"Tu tu tu tu..."

"Da da da……"

After the initial panic of the first battalion of soldiers, each company and each platoon quickly organized a counterattack. Intensive gunfire sounded, and soon suppressed the surrounding arrow feathers.




...The Han army's cavalry and archery troops rushed over from all directions, galloping on horseback and shooting arrows with their bows.

After the cavalry shooting, the infantry brigade also charged and shot arrows.

"What's going on, Horse Rider?"

Deputy battalion commander Zhuang Xianxian observed while organizing a counterattack.

"Deputy battalion commander, we are surrounded!"

The first company commander Jin Zishan said while firing back.

"No, we can't let the Han army rush over, and we are no match for melee combat!" Zhuang Xian said.

"What should we do?" Jin Zishan asked.

"Break out!"

"Break out immediately!"

Zhuang Xian said.

"Captain Zhuang, you lead the battalion commander to the rear to break out, I will stay to attract the Han army." Jin Zishan said.


"Be careful and make sure you get out alive!"

"I broke out, distanced myself from the Han army, and immediately came back to respond!"

Zhuang Xian said this and immediately shouted: "Second Company, Third Company, follow me!"

"Tu tu tu tu..."

"Tu tu tu tu..."

Zhuang Xian led two companies to break out toward the mainland entrance.

The powerful firepower quickly opened a hole, and Zhuang Xian led the second and third companies to quickly break out of the Han army's encirclement.

Jin Zishan led a company of soldiers, relying on the original houses in Wangjiacun, to start a street battle with the Han army. Although the Han army was large in number, there was nothing they could do for a while.

Under the powerful firepower, it was impossible to get close.

Bows and arrows cannot penetrate the strong wall even if it is shot at it.

The soldiers of the company finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Liao attacked fiercely for a while and lost many men and horses. He also knew that it would be impossible to continue fighting like this.

He looked around and suddenly shouted: "Come here!"


A group of soldiers stepped forward bravely, and Zhang Liao said: "Take 100 brothers to chop down trees and attack with fire!"


The soldiers immediately separated a group of men and horses to chop down the trees.

The trees were cut down quickly, and a soldier said: "General, even if we light a fire, we can't burn them, they are too far away!"

Zhang Liao said: "It doesn't matter, just put these trees on their way and let me burn the fire brightly. Those who break out will definitely fight back."

"Let's use the wall of fire to stop it for a while."


Thousands of soldiers immediately went to set up a wall of fire.

"My sons, please light your bows and arrows and shoot again!"

Zhang Liao shouted loudly.


The houses in Wangjia Village were all built of wooden houses, with rows of straw boards serving as tiles on the roofs. When bows and arrows hit the wooden boards and straw boards, all the houses immediately caught fire.

"Company commander, the Han army is setting fire!"

A soldier shouted anxiously.


Jin Zishan was also furious. He thought he could hold on for a while with the help of his house, but the generals commanding the Han army were too ruthless and very good at seizing opportunities.

"Fight it out!"

If he continued to stay in the house, he would be burned alive, so Jin Yishuan ordered to be beaten out.

After Zhuang Xian broke through, he gathered his troops and counted the number of soldiers. More than a dozen soldiers died.

Before the soldiers had time to grieve, they saw that Wangjia Village was already in flames.


"Operator, send a message to the regiment leader!"

"Zhang Ding, you lead the Second Company to attack from the left. You must bring Jin Zishan and the others out."


The second company commander Zhang Ding immediately led the soldiers to death and moved towards Wangjiacun from the left.

"Others, follow me and charge back!"

Zhuang Xian shouted, turned back with three consecutive attacks and killed again.

Zhang Liao was indeed eclectic in his use of troops, both strategic and bold. He had long expected that Zhuang Xian would lead a counterattack, so he used a wall of fire as a barrier and arranged an ambush for reinforcements.

The two sides fought fiercely again.

Fortunately, Zhuang Xian divided his troops into two groups, otherwise he would have been surrounded again.

However, under the attack of Zhuang Xian and Zhang Ding, the Han army who came for reinforcements was quickly defeated, leaving corpses on the ground.

"General Zhang, we can't continue to fight like this!"

"After the enemy reacted, the organized attack was simply not something we could resist."

The general Wu Shuang retreated from the reinforcement position and immediately said after seeing Zhang Liao.

Zhang Liao nodded and said: "This battle is not about annihilating many enemies, but about testing the enemy's combat power."

"Now it seems that although the enemy is powerful, it is not invincible."

"Now that our goal has been achieved, let's withdraw!"

Wu Shuang was overjoyed. He was really afraid that Zhang Liao would keep fighting.

Now that he heard the order to retreat, Wu Shuang immediately sent the order. The Han army gave up the attack on Wangjia Village and retreated like a tide, quickly disappearing into the mountains and forests.

Zhuang Xian noticed that the opponent's general was very good at using troops and was worried that he would be surrounded by the Han army again if he continued the pursuit, so he did not order the pursuit.

When I saw Jin Yishuan again, there were only more than sixty people left in the company, and many of them were injured.

More than half were lost in a row.

With tears in his eyes, Jin Zishan choked and said, "Deputy Battalion Commander Zhuang, you fought this battle so cowardly."

"Commander Yue led dozens of agents from his company to fight against Zhou Yu's 50,000 men for three days, but only eighteen comrades were sacrificed. We only fought for about an hour and sacrificed more than a hundred comrades. Zhang Tuan I'm afraid he will kill us."

Zhuang Xian sighed and said: "Don't worry about it for now. Now hurry up and treat the wounded, take good defense, and be careful of another attack by the Han army."

Jin Zishan nodded and asked anxiously: "How is the battalion commander's injury?"

Zhuang Xian shook his head and said with tears: "When we broke out, the battalion commander died because he didn't persevere."


Jin Yishu grabbed the hat and threw it to the ground.

Zhuang Xian said: "Sooner or later this revenge will be avenged!"

Jin Zishan said: "I captured the prisoners. The general leading the Han army is called Zhang Liao."

"His grandma's name. This man was not famous before. It is said that even Ling Chong fled back to Hailan City, and he led 10,000 Han troops to cause trouble."

Zhuang Xian said: "It's good to get the information, otherwise it would be really unfair if we lose the battle and still don't know who the enemy is."

The two said a few more words and then went about their business.

Besides, after Zhang Bao received the telegram, his hands trembled and he immediately ordered the whole group to speed up and rush towards Wangjiacun.

The second battalion commander Xiang Ying asked: "Captain, what's wrong?"

Zhang Bao's face was as dark as water and he said: "The first battalion was ambushed in Wangjiacun, and Wang Yue died!"


"The old squad leader died?"

Wang Xiaoer was shocked. Although he usually quarreled with Wang Yue, he actually respected Wang Yue very much. He even called Wang Yue the old squad leader in private.

"Captain, I will lead a quick march to get there first."

Wang Xiaoer wiped away his tears and said.

Zhang Bao said: "No need, the Han army has withdrawn, we just need to speed up."

The news of Wang Yue's sacrifice spread in the second and third battalions. All the soldiers were grieved and hurried on with all their strength.

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