Mo Qianji thought for a while and said, "I'll call you the day after tomorrow."

With that said, he waddled away, waving as he walked, "Now everyone goes back to their homes and finds their own mothers!"

Lu Fei did not chase after him and said loudly: "Do you know my phone number?"

Mo Qianji, who had already walked dozens of steps, froze, turned around and staggered back, "You are such a person. You want me to call you, and you didn't even tell me your phone number!"

Lu Fei smiled secretly, you didn't ask.

Said: "What's your mobile phone number? I'll call you."

Mo Qianji said: "The mobile phone is in arrears and has been stopped."

Lu Fei said: "Then take it out and save my number."

Mo Qianji said: "I didn't bring it!"

Lu Fei said: "What's your number? I'll keep it, and I'll pay your phone bill later."

"Forgot, can't remember!"

Lu Fei couldn't help but wonder, did Mo Qianji have a mobile phone?

He said helplessly: "Then you follow me back to the hotel. I'll ask the waiter for paper and pen, and I'll write you my number."

Mo Qianji said: "No need to bother, just say it once and I will remember it."

Lu Fei was speechless. A person who couldn't even remember his own mobile phone number could remember other people's mobile phone numbers when he was half drunk?

He didn't believe it anyway.

But after being in contact with Mo Qianji, he also knew that it would be very slow to change Mo Qianji's mind. Unless you follow him, the more stubborn you are, the more counterproductive it will be.

"Just pretend you haven't met him!"

Lu Fei thought to himself and immediately gave his mobile phone number.

Mo Qianji nodded, as if he really remembered it. Then he stood upright, bent at ninety degrees, bowed to Lu Fei, stood up, said "Goodbye!" and left without looking back.

The night breeze is cool.

Lu Fei looked at the intersection where Mo Qianji disappeared and couldn't help but grin.

It was really interesting today, meeting such a wonderful person like Mo Qianji. Thinking about it, he turned around and walked towards the hotel.

There was nothing to say all night. When he got up early the next morning, Lu Fei received a call from his father, Lu Dayou, urging him to meet Hai Yu.

Lu Fei agreed, but sat on the sofa feeling worried.

It’s impossible not to go, but what to do if you go to avoid future troubles.

Even though he had lived in two lifetimes, he couldn't think of a good solution for a while. We can only grit our teeth and follow the principle of soldiers coming to cover up the water and the earth, and go ahead first.

With the decision made, Lu Fei called Hai Yu.

"Who are you?"

The phone was connected and Hai Yu's soft voice came.

Lu Fei felt nervous, feeling that Hai Yu was not in good condition, and it seemed that he made the call at the wrong time.

However, since the fight had already begun, he could only bite the bullet and said: "Hello Haiyu, I am Lu Fei."

"Lu... Fei?"

Haiyu's voice trembled and he paused, obviously very excited.

Lu Fei said: "I'm here in Jiangcheng. Father wants me to come and see you."

He specifically said that his father asked him to meet Haiyu. Although he felt that it was not good to say this, he still chose to say it.

Haiyu asked, "Uncle and auntie, are they okay?" His voice was full of concern, and he seemed to have ignored what Lu Fei meant. Instead, he thought it was because Lu Fei's father and mother were concerned about her.

Lu Fei said: "They are okay, they have gone to Tianjing now."

Hai Yu said: "Well, it's time for uncle and aunt to go and relax. Aaron... No, Lu Fei, you did a good job."

Lu Fei said: "Let's arrange a place to meet."

Haiyu thought for a while and said: "Forget it, I haven't gone out recently and I don't want to go out. You should come to my house!"

According to Lu Fei's opinion, it would be better to ask Hai Yu to meet outside, but Hai Yu didn't want to come out, so he had to agree.

After hanging up the phone, Haiyu sent Lu Fei a location.

The wind rustles and the water becomes cold, and the strong man is gone never to return.

Lu Fei drove there, feeling quite sad.

More than forty minutes later, he arrived at Hai Yufa's location.

This is a high-end villa area. There is a dedicated entrance passage of about 300 meters that only leads to this community. It isolates the hustle and bustle of the city and makes you feel like you are back in the nature of the countryside.

Lu Fei couldn't help but admire the courage of the original developer.

The three-hundred-meter passage means a very large area of ​​land is used as a green belt.

Such a design cannot be done without a lot of effort.

Of course, the side effect of this is definitely high housing prices.

It is said that the housing price of this community reaches a terrifying 1.2 million square meters.

The average real estate sales price in Jiangcheng is only about 400,000 per square meter.

It is three times more than the average house price.

The community is very large, all are single-family villas, with greenery and landscapes between the villas. Under the generosity of top design masters, only one villa can be seen in an area.

It gives every resident here the feeling that they own the whole world.

There is a style of being overwhelmed by the high place, but there is no such loneliness and loss. Instead, he is full of glory and dignity, as if he alone accepts everyone's envy and worship.

When the two met, Lu Fei was carrying tea and fruits in his hands.

Haiyu is wearing a blue dress, as blue as the sea water. She is really like a fish swimming leisurely in the waves, so watery and comfortable.

There is a smile on her face.

There were tears in her eyes.

Maybe, there are surprises, confusions and sadness in the smiles and tears, which makes people want to feel sorry for her, hug her, block the wind and rain for her, block all the hurt and pain, and give her the warmest embrace. .

Lu Fei was slightly absent-minded, "Long time no see!"

In fact, it wasn't long, just a few days.

Haiyu said: "Come in, I'm at home alone."

Lu Fei breathed a sigh of relief. He was actually quite worried that Hai Boyong was at home. It's not fear, it's just an inexplicable, weird feeling.

Take a seat, serve tea, and put fruits on the table.

Just like everyone's most basic reception process after guests come to their home, Haiyu completed this silently.

Then the atmosphere became awkward.

Relatively speechless.

Haiyu didn't know what to say.

Lu Fei didn't know what to say.

Originally, the two of them didn't have much interaction and didn't understand each other. It can be said that apart from the identity of the other party, they know nothing about each other.

One minute……

Two minutes...

five minutes……

ten minutes……

twenty minutes……

Time passed by, and the room became eerily quiet. The two living people were like two puppets.

"It's not good to stay at home all the time. It's better to go out for more walks!"

Finally, Lu Fei spoke first and broke the silence.


Haiyu responded naturally, as well-behaved as an obedient little girl.

But Lu Fei knew that maybe after he left, Haiyu would still be the same as before, staying in the house and not going out.

Lu Fei looked at Hai Yu, who had become as thin as Sister Lin, thinking that he had said before his brother's grave that he would protect Hai Yu. Seeing her sinking like this, he would feel uneasy if he didn't do something.

But what can be done?

Lu Fei was briefly confused.

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