More and more people were watching, and they all looked ready to watch the show.

Among the people who watched for a while, some looked down on Chen Yiqun even more and said, "Who is he? He doesn't dare to do it himself but forces others to do it. Is he still a man?"

"She looks like a man, but she definitely has no eggs!"

"The eggs are there, but they're useless!"

"Haha... I think you are too damaged! You see, it is not easy for others. I can bear this kind of anger... No matter what you do, I am convinced!"

"He is really capable of making women kneel down!"

"You guys came late and you don't know. I came early and I heard him say with my own ears that he was a dog! Dog, you know what a dog is, right? It's a beast, it's inhumane!"

"No wonder it's not possible. Brother, I will understand when you say this, haha..."

"You bitch bullies others with your strength!"

"Young man, if this bitch dares to insult your girlfriend, he will be beaten. Just do what I said first and kick his ass!"

"Who's talking about you? You fat man with small eyes, are you still going to help others do evil?"

"It seems they are not good people, they are all the same!"

"Which current boss doesn't use his beautiful employees to exchange money? Bah, what kind of world is this!"

The crowd was furious, and people who didn't know the truth thought that Chen Yiqun and Gao Dashang had molested Lu Fei's girlfriend.

After all, Chen Yiqun and Gao Dashang were both wearing famous brands, while Lu Fei was wearing ordinary clothes and was guarding the outstandingly beautiful Luo Ru.

Inertial thinking, everyone onlookers think so.

The common people hate this kind of thing where the rich bully the poor, men bully women.

Chen Yiqun and Gao Dashang were scolded bloody.

Lu Fei's eyes flashed with fierceness, Chen Yiqun dared to ask Luo Ru to kneel down.

It is unbearable!

I saw him grabbing Chen Yiqun's chest and slapped Chen Yiqun twice in the face, causing Chen Yiqun's nose to bleed.

If he hadn't grabbed Chen Yiqun's shirt, Chen Yiqun would have been knocked to the ground with these two slaps.

"You really dare to hit someone?"

Gao Dashang was shocked. He had long been worried that Lu Fei would get angry and hit someone. Unexpectedly, his worry came true. He shouted: "If you hit someone again, I will call the police!"

Lu Fei raised his hand and slapped Chen Yiqun twice.

"Call the police? You call the police!"

After the fight, Lu Fei let go of Chen Yiqun, turned around and walked towards Gao Dashang, looked at him closely, and said nonchalantly.

"Don't come here!"

Gao Dashang backed away continuously and shouted in panic.

Lu Fei didn't move forward, and stood about one meter away from Gao Dashang, "Didn't you say you called the police? You called the police!"

Li Mingxia walked over and said, "Sir, I'm older than you, so it's not an exaggeration to call you little brother."

He took Lu Fei's hand and continued: "Little brother, forget it, don't make a big deal out of it."

Luo Ru also came over and said, "Xiao Fei, forget it, don't make the matter a big deal."

She really didn't expect that Lu Fei would really dare to hit someone, and he would do it so neatly.

Lu Fei chuckled. He had already taught Chen Yiqun a lesson and had no intention of continuing. He said: "Since you all said so, forget it!"

Unexpectedly, Chen Yiqun refused to give up. He covered his nosebleed face and said bitterly: "You said forget it? Who do you think you are?"

Lu Fei said happily, "What else do you want?"

Chen Yiqun said: "I admit defeat this time, but I will not give up. Unless you kill me now, I will make you pay for today's behavior!"

"Really? I'll wait!"

Lu Fei didn't take it seriously.

After Chen Yiqun finished speaking, he was about to leave, and suddenly said to Gao Dashang: "Gao Dashang, you asked me to come here today. I will wait for you to give me an explanation when I get back."

After a pause, he gritted his teeth and said, "Especially some blind employees, I don't want to see them again."

Gao Dashang nodded while he was busy: "Definitely, definitely!"

Lu Fei chuckled and said, "Chen Yiqun, right? You really don't want to give up!"

"In this case, I will call you despair!"

"I tell you clearly that my cousin has decided to resign from Grant Company. Your threats are useless!"


Gao Dashang was shocked. He didn't listen at all to what Lu Fei said next, only a resentment in his heart soared into the sky.

"Mad, you two are cousins, how can I be so jealous?"

Gao Dashang felt extremely regretful. If he had known this was the case, he would have entertained Lu Fei well. The iceberg beauty cannot be loosened for the time being, but she can still save the country by learning skills from her cousin!

If you deal with your brother-in-law first, you will be a big step closer to holding a beautiful woman!

His eyes when he looked at Luo Ru were full of sorrow. When your cousin comes, tell me. Tell me directly!

This boring loss is really a bit big.

Now it's cool, the big client is offended, and the woman he likes is going to resign.

Gao DaShang is almost ready to die.

Lu Fei didn't pay attention to Gao Dashang's expression and continued to say to Chen Yiqun: "Let me tell you, my cousin resigned and she has a better career. And you, just wait and pack up the square box and get out!"


Chen Yiqun, who was about to leave, came back and almost laughed, "You want me to get out?"


Lu Fei said firmly.

"Haha..." Chen Yiqun laughed angrily, "If you use force, I am indeed no match for a barbarian like you! But if you want to touch me, you are not qualified!"

"Really?" Lu Fei asked.

Chen Yiqun said: "You can't even get in where I work. Although there is no sign on the door that beggars and dogs are not allowed, my territory is really not open to anyone who wants to!"

"I'm telling you, don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you have a lot of brute force."

"The world advocates fairness, but the so-called fairness is divided into classes."

"The fairness you want is only within your class!"

"And the level I am in is beyond your reach!"

After venting his anger, Chen Yiqun wiped the blood on his face, straightened his clothes that were messed up by Lu Fei, and tightened his tie. Then he stood upright and proud, as if he had regained his aloof aura at this moment.

Lu Fei rolled his eyes at him, took out his mobile phone in a hurry, walked a few steps to a place with few people, and made a call.

"Brother Hao..."

Chen Yiqun did not hear the content of Lu Fei's call clearly because Lu Fei spoke in a low voice and the call was short.


Chen Yiqun felt contempt in his heart, who do you think you are? A few words on the phone can make you pack up and leave?

I'm afraid you don't even know where I am working!


Seeing Lu Fei come back, Chen Yiqun asked deliberately.


Lu Fei nodded and said: "Go away, go back to your office to pack your things, and then go home!"


Chen Yiqun just thought Lu Fei was telling a joke.

However, his cell phone suddenly rang.

The general manager’s number!

Chen Yiqun was immediately shocked and had a bad premonition in his heart.

Could it be that this guy’s previous call was to the general manager?

Otherwise, how could the general manager call him at exactly this time?

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