people to resonate emotionally when talking about life. However, whether it is Fan Lihua or Lu Fei, their lives are extremely monotonous. Most of their time revolves around work, and they usually have no one to talk to.

When we started chatting, we felt like we were friends.

Lu Fei was chatting and sending out his spiritual consciousness.

Since Fan Lihua said that she was being targeted, how could he not pay more attention.

Although he is very confident in his own power, it is easy to avoid open attacks and hidden arrows, so it is always right to be careful.

Beware of the boat that travels thousands of miles.

This exploration was extremely obedient, and he really made some discoveries.

Lu Fei remained calm and continued to drink and chat with Fan Lihua. After chatting happily, Lu Fei asked the waiter to serve the wine.

Fan Lihua's beautiful eyes looked at Lu Fei with some surprise. Why did this man change his temper all of a sudden? Before, drinking was harmful to the body and caused trouble, but in the blink of an eye, I started to binge drink.

Are all men this virtuous, and their true nature comes out after drinking a little alcohol?

Lu Fei smiled and didn't explain.

If you don't drink more and don't show any flaws, how can you attract the attention of people in the dark?

What if these people are cowardly and just stare without taking action?

You have to create some opportunities for others!

Just like fishing, you have to throw out the bait.

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