Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 181 The Task Force Is Destroyed

The task force selected by Zhou Yu was led by a general named Wu Cui, who was a famous person in the Five Realms.

The rest of his subordinates are also celebrities from all four realms.

As the moon was about to set, Zhou Yu's team had entered the place where the first platoon of the spy company was lurking.

Although Zhou Yu and others were very cautious and did not even light the torch.

But with careful attention and the help of the faint moonlight, Zhang Bao and a platoon of soldiers discovered the man in black.

Good guy!

The company commander is really amazing!

I actually expected there to be a tail behind it!

Zhang Bao was excited and scared at the same time.

Ge Laozi, if it weren’t for Captain Yue’s foresight, the soldiers would have been tired after a long day’s journey and would have fallen asleep at night.

After this group of people kills the sentry, they are afraid that the entire secret service company will have to answer.

Zhang Bao's eyes became sharp and he was determined to teach the Han army a lesson.

"Squeak, squeak, squeak!"

Zhang Bao put his fingers into his mouth and blew out the sound of night bugs.

At night in this mountain forest, you can hear the chirping of various insects and birds at any time, but the sounds made by Zhang Bao have a special pattern.

This is a signal.

All the soldiers in the row understood it. After hearing the sound, each soldier slowly reached for his waist, took off the grenade, and opened the safety.

At the same time, count down the numbers silently in your mind.

A few seconds later, all the soldiers threw grenades at the black-clad crowd at the same time.

"What the hell?"

Dozens of grenades were thrown out at the same time, just like the birds hiding in the woods were frightened and flew out at the same time to make a noise.

The man in black noticed movement, but didn't know what happened yet.

"Da da da……"

"Tu tu tu tu..."

Just when the man in black was shocked, intensive gunshots rang out from all directions, and then the grenade thrown fell into the crowd in black, making a violent explosion.



"Da da da……"

"Tu tu tu tu..."

The silent night sky was broken by a sudden sound, and the bright light of the grenade explosion allowed Wu Cui to see the despair and misery of his team members for a moment.


Wu Cu let out a mournful roar and became the last man in black to fall.

The gunfire ended quickly.

A normal battle lasts less than a minute in total.

"Sweep the battlefield quickly, and shoot first when you see someone!"

Zhang Bao gave a loud order, then turned on the flashlight, took the lead and rushed out of the woods with a gun.

The other soldiers also turned on their flashlights and walked towards the center of the battlefield from their hiding places.

"Bang, bang..."

There was another burst of intermittent gunfire. After replenishing the guns and confirming that there was no one alive, the soldiers began to clean the battlefield.

On the other side, Yue Fei stood up.

"Mr. Lu, it's okay this time. You can still sleep for a while."

Lu Fei said: "Captain Yue is really like a god with his troops!"

Yue Fei waved his hand and said, "Mr. Lu, please don't make fun of me. I'm just making more preparations."

"After all, Zhou Yu is a famous general!"

"What I didn't expect was that he really sent people to follow him and prepare for a night attack."

Lu Fei nodded, deeply convinced. Whether it's a war or something else, it's always a good idea to be more prepared.

"Wang Heng!"

Yue Fei shouted loudly in one direction.


Wang Heng flashed a flashlight and ran quickly through the night.

When the gunfire rang out, he was really shocked and scared.

It was the task of the second platoon to cut off the rear and observe, but the rearguard soldiers did not notice the tail.

If the company commander hadn't been wise, the consequences would have been disastrous.

"Company Commander, I was careless!"

"I request punishment!"

When he came to Lu Fei and Yue Fei, Wang Heng looked like a frosted eggplant.

Yue Fei said with a cold face: "Using soldiers is dangerous. One careless move will lead to the whole game being lost. Please be more careful in the future."


Wang Heng stood at attention with a snap.

"Set up camp and let the soldiers have a good rest!"

"Tomorrow is the hard time!"

Yue Fei's words were concise and to the point, and he didn't say much about the Han army's night attack.

Wang Heng was not held accountable.

After all, the people under my command also need to grow.

Only after experiencing something can you grow.

He believed that the Han army's tracking of the night attack would teach Wang Heng a profound lesson. If similar things happened in the future, he would not be so careless.

At this time, Wang Heng was in admiration for Yue Fei.

It's no wonder that Mr. Lu chose Yue Fei as company commander. In comparison, even though he had been a soldier before. But when it comes to fighting, Yue Fei does have a way, which is better than his own.

After Wang Heng left, he arranged for soldiers to camp and at the same time arranged soldiers to stand guard.

He arranged several open and hidden sentries and pushed the sentries forward about 500 meters.

Yue Fei looked at it and said nothing.

In fact, he thought in his heart that there was no need to arrange heavy posts tonight, and only regular sentry posts would be sufficient.

But he also knew that the reason why Wang Heng was like this was that he was afraid of making mistakes again.

This is a sign of caution after learning a lesson.

He didn't say anything so as not to discourage Wang Heng's enthusiasm.

However, this also shows that Wang Heng's talents are insufficient and he lacks in-depth analysis of things. He may not be able to become a general in charge of the army in the future.

Yue Fei shook his head.

There was nothing to say all night, and early the next morning, Yue Fei arranged for him to take people to patrol the mountains, inspect the geography, and select locations to arrange troops.

Lu Fei left alone for Hailan City.

He finally rejected Yue Fei's kindness and left him alone.

With one more warrior left, the pressure on the other warriors will be less.

After all, it was the 50,000 elite troops of the Han Dynasty that were to be blocked, and they were led by the famous general Zhou Yu.

Inside the main tent of the Han army.

At noon, Zhou Yu received a report from the scouts that all the 100 task force led by Wu Cui had been killed.

"Made, who is this person?"

Zhou Yu felt aggrieved and crumpled the battle report into a ball.

His fingernails dug into his flesh.

Two generals from the fifth realm, Tan Yun and Wu Cui, and more than 3,000 brave soldiers, including hundreds of elites from the fourth realm, were lost in this way.

He has never even seen the other party.

I have been fighting for half my life, but I have never fought such a frustrating battle.

Zhou Yu had to re-examine his opponent.

"Somebody come!"

Several personal guards knew that the Governor had been in a bad mood for the past two days, so they hurriedly stepped forward.

"Quickly general Cao Mengqun, Zhang Zixiang and which deputy commander have what?"

Zhou Yu temporarily forgot his name and held it in for a long time.

"Zeng Shiqiang!"

One of the guards said carefully.

"Yes, Zeng Shiqiang!"

"Get them to me quickly!"

Zhou Yu said loudly.

Only these few people have seen the enemy. He wants to ask him face to face whether the opponent has three heads and six arms?


Several personal guards did not dare to neglect and immediately left the Chinese army's tent.

Zhou Yu also ordered the drums to be beaten and summoned the generals to enter the accounts.

After Chen Pu, Huang Ping, Wu Rui, Gan Lin, Lu Su, Zhou Tai and other generals entered the accounts, they were divided into two groups. They each looked at each other speechlessly, not knowing what happened.

"Zhou Tai!"

Zhou Yu's face was as dark as water and his voice was low.

"The general is here!"

Zhou Tai strode out of the queue, stood facing Zhou Yu, and saluted with clasped fists.

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