Lu Fei suddenly felt tired.

Dealing with Mo Qianji was exhausting.

That guy doesn't play by the rules at all, he can't figure out his tricks, and he's looking for trouble if he's not careful.

"Then let's go to Bazhou tomorrow!"

"I'll drive. It's more than 600 kilometers and I can get there in three hours!"

Lu Fei rolled his eyes, you thought the road to Bazhou was a highway!

That is half of the winding mountain road, and it is not an ordinary winding mountain road. In some places, it is a road built on a cliff, commonly known as a "wall-hanging road!"

It only takes three hours, ten hours is normal!

Besides, you dare to drive, but I don’t dare to sit!

There is no way Lu Fei would take Mo Qianji to Bazhou. He said: "I can't go back yet. I still have a lot of things to do in Jiangzhou, and it will take several days to finish them."

"Can't you go back first and do it later?" Mo Qianji said almost pleadingly.

"No!" Lu Fei replied decisively.

"Then you call someone to bring some over!"

After a while, Mo Qianji gave Lu Fei an idea.

"I happened across those apples in the deep mountains and forests. Only that family has them!"

"That place is not accessible for kilometers, and we have to walk dozens of miles of mountain roads."

"There are many twists and turns, and I can't even tell the way."

"No one can find that place but me."

"How can I find someone to take me?"

Lu Fei said nonsense seriously.

"Okay! When you finish your work, I will go with you!" Mo Qianji said helplessly.

"Okay, let's wait until I'm done!"

Lu Fei breathed a sigh of relief and finally gave up on Mo Qianji's desire to go to Bazhou with him.

"Brother Lu, please stop teasing Brother Mo. He is good at everything except being serious!"

Niu Niu said suddenly.

Lu Fei almost fell off his stool. Is this the case for a husband and wife who work together to achieve their goals?

I finally got rid of Mo Qianji's thoughts. Just one word from you will destroy all my hard work, okay?

He had to re-examine Niu Niu. This girl who looked weak and disfigured actually had a delicate and clear heart.

She almost never intervened, but looked on with a cold eye, and she had a clear insight into the relationship between herself and Mo Qianji.

Mo Qianji looked at Niu Niu, then at Lu Fei, and quickly reacted. "Lu Fei, you are playing with me!"

Lu Fei refused to admit his guilt, why should I play with you?

Mo Qianji was speechless.

He knew clearly that Lu Fei was deceiving him by making up a story, but what could he say?

"alright, you win!"

"Don't you just miss my amphibious vehicle?"


"As long as you can keep providing Niu Niu with those apples and pears, that amphibious vehicle will be yours!"

Mo Qianji looked pained, but he didn't hesitate.

"Brother Mo..."

Niu Niu was stunned. She didn't expect that Mo Qianji would have to pay such a huge price in exchange for a few apples and pears!

She originally thought that Lu Fei would ask Mo Qianji for help for something.

In her heart, Mo Qianji was a genius, and many high-tech things became child's play in his hands.

She knew that Mo Qianji not only spent three years studying amphibious vehicles, but also ran away from home.

It can be said that amphibious vehicles are the lifeblood of Mo Qianji.

At this time, Mo Qianji gave up his amphibious vehicle without hesitation in exchange for a few apples and pears.

Touched, happy, eyes full of tears.

Heartbroken and sad, the tears in my eyes collapsed and turned into tears.

"Brother Mo, no!"

Niu Niu said bitterly.

Mo Qianji held Niu Niu's face with both hands, gently wiped away her tears, and said, "Do you know? I have two dreams!"

"One dream is to build the best car in the world!"

"And you being healthy, happy and happy is another dream of mine!"

Niu Niu cries so much that the pear blossoms bring rain.

"Brother Lu, please don't steal Brother Mo's amphibious vehicle, okay?"

"Niu Niu doesn't want your apples and pears!"

"Brother Mo has two dreams, but I only have one wish."

"My only wish is that Brother Mo can realize his dream!"

Lu Fei suddenly felt that he was a bad person, a particularly bad person.

He stole a young man's dream and shattered a young girl's wish.

Isn't this a bad person?

He felt that when Mo Qianji said "you win", he had already lost!

A complete loss and a comeback will never be possible.

Lu Fei left without saying anything and left quietly.

Stepping on his own shadow, he seemed to be kicking himself hard.

"I'm not as good as you!"

Lu Fei felt sincere admiration in his heart.

He couldn't help but quicken his pace, letting the evening wind ruffle his hair.

Lu Fei returned to the hotel and did nothing. He turned off the lights and went to sleep.

The next morning, he came to Mo Qianji's warehouse.

Mo Qianji actually opened the door early in the morning and was tinkering alone in the warehouse.

Lu Fei stood aside quietly and watched. He saw Mo Qianji looking attentively and skillfully as he was modifying the engine.

"You came!"

More than two hours later, when Mo Qianji was resting, he finally discovered Lu Fei.

Lu Fei said: "I came early. I saw you were busy, so I didn't bother you."

"In two days, I can modify the engine in two days at most!" Mo Qianji said with certainty.

"Don't be in a hurry, just take your time!" Lu Fei said.

"It's your thing anyway, you can get it done anytime!"

Lu Fei added, then pointed to a few bags of fruit on the ground and said, "I brought the apples and pears you asked for, as well as some other fruits, which are the same as the apples and pears before."

"After you finish eating, you can go to Warehouse No. 1786 of Jiangcheng Logistics Park to buy some."

"Or you can call Luo Ru and ask her to deliver it to you."

"I wrote the phone number on a piece of paper and put it in the fruit bag."

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he turned around and walked out.


Mo Qianji shouted loudly.

Lu Fei stopped, without looking back, and said, "Is there anything else?"

Mo Qianji said: "You think I will take your things for nothing. Am I, Mo Qianji, that kind of person?"

Lu Fei was shocked, yes, how could I forget Mo Qianji's temper!

"Can't you change your bad temper?" Lu Fei turned around and said to Mo Qianji.

Mo Qianji said: "I can't change it, why don't you change it!"

Lu Fei said: "Actually, I have a pretty good temper!"

Mo Qianji rolled his eyes, "Actually, you are just like me, the eldest brother, not to mention the second brother, both of them are pretty much the same!"

Lu Fei smiled, Mo Qianji was quite cute sometimes.

Maybe, using cute to describe an adult man is not a good word, and may even be a bit offensive.

But Lu Fei really felt that only the word "cute" was the most suitable to describe Mo Qianji, and it didn't mean any offense at all.

Mo Qianji said: "Actually, you're not bad, and I'm too lazy to argue with you. Just wait for me for two days, and I'll fix the engine, and then you can drive away."

Lu Fei said: "The amphibious vehicle is your dream, I can't have it!"

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