Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 179 Falling Short Of Success

The vanguard of the Han army consisted of five thousand men and horses, and the long line stretched for several miles.

Tan Yun was at the front leading the way, and the vanguard general Zhou Tai personally held down the formation behind the team.

Gunshots rang out from the front, and Zhou Tai's expression changed, and he shouted: "The whole army speeds up!"

After saying that, he lifted the reins, and the horse galloped forward, and the soldiers behind him also galloped to keep up.

The war horses galloped, and a distance of several miles could be reached in an instant.

Zhou Tai could see from a distance that the former army had numerous casualties, and the sight of general Tan Yun falling fell into his eyes.

"Son of a bitch!"

Zhou Tai cursed loudly, feeling filled with grief and anger.

Tan Yun was his right-hand man. He had fought with him in countless battles over the years and made many achievements. But now he died in front of his eyes. How could he not be angry?

"Who is coming?"

Zhou Tai urged his horse to dance with his sword, and still rushed forward.

The general showed up and charged into the formation himself. The dispersed Han troops seemed to have found their backbone, and gradually became less panicked. They each relied on their agile movements to retreat and distance themselves from the spy company's position.

"General, the front is dangerous!"

"General, don't go any further!"


The soldiers of the Han army who were attacked and withdrawn from the front by the spy company shouted loudly one by one, for fear that something might happen to their general.

The soldiers behind Zhou Tai were also shouting as they hurried on.

Zhang Bao led a platoon of special agents to attack suddenly. In just a few minutes, before the Han army's forward troops could react, they killed at least thousands of enemies.

The mountain and forest roads were littered with the corpses of Han soldiers.

At this time, Zhou Tai rushed towards him on horseback, and Zhang Bao also saw him from a distance.

He had heard of Zhou Tai's name for a long time and knew that he was a famous master in the Six Realms and a general who was capable of fighting under the Governor Zhou Yu.

In the past, he could only look up to such people, and it was difficult to even meet them.

But now, in his eyes, Zhou Tai is just an equal opponent and no longer has high admiration.

These were all brought to him by Mr. Lu.

Zhang Bao felt a surge of pride in his heart. Ma De, if you kill Zhou Tai, your name will become famous among the Han army.

"Wang Feng, kill Zhou Tai for me!"

Zhang Bao's face was as red as a cloud, his eyes glowed like wild wolves, and he shouted loudly.


Wang Feng shouted, his eyes shining with excitement.

Killing a famous master in the Six Realms would be absolutely exciting.

Wang Feng immediately turned his gun and pointed it in the direction of Zhou Tai.

"Da da da……"

Wang Feng shouted loudly and pulled the trigger, firing bullets like they were free.

Zhou Tai was galloping on his horse when an unprecedented sense of crisis came, which made his hair stand on end and he subconsciously bowed down.

The bullets whizzed past his head, and Zhou Tai felt his scalp numb.


The horse under Zhou Tai's crotch suddenly let out a series of mournful neighs, and then fell to its knees on its front hooves. Zhou Tai also fell from the horse's back to the ground.

Zhou Tai rolled on the ground, turned over and looked at his beloved horse, only to see blood pouring from several holes in his beloved horse's neck, and it had fallen to the ground dead.


Zhou Tai's eyes were bloodshot and he punched the ground hard.

If Tan Yun's death in battle was only seen from a distance, then Aima's death was felt personally.

He had charged into battle countless times, and even when he was facing off against famous enemy generals, he had never felt so close to death.


"General Zhou!"

The soldiers who were rushing over on horseback saw Zhou Tai fell off his horse and were not sure whether they were alive or dead. They were all frightened and yelled while desperately urging their horses to rush over.




What Zhou Tai saw with his eyes was war horses falling down, guards being killed one by one, and dazzling blood splashing in front of his eyes.

Finally, more than a dozen soldiers rushed to Zhou Tai's side.

Seeing that Zhou Tai was still alive, everyone burst into tears.


"General, you go first, after you have resigned from your post!"

"General, leave quickly!"

The personal guards are all brave and loyal, and none of them are afraid of death.

"Go together!"

Zhou Tai gave a deep drink and began to retreat with the surviving guards.

He was not an impulsive person to begin with. The reason why Xian Gu risked his life to rush into the battle was that the front army was too chaotic. If he did not stand up, the front army would probably be killed.

Secondly, Tan Yun's death in battle really made him angry.

But after calming down, he also saw that the battle cannot be fought like this.

If we don't retreat, this vanguard force of 5,000 people will be handed over here.

"Wang Feng, get on your horse and kill Zhou Tai quickly for me!"

Seeing Zhou Tai trying to run away, Zhang Bao was a little anxious and kept shouting angrily, wishing he could kick Wang Feng away and go into battle himself.

Wang Feng was also anxious and pulled the trigger faster.

"Da da da……"

"Da da da……"

Intense firepower focused on Zhou Tai's position, and all the personal guards fell down, but Zhou Tai was protected tightly.

After Zhou Tai got out of the range of the machine gun, Zhou Tai looked back and saw that less than thirty of his two hundred personal guards were left.


Every one of the surviving guards knelt down and burst into tears.

Zhou Tai also had tears in his eyes.

"Everyone, get up!"

"Today's revenge will definitely be avenged by this general!"

"Quickly gather the troops!"

Zhou Tai shouted loudly. Although he was in grief, he was still full of energy and did not forget his responsibilities.


More than thirty personal guards took the order.

The soldiers from the special agent company also stopped attacking, and only sporadic gunshots could be heard.

Zhang Bao and Wang Feng both looked annoyed.

What the hell, let Zhou Tai run away.

It is indeed not an easy task to kill the enemy general in the formation.

Especially for a famous general like Zhou Tai, his personal guards are all willing to sacrifice their lives to protect their master.

"Platoon commander, how about we move our position forward and launch a charge?"

Wang Feng still wanted to kill Zhou Tai and made suggestions.

Zhang Bao was furious, "Before, we caught the Han army off guard, but now Zhou Tai has reacted. We charge over. Once they fight hard, we will be able to take care of them all!"

Wang Feng said angrily: "What should we do?"

"what to do?"

"What else can be done?"


Zhang Bao squeezed the beret into a ball, glanced at the direction Zhou Tai was retreating, and said loudly and unwillingly.

He raised his wrist and looked at his watch. Back and forth, this battle had been going on for almost fifteen minutes.

According to Yue Fei's request, the task has been completed.

Even if he wanted to pursue, he could only give up.

If he disobeys orders in battle, even if he wins the battle, Yue Manzi will probably kill him.

Zhang Bao put on his beret angrily, turned around and left.

Wang Feng shouted "Retreat!" and hurriedly shouldered the machine gun, leading the machine gun squad to quickly follow Zhang Bao.

The other three classes also quickly followed up.

Not long after, Zhang Bao and Wang Heng met.

Zhang Baoqi said: "Old Wang, you are not in your own position, why are you here?"

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