Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 165 It Doesn’T Hurt To Tell You

During the questioning, Yang Jian looked at Wang Ping and Yue Fei.

Lu Fei smiled and said: "Mr. Yang, don't worry, the people in Wang's hometown are all well. They have all gone to Lucheng now."

"Well, it's about 3,000 miles east after passing the ravine you mentioned."

"I built a city there that can accommodate a million people. They live and work there in peace and contentment, working at sunrise and resting at sunset every day."

Yue Fei and Wang Ping couldn't help but nodded.

Yang Jian was so surprised that he built a city with a population of 1 million!

This is too scary!

Even Tiannan Mansion is only a city with a population of seven to eight million, and it has been continuously developed and expanded for hundreds of years.

However, as long as everyone in Wang's hometown is still there, he will feel more relieved.

"What about Commander Huang Tianhu and Deputy Commander Du Xiaofeng?"

"They didn't go to Lucheng too, did they?"

Yang Jian asked.

At this time, Yue Fei, who had been silent until now, spoke up and said: "That day, Commander Huang led his troops to Qianji Bridge. My soldiers warned them not to cross the bridge. However, Commander Huang took advantage of his strong troops and horses and forced his way across the bridge. All of them were annihilated by my men. !”


Yang Jian was shocked and looked at Yue Fei in disbelief.

Huang Tianhu and Du Xiaofeng are both officers and soldiers of the county government. All of those officers and soldiers are martial arts masters in the three realms, and Huang Tianhu and Du Xiaofeng are celebrities in the fourth realm.

Yang Jian saw that Yue Fei was only a second-level warrior, and he couldn't believe that Yue Fei's soldiers could defeat a hundred soldiers led by Huang Tianhu.

Also, the title "warrior" is weird.

But Yang Jian still understands that a soldier means a soldier.

Yang Jian frowned and asked: "Yue..."

Wang Ping smiled and said: "Yue Fei, Captain Yue!"

Yang Jian had no idea what the company commander's position was, how big a general he was, or how many soldiers he had.

He asked: "Oh, Captain Yue, how many of your soldiers fought with Commander Huang's men?"

"8 people!"

"My eight soldiers, under passive defense, completely wiped out Huang Tianhu and his men within 100 breaths, with zero casualties on our side!"

Yue Fei replied calmly.

"8 people?"


"100 interest?"

"Total annihilation!!!"

"Zero casualties!!!"

Yang Jian stood up in a hurry, Yue Fei's words were like heavy hammers, hitting his heart hard.

What a shock.

Only 8 people destroyed a hundred soldiers led by Huang Tianhu and Du Xiaofeng.

Yue Fei smiled faintly and said: "Don't say that Huang Tong leads 100 soldiers, even if he has an army of 10,000, he will only be able to take a shot when he encounters my special agent!"

His words were full of confidence and murderous intent.

Yang Jian is a famous person in the fifth realm, and his martial arts realm is three realms higher than Yue Fei's, but he feels cold in his heart for no reason.

Yang Jian looked at Yue Fei. The camouflage clothes he wore were really weird, but he had an indescribable spirit that made him dare not underestimate him.

"How many people do Captain Yue have under his command?"

Yue Feidao: "It's just 120 soldiers from the special agent company."

Yang Jian took a breath of cold air. 120 people dared to say that they could destroy an army of 10,000 people. Wouldn't it mean that one person could block a hundred people?

However, it seems somewhat believable to think that 8 people can kill 100 soldiers.

Such an army is really scary.

Yang Jian thought a lot in his mind at that moment, and his eyes swept over Lu Fei and the others.

Yue Fei sneered: "Master Yang, it's better to be calm and don't make unnecessary plans!"

"If you dare to act rashly, the soldiers of my special agent company will be able to break into Hailan City in an instant."

Yang Jian was shocked. He had indeed thought about taking down Lu Fei and the others.

These three people are only second-level warriors. With his cultivation as a fifth-level celebrity, it can be said that it is easy to capture three second-level warriors.

But every time he wanted to take action, he could not help but feel frightened, as if he would be doomed if he took action.

You know, once martial arts practitioners reach a certain level, they can develop an intuition similar to telepathy and are extremely sensitive to potential dangers.

Yang Jian is already a famous person in the fifth realm and has truly entered the ranks of masters.

Well, even though he is only a third-rate master, he is already invincible and proud of himself.

He trusts his instincts.

Yang Jian looked at Lu Fei and Yue Fei, suppressed the urge in his heart, and couldn't help but smile bitterly. Of these two people, one was a flatterer, the other was a flatterer, one was luring him for gain, and the other was threatening him. How could he not see it?

His intuition told him that Lu Fei and the others had put so much effort into doing so, not just to open a store in Hailan City, but because they had a bigger purpose.

After thinking for a while, Yang Jian said: "Mr. Lu, people of the bright side don't talk secretly. If you have anything, just bring it to the table and talk about it!"

Lu Fei smiled and said, "Master Yang is overthinking. I really just want to open a few shops in Hailan City."

Yang Jian sneered in his heart, pretend, just keep pretending!

Lu Fei changed the subject and said, "However, I do have something to discuss with Mr. Yang."

Yang Jian's heart tightened. Damn it, did you think you were going to continue to pretend that something would happen so soon?

"Mr. Lu, please speak!"

Yang Jian said helplessly.

Lu Fei said: "After my shop is built, I will ask Mr. Yang to support me when I open it. I wonder if you are willing to show your favor?"


Yang Jian was stunned. Is that all?

What is there to discuss? Yang Jian said: "Mr. Lu is joking. Mr. Lu is developing business in this county. This is a good thing that benefits the people. I should give my full support."

Lu Fei smiled, cupped his hands and said, "Thank you in advance, Mr. Yang!"

Yang Jian waved his hand. He didn't believe that Lu Fei's request was just that. Said: "If Mr. Lu has any other needs, please tell me!"

Lu Fei waved his hand, "No more!"

Really no more?

Yang Jian couldn't help but be surprised. Did he really think too much?

But that's fine. Until the details are clear, it's better to keep a distance from such people.

Yang Jian said: "In that case, I will take my leave first. I will have someone deliver the land deed to the place Mr. Lu wants to open his shop later."

Lu Fei stood up and thanked him.

When the two of them walked out of the restaurant, they saw that the restaurant was full of people.

Yang Jian originally thought that someone was making trouble, but when he looked up, he saw that these people seemed to be from the Wang family, and the leader was Wang Zhennan, the head of the Wang family.

When Wang Zhennan saw Yang Jian, he immediately stepped forward and bowed, "I have met Mr. Yang!"

Yang Jian nodded and asked, "Why is the Master of the Wang family here?"

Wang Zhennan said: "I heard that Mr. Yang and Mr. Lu are meeting here, so I came to pick Mr. Lu up to be a guest in his humble residence."

After saying that, he cupped his hands to Lu Fei and said, "I, Wang Zhennan, have met Mr. Lu."

Lu Fei responded politely.

He did not see Wang Heng in the crowd, probably because he was afraid that the camouflage military uniform would be too dazzling and attract onlookers.

Yang Jian was shocked, why did Lu Fei get involved with the Wang family?

The Wang family is the largest family in Hailan City. One-fifth of the property in Hailan City is controlled by the Wang family. Even he, the county magistrate, cannot offend easily.

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