After Chen Jiahao left, the store became deserted again.

Lu Fei stayed in the store. By five o'clock in the afternoon, he had received a total of more than a dozen customers, with a turnover of more than 1,300 yuan.

Without exception, most customers were interested in those juicy fruits, but when they heard the price, they either shook their heads or said that Lu Fei was crazy about money.

None of the customers bought his fruit again.

Lu Fei didn't care, he put all the fruits on display into the space-time ring, then closed the door and rode his motorcycle back to his hometown in Longshou Mountain.

The reason why all the fruits on display are collected into the space-time ring is because the fruits will not deteriorate if placed in the space-time ring. It doesn't cost him anything to put it in and take it out, it just consumes some mental energy.

After returning to his hometown to have dinner and chatting with his parents for a while, Lu Fei couldn't wait to return to his house, close the door, and open the door of time and space to go to the spirit world.

Still appearing in the place where he first appeared.

Lu Fei didn't waste any time and started picking wildly.

Pick the tea leaves first, then the fruits. Stop and rest when you are tired. Eat fruit when you are thirsty. There are all kinds of foods in the space-time ring when you are hungry. Just take out a few and eat them.

Before he knew it, he had been busy in the valley for more than thirty hours.

The sky was getting darker, the jade plate-like moon rose from the top of the mountain, and the stars gradually became brighter.

Lu Fei did not leave. He wanted to find out how long a day in the spiritual world was.

Unexpectedly, his decision made him truly know what the long night was.

The night in the spiritual world lasts for more than two hundred hours, which is equivalent to about ten days on Tiantang Star and Earth.

This made Lu Fei speechless.

After such a long night, Lu Fei would probably get sores on his back if he just slept. Fortunately, his time and space ring was fully equipped, so he took out several high-power battery flashlights and continued picking.

The moonlight and starlight in the spiritual world are extremely bright, and there is battery flashlight lighting, so even at night, it has little impact on picking.

Continuous picking is boring and hard.

The most comfortable thing during this period was to take a bath in the creek to wash away the stinky dirt, then drink alone in front of the moon comfortably, eat some barbecue, and listen to the music on his mobile phone.

When dawn came, Lu Fei still didn't leave. He still wanted to see how long the daylight was.

More than two hundred hours passed before the sky gradually darkened.

Lu Fei was roughly certain that the length of day and night in the spiritual world was almost ten days long on the Tianlong Star.

Calculating this, he spent a total of about five hundred hours in the spirit world this time. His work and rest basically follow the habits on Tiantang Star, sleeping for about eight hours, and spending the rest of the time picking.

Of course, time for eating, drinking and resting is inevitable.

Seeing that it was getting late, Lu Fei left the spiritual world and returned to his room after taking a bath.

When he turned on his phone, he saw that the time that had passed more than twenty days had returned to the time before he left for the spirit world. The difference was only about two minutes.

Sure enough, just as he thought, time on Tiantang Star stood still during the time it took to go to the spiritual world.

This made Lu Fei feel reassured and fell asleep.

The five hundred hours in the spirit world were equivalent to more than twenty days of overtime work. Although he didn't feel tired physically, he still felt hard in his heart.

I slept soundly until dawn.

After eating the egg and pork noodles cooked by Luo Hui, Lu Fei rode his motorcycle into the city.

Instead of going to the store, he rode his motorcycle around the city. One is to see where the location is suitable and then open a new store. Second, he still needs to purchase some things.

After wandering around for a long time, I basically bought everything I wanted to buy, but I still couldn't find a suitable place in the new store.

Lu Fei also knew that it was not easy to find a suitable new store. He was about to go to the housing agent to ask when his cell phone rang.

It was actually Fatty Du calling.

Lu Fei's face turned cold, but he still answered the call, and then Fatty Du's voice came: "Boss Lu, why didn't you open the door?"

Lu Fei said coldly: "You still dare to come to the door, are you afraid that I will kill you!"

Fatty Du said: "What did Boss Lu say? That bottle of fake wine is not mine! Besides, it was Boss Lu who begged me to introduce my cousin to you."

It turns out that Fatty Du's name is Du Kang, he is a businessman, he is a well-rounded person, and he has known Lu Fei for two or three years. Du Kang had a cousin named Du Chun who opened a winery in Bazhou. The "Bawang drunk" he produced was very popular in Bazhou.

Lu Fei had always wanted to be the distributor of Ba Wang Zui, so he approached Du Kang and asked him to help introduce Du Chun to him.

Du Kang agreed to this, but there was no news for more than half a year. But not long ago, Du Kang brought Du Chun to Lu Fei's shop.

Lu Fei and Du Chun had a good chat, and Du Chun also agreed to let Lu Fei distribute Bawang Zui. He also brought a bottle of wine and said it was the latest product of the winery. Its taste was better than Bawang Zui and it had not yet been launched. Let Lu Fei taste it and say that if he thinks it is good, Lu Fei can be given priority to sell it when the time comes.

Lu Fei happily accepted the new bottle of wine, and happened to catch up with Lu Long and Hai Yu returning from Jiangcheng.

Since the winery boss said it was good wine, Lu Fei naturally took out the bottle of wine to entertain his younger brother. But he never thought that it was the bottle of wine that killed the two brothers.

Although Du Chun was arrested afterwards, Lu Fei always remembered that it was Du Kang who brought Du Chun to his store.

Therefore, he also attributed Lu Long's death to Du Kang, but after his rebirth, he first took care of Lu Long's funeral affairs, and then was busy picking tea and fruits in the spirit world, and for a while he didn't have time to trouble Du Kang.

Unexpectedly, he didn't go to Du Kang, but Du Kang came to him.

Du Kang's words left Lu Fei at a loss for words. Because it was true as Du Kang said, he was the one who asked him to help introduce Du Chun.

There was really no reason for him to cause trouble for Du Kang.

However, the death of his younger brother Lu Long could not make Lu Fei feel relieved. After a brief silence, he said coldly: "Tell me, what's the matter?"

Du Kang said: "Where are you? Can we meet and talk about it?"

Lu Fei really didn't want to meet Du Kang, he was afraid that he wouldn't be able to help but beat him if he did. But after thinking about it, he still said: "Okay, just wait for me in front of the store. I'll be back in about twenty minutes."

Twenty minutes passed quickly, and Lu Fei saw Du Kang at the door of the store. Without saying anything, he opened the door with a cold face and entered the store minding his own business.

Du Kang is chubby, like a round ball, and walks as if he is rolling, but his round face is always cheerful. He didn't care about Lu Fei's face, so he followed him into the store and sat down beside the tea table.

"Tell me, if there's anything we need to discuss in person."

"Haha..." Du Kang laughed twice, handed Lu Fei a cigarette and then said: "I did have my reasons for what happened before, but you really don't blame me..."

Lu Fei didn't want to hear this, lit a cigarette and said, "You have something to say."

Du Kang's face straightened up, he stopped smiling and said, "It's a good thing, brother, I brought you a way to make money!"

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