Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 161 The Future Is Promising

The moon shines brightly on Kyushu, making some families happy and others sad.

The happier Fan Lihua is, the more excited Tang Xiaofei is. This time, Fan Lihua really squeezed her head hard, and the pressure was huge.

Tang Xiaofei has never felt so defeated.

It will even be difficult to turn around in the future.

Of course, the most hateful thing is that this case was originally his own. If you solve the case yourself, this great achievement will be yours.

Unexpectedly, Fan Lihua intervened in the case and stopped it.

If the interception was just an ordinary murder, then forget it.

However, a murder case that was not very important at first turned out to be a shocking case, and Fan Lihua solved it easily.

That was the largest number of spies arrested in the Tang Dynasty at one time!

Such great achievements were just passed by me.


"Humph, it's all that stinky Lu Fei."

Tang Xiaofei gritted her teeth angrily, blaming Lu Fei for this missed achievement.

She didn't know why, but she just remembered Lu Fei inexplicably, and then unreasonably blamed Lu Fei for this matter.

"Lu Fei, wait!"

"If this revenge is not avenged, I will not be called Tang Xiaofei!"

Tang Xiaofei felt furious.

Lu Fei didn't know that he was lying on his back.

With the arrests of Williams, Rousi, Qin Hui and others, the cases of Wu Desang and Ai Jihua have been declared closed, and the Ministry of National Security has lifted the restriction on Lu Fei from leaving Beijing.

After learning the news, Lu Fei couldn't wait to leave Tianjing with his parents.

After getting off the plane in Jiangcheng, although both Lu Dayou and Luo Hui were eager to return home, Lu Fei decided to stay for two days.

During the two days, Lu Fei basically stayed with Mo Qianji.

In his future plans, he did not leave out the genius Mo Qianji.

After Lu Fei told Mo Qianji his many ideas, Mo Qianji was very excited. For the first time, he felt that this kid had a good idea, and for the first time, he did not refute him.

Lu Fei was very happy about this.

It was rare for Mo Qianji to take the initiative, and with Mo Qianji joining, he had great confidence.

Considering that the main focus in the future will be in Bazhou, and now there is a place in Bazhou, Lu Fei asked Mo Qianji, Luo Ru, and Xiang Yaofei to prepare, and the entire team moved to Bazhou.

Mo Qianji just asked, "What should I do about Niu Niu?"

Lu Fei said: "I have opened a food street in Bazhou. You can take your wife and family there and arrange a house and store for them there."

Mo Qianji was overjoyed.

Well, Lu Fei is the best.

He kept saying that Niu Niu was my wife!

Unlike Luo Ru and Xiang Yaofei, they have no sharp eyesight at all.

Mo Qianji went to Niu Niu to discuss moving.

For him, home is where there are cow girls.

After Lu Fei took away Mo Qianji's 10 newly modified military trucks, he went to meet with Jin Risheng and took away another batch of equipment from the Golden Shield Security Company.

However, Lu Fei did not take away much equipment this time, mainly the tranquilizer gun.

Jiangcheng was in a hurry for two days.

On the third day, the group finally returned to Bazhou.

Lu Dayou and Luo Hui had not been home for nearly half a year, so they naturally felt comfortable when they returned home. After seeing Hai Yu, Lu Dayou opened his eyes even more.

He couldn't help but look at Lu Fei and secretly gave him a thumbs up.

It's a small thing, okay, you brought my wife home behind my back.

Mainland China is very happy.

Lu Fei had a dark look on his face, this was a huge misunderstanding.

But he didn't bother to explain. His father had already preconceived the matter and had a strong will to explain it clearly. Talking too much would only increase the misunderstanding.

Luo Hui looked worried.

Not only is there a Haiyu in the family, but there is also another great beauty, Guo Xiang, who also needs to look good and have a good figure.

My son brought two women to his home. What does that mean?

And it seems that Hai Yu and Guo Xiang have lived at home for a long time. The house is neatly tidied and cleaned, and the inside and outside of the house are very familiar, just like their own homes.

When Lu Dayou and Luo Hui heard Hai Yu tell what Lu Fei had done in Bazhou, they were so shocked that they were speechless.

Lu Fei still didn't explain much.

After the five of them had dinner, Lu Fei talked with Hai Yu and Guo Xiang about the current situation in Bazhou, and felt relieved knowing that everything was going smoothly.

He returned to his room, opened the door to time and space and entered the spiritual world.

Come directly to [Lucheng].

Lu Fei met Yue Fei first and gave him a batch of new equipment, including 10 military trucks, anesthetic guns and anesthetic drugs.

Both of these things are used for hunting.

Yue Fei was overjoyed when he learned about the tranquilizer gun. With this guy, hunting would be much easier.

In the past, hunting by relying on traps and setting bear traps was passive and inefficient. With the tranquilizer gun, it is no different from hunting, which greatly improves hunting efficiency.

Yue Fei received the equipment and led the special agent company to train for a day before the entire company entered Wangwu Mountain to hunt again.

Lu Fei stayed in [Lucheng], supervising the project while allocating manpower to build the breeding farm.

Time flies, and Lu Fei stayed in [Lucheng] for three months this time.

The construction of [Lucheng] and the construction of the southern half of the city are basically completed.

The previous more than 200,000 people have moved into new houses and started a new lifestyle, living in the city and farming outside the city.

Sowing has begun in the cultivated farmland around [Lucheng].

Instead of just growing grains in the past, Lu Fei brought a large number of various vegetable seeds from the Tang Dynasty and distributed them to every household to plant in their own gardens.

Dozens of large farms have been contracted by people who have become landlords, and more farms are still reclaiming wasteland.

The number of fish ponds has increased from two to ten, and orchards have begun to breed seedlings.

The entire [Lucheng] faction is thriving.

Yue Fei led his special agent company into Wangwu Mountain to hunt, and was very successful. He could catch a large number of wild animals every day.

These beasts all need timely luck to meet in Lucheng.

To this end, Yue Fei mobilized thousands of civilians to carry the prey from Wangwu Mountain to the east coast of [Mainland Port], and then dispatched four squads from the third platoon to temporarily serve as a transport team to transport the captured prey to [Lucheng].

The secret agent company captured a huge number of beasts and consumed a huge amount of tranquilizer bombs and anesthetics. Lu Fei also returned to Jiangcheng once and brought a large amount of supplies again, and finally managed to cope with it.

In the past three months, the scale of the breeding farm has continued to expand, and it has raised more than 30,000 wild animals of each type.

Among them, the female beasts are basically raised in a separate area, and the male beasts select strong breeding beasts. Some of the other male beasts are slaughtered to supply the people of [Lu City], and more are collected by Lu Fei into the space-time ring.

In the past, what he put into the space-time ring was all bacon products, but now it is all fresh meat, which better preserves the efficacy and taste of [Spiritual Meat].

However, the construction of the food street in Bazhou is still in the final stages, and Lu Fei will not be able to use these [spiritual meats] for the time being. Once the food street opens, it will be "a bang of a spatula, and a thousand taels of gold."

[Lucheng] With this development, Lu Fei finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The future is promising!

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