Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 158 Sorry, I’M A Little Excited

Williams flicked his wrist and said, "I didn't expect that there would be a strong man like you in Tang State?"

Lu Fei smiled, "Are you American men so weak?"

"You are tall and strong, but your hands are so limp that you have no strength at all!"

Williams was furious, you Tang people are short and thin, so you are soft, but I am tall and mighty.

In order to prove that he was not weak, Williams stepped forward and punched hard with his left hand, followed by a swinging punch with his right hand.

Americans don't practice martial arts like people in Tang Dynasty, they practice boxing.

Simple and crude.

Just like their country, the rise of the nouveau riche only lasted a few hundred years, with no inheritance of ancient civilization and no cultural roots.

The internal strength that Lu Fei practices is different. It is the crystallization of the wisdom of ancient oriental culture. He is strong and soft, and he can do whatever he wants.

He launched [Xiao Wang Fist] and fought hard with Williams.

Aren't you tough?

I'll beat you until you're weak!

[Xiao Wang Fist] itself is domineering and fierce, coupled with Lu Fei's strong internal strength, every punch made Williams keep retreating.

The two fought for several minutes. Although Williams punched quickly, Lu Fei had mastered his [Mizong Step] and avoided Williams' heavy blows every time.

But Williams couldn't dodge Lu Fei's fast punches so easily.

At this time, he had been punched by Lu Fei several times, and two ribs on his chest were broken.

However, he was also fierce and still attacked fiercely with his fists.

During the fierce fight, Lu Fei saw an opportunity and used [Mystery Step] to rush towards Williams and hit Williams with a heavy punch in the abdomen.

With this punch, Lu Fei channeled 10% of his internal energy, and the power was as powerful as overwhelming the ocean. How could Williams receive such a heavy punch?

He had a tall body of over two meters, and was sent flying after being punched by Lu Fei.


It hit a black car parked next to the alley. The car was deformed and then rolled to the ground. It took a long time to get up.


Qin Hui, the only Tang native among the four Williams, saw Lu Fei knocking down three American Japanese, and his legs shook with fear.

Lu Fei suddenly turned around and looked at Qin Hui coldly.


What he hates most in his life are those Tang people who have the blood of Tang in their bodies, wear Western clothes, hang out with foreign devils, and harm Tang.

This kind of person is a special traitor of the new era.

Lu Fei walked towards Qin Hui step by step, but Qin Hui was so frightened that he quickly backed away.

However, Lu Fei's speed was too fast. Before Qin Hui could turn around and run, Lu Fei walked over and knocked him down with a punch.

In just a moment, all four Williams fell to the ground.

During this period, Fan Lihua was silent on the sidelines. At this time, her beautiful eyes widened and she said angrily: "Are you not drunk?"

Lu Fei smiled, "If I'm really drunk, how can I fish?"


Fan Lihua asked doubtfully.

Lu Fei said: "When it comes to fishing, you have to give them a chance, otherwise they might not take action?"

Fan Lihua was surprised, "Do you know they are following you?"


Lu Fei nodded, "When I was in the bar, I noticed that these people were sneaky, so I tried a little trick, but unexpectedly I actually caught a fish."

Fan Lihua was speechless for a while.

At the same time, I was also shocked.

Even with his own alertness, he didn't notice that Williams and others were following him. How did Lu Fei find out?

Lu Fei didn't care about this.

Pointing to the four people lying on the ground, he asked, "Are there any of the people here who monitored me yesterday?"

Fan Lihua was stunned for a moment.

It's against discipline to tell him, but Lu Fei has already asked if he doesn't. It doesn't seem to be a good idea.

After pondering for a moment, she nodded, pointed at Williams and said, "That's the big guy."

Lu Fei's face turned cold. He walked up to Williams, grabbed his shirt collar, picked him up like a chicken, and said, "Tell me, why are you following me?"

Williams sneered and looked at Lu Fei bitterly without saying a word.

"Oh, you are so arrogant!"

Lu Fei grinned, you've fallen into my hands even when you're riding a horse, and you're still pretending!

Do you really think I can't do anything to you?

He didn't have the patience to quarrel with Williams, so he slammed the double digits to the ground with as much force as if he were rolling a broken sack.

With a "bang", Williams felt his butt crack and his waist almost break, and he let out a scream.

Fan Lihua's eyes twitched, this was too fierce!

Lu Fei had no intention of stopping, he smiled coldly, "To tell, or not to tell?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly stepped on Williams' left wrist, and with a "click", the wrist bone broke.


Lu Fei shouted angrily, the sound was like thunder.

Williams just whined and still didn't speak.

Lu Fei wiped the corners of his mouth and showed an evil smile. Are you tough? I like!

He turned to the other side of Williams, raised his foot and stepped down again, and Williams' right wrist was also disabled.

"Lu Fei, what are you doing?"

Fan Lihua was shocked and immediately organized.

But in the blink of an eye, Lu Fei had disabled both of Williams' hands. This was a disabling injury.

Even after people are arrested, they will only be questioned using normal investigative methods, and no confessions will be forced.

Extorting a confession is illegal.

Lu Fei ignored Fan Lihua's words. He looked at Williams and said, "If you don't say anything, you will be in a wheelchair in your next life!"

As he spoke, he wiped the corners of his mouth with his fingers and smiled evilly.

Williams was shocked and his expression changed drastically. The man who stepped on the horse was simply a devil. Even if he fell into the hands of people from the Tang State, it would be better than falling into the hands of this man.

While he was thinking about it, Lu Fei turned to him again and stepped on his knee. With a "click", the kneecap shattered.

Williams screamed again.

Lu Fei's face didn't change and he shouted: "If you don't say anything, the other leg will be gone too!"

Williams was shocked, "I said, I said 1"


Lu Fei shouted sharply.

Williams said: "I am an agent of the Tang Intelligence Bureau of the United States, a senior agent. I was ordered to come to the Tang Dynasty to bring food rich in special substances that appeared in the Tang Dynasty back to the United States for research."

Lu Fei shouted: "What special food?"

In fact, he already had some vague guesses in his mind.

Williams said: "It's your spiritual fruits, spiritual flesh, spiritual rice..."

Marde, as expected, was coming for me. Lu Fei was so angry that he raised his foot and stepped on Williams' other leg.

Williams yelled: "I told you and you broke my leg!"

Lu Fei smiled, "Sorry, I was a little excited and couldn't stop for a while!"

"Well, the main reason is that you spoke too slowly. Next time I ask you something, speak faster. Well, otherwise I will step on your throat next time."

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