Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 191 Vigorous And High-Spirited

On this day, Lu Fei held a meeting at the [Continental Field Army Headquarters].

The generals of the army, navy and air force gathered together in a grand lineup.

The commander of the armed forces is naturally Yue Fei, and the political commissar Wang Ping.

In addition, the two also serve as the commander of the Army's First Division and the Army's Independent Brigade Commander respectively.

Zheng He, captain of the Navy's First Fleet, and Li Yu, deputy captain.

Marcobo, captain of the First Battalion of the Air Force, and Chang Sheng, deputy captain.

Below are the commander of the Army's First Division, Yue Fei, Yang Zaixing, the deputy division commander and commander of the 1st Brigade, Xu Da, the deputy brigade commander, and Sun Delu, the political commissar. Zhang Bao, leader of Regiment 001, Wang Heng, leader of Regiment 002, Wang Hui, leader of Regiment 003;

Second Brigade Commander Guo Ziyi, Deputy Brigadier Shi Dakai, Political Commissar Wang Yun, Regiment 004 Leader Yue Fan, Regiment 005 Leader Wang Fei, Regiment 006 Leader Wang Feng;

Zuo Zhongtang, the commander of the third brigade, Wang Hui, the deputy brigade commander, Huang Yi, the political commissar, Wang Peng, the leader of the 007th regiment, Du Ying, the leader of the 008th regiment, and Wang Ze, the leader of the 009th regiment;

The independent brigade commander Wang Ping concurrently serves as the first deputy brigade commander Wang Deng, the second deputy brigade commander Guan Zhang, the political commissar Zhang Yuan, the leader of the 010 regiment Wang Ke, the leader of the 011 regiment Zhao Pu, the leader of the 012 regiment Temuzhen, Li Yuan, the leader of the 013th Regiment, Xu Ji, the leader of the 014th Regiment, Liu Ji, the leader of the 015th Regiment, and Zhu Di, the leader of the 016th Regiment.

These are the cadres of the [Mainland People's Army] at the regiment level and above. They all have studied at the [Mainland Army Officer School] for one year and are appointed based on their comprehensive results after the graduation assessment.

As for the battalion, company and platoon-level cadres, they did not participate in this meeting.

Wang Ping presided over the meeting, briefly introduced a few words, and invited Lu Fei to speak.

Lu Fei looked at the generals with relief on his face.

"The reason why we established the People's Army is to let more people live a happy life."

"Before, we didn't have the ability."

"And now that we have all the generals, we will cross the border and go to the wider six countries, so that more people can live the same life as your family."

"Are you willing?"

"I am willing to obey Mr. Lu's orders!"

All the generals from Yue Fei on down stood up and said in unison.

Lu Fei raised his hand to ask the generals to sit down and said: "From now on, you are also generals. You must lead your soldiers and strictly observe military discipline."

"I won't say much else. Commander Yue Fei will make the specific arrangements and set a date for the expedition!"


The generals stood up again and said in unison.

Yue Fei said: "Since our army fought against Zhou Yu's 50,000 Han army in Yuchang a year ago, our army has not fought again."

"Those who have actually fought in the war are veterans of the special agent company."

"But don't be afraid of fighting!"

"At that time, the secret service company only had 72 soldiers, but it still blocked Zhou Yu's 50,000-strong army."

"Now we [Mainland People's Army] have more than 20,000 soldiers, and our weapons and equipment far exceed those of the secret service company at that time."

"Now if we fight again, we will be invincible and conquer every attack!"

After Yue Fei finished speaking, all the generals shouted in unison: "Every battle is invincible and every attack is invincible!"

Yue Fei looked stern and said: "Order!"

The generals immediately stood at attention with their heads held high.

"The 001st Regiment of the 1st Brigade of the 1st Army Division is the vanguard regiment. The troops will enter Hailan City tomorrow, and then march to Haikuo City, Guangdu City, and Tiannan Mansion!"


Zhang Bao, commander of the 1st Division, 1st Brigade and 001st Regiment, loudly received the order.

"The 002nd Regiment of the 1st Brigade of the 1st Army Division will enter Cangwu City three days later and march along Guangfeng, Hui'an and Luocheng. They will meet up with the 1st Regiment in Tiannanfu."


Wang Heng, commander of the 1st Division, 1st Brigade and 002nd Regiment, took the order.

"All officers and soldiers of the 1st and 2nd brigades of the 1st Division will set off ten days later to enter Tiannan Mansion."


First brigade commander Yang Zaixing, deputy brigade commander Xu Da, political commissar Sun Delu, 003 regiment leader Wang Hui; second brigade commander Guo Ziyi, deputy brigade commander Shi Dakai, political commissar Wang Yun, 004 regiment leader Yue Fan, Wang Fei, the leader of the 005th Regiment, and Wang Feng, the leader of the 006th Regiment, all loudly received their orders.

"The rest of the troops [Lucheng] are on standby!"


Generals Zheng He, Marcobo, Zuo Zhongtang, Wang Deng and other generals also loudly received their orders.

"The meeting is dismissed!"

Yue Fei gave an order, and all the generals saluted and walked out of the conference room one after another.

"Mr. Lu, do you think my arrangement is appropriate?"

After the generals left, there were only three people in the conference room, Lu Fei, Wang Ping and Yue Fei. Yue Fei asked.

Lu Fei smiled and said, "You have the final say in military matters!"

Yue Fei nodded and said: "We will capture the seven counties of Tiannan Prefecture with two regiments, and then establish a foothold in Tiannan Prefecture. First, consolidate Tiannan Prefecture's territory."

Lu Fei nodded and said: "Tiannan Prefecture, one state and seven counties, has a population of nearly 38 million, which is enough to serve as a pilot for reform."

Yue Fei said: "Yes!"

"With our current combat power, it will not be difficult to defeat the Han Dynasty, but it is easy to conquer the country, but difficult to sit on it."

"Therefore, we don't have to rush to attack, just take it step by step and take it steadily."

Lu Fei said: "That's great!"

Wang Ping said: "Lao Yue, I didn't go to Tiannan Mansion last time. Why don't you let me lead the troops this time?"

Yue Fei smiled and said, "I want to attack Tiannan Mansion without using your political commissar?"

"Come on, just sit at home and wait for the battle report."

Wang Ping said depressedly: "Don't you just want to go by yourself?"

Yue Fei shook his head and said, "With Yang Zaixing and Guo Ziyi going, why should I join in the fun?"

Wang Ping looked at Yue Fei in disbelief and said in surprise: "You don't go in person?"

Yue Fei said: "A marshal can strategize and win a victory thousands of miles away; a general can attack with all his strength and tenacity."

"As the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, if I have to go to such a small battle in person, then why should I be the commander-in-chief?"

"Just be a general!"

Wang Ping felt ashamed.

Lu Fei was also stunned. He didn't expect that Yue Fei would reach such a state in just one year.

He had to sigh again, Yue Fei is really a military genius, and he is worthy of being a commander in the sky.

Maybe, genius is someone who puts things in the right place.

The three chatted for a while and then dispersed.

On the second day, one division, one brigade and one regiment set off for the expedition. Lu Fei, Yue Fei, Wang Ping, Yang Zaixing, Wang Cheng, Wang Zhi and others saw them off. Tens of thousands of people from [Lucheng] also walked to see them off. The scene was extremely lively.

Yue Fei said in a deep voice: "Zhang Bao, you participated in the battle of Yuchang that day, and the [Eighteen Warriors of Fishchang] died beside you and me. This time you go on an expedition, you should take the lives of soldiers as the highest guarantee." , always bear in mind the dangers of soldiers and be vigilant at all times.”


"Please rest assured, Chief, Zhang Bao will always keep this in mind!"

Zhang Bao said loudly, saluted Lu Fei, Yue Fei and others, got on the military truck, and set off with the Zero and One Regiment.

"Vigorous and high-spirited, crossing the gap between the two borders. Fighting against exploitation and oppression is for the people. Good sons and daughters of the mainland, unite as one. The people's army defeated the feudal ambitious wolf! Vigorous and high-spirited, crossing the gap between the two borders..."

The Zero Zero One soldiers sat in a military truck and loudly sang adapted songs.

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