Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 58 100 Billion Investment?

Hearing that Lu Fei had an idea, Tang Zhiguo became interested and said, "If you have anything that should be said or not, just say it if you have an idea!"

Lu Feidao: "Bazhou County is rich in tea resources. No matter how the Lingcha project ends up, the tea industry can be developed in Bazhou."

Tang Zhiguo frowned slightly.

He originally thought that Lu Fei had some substantive suggestions, but he didn't know that what he said was just general talk.

Bazhou County itself is vigorously developing the tea industry, which is an established fact.

Lu Fei ignored Tang Zhiguo's reaction and continued: "I want to develop a tea garden in Longshou Mountain."

Tang Zhiguo looked at Lu Fei and said, "Longshou Mountain is too close to the county seat, so developing tea gardens does not seem to be the best choice."

Lu Fei smiled and said: "County Magistrate Tang, by the end of this year, the expressway from Jiangcheng to Bazhou will be opened to traffic!"

Tang Zhiguo was stunned. He was obviously talking about the development of tea gardens, but why did he get involved in the opening of the expressway? The young man's thinking was really too fast.

However, he still said: "Although the official has not officially announced the opening time of the Jiangba Expressway, according to the progress of the project, there should be no problem in opening it to traffic by the end of the year."

Lu Feidao: "A very important factor that restricts the rapid economic development of Bazhou is transportation. Once the Jiangba Expressway is opened to traffic, Bazhou will usher in opportunities for rapid development. By then, various investments and people flow will increase significantly."

Tang Zhiguo nodded secretly, but he didn't expect that Lu Fei's sense of smell was still very keen.

But what does this have to do with the development of tea cultivation in Longshou Mountain?

Tang Zhiguo was a little confused.

Lu Fei said: "Longshou Mountain has beautiful scenery, good ecology, and is only a few kilometers away from the county seat."

"I want to combine tea gardens and tourism to create an industrial integration integrating tourism, tea planting, tea production, tea culture, and Bazhou folk culture."

“I wonder if the county will support it?”

Tang Zhiguo's eyes lit up, and his evaluation of Lu Fei couldn't help but be higher.

However, the geographical location of Longshou Mountain is too close to the county seat, and the development plan for the new urban area of ​​the county seat has not yet been finalized. Tang Zhiguo had to pay attention to the development positioning of Longshou Mountain, so he did not express his position immediately.

When Lu Fei saw that Tang Zhiguo was silent, he said, "If the Longshou Mountain development project is approved, a conservative investment of 100 billion yuan will be made!"

"One hundred billion!"

Tang Zhiguo stood up in excitement and looked at Lu Fei blankly.

Even though he was the head of a county, with a population of more than 300,000 under his control, the investment of 100 billion still made him a little out of control.

Bazhou's annual fiscal revenue is only a little less than 500 million.

One hundred billion is nothing less than an astronomical figure!

But does Lu Fei have 100 billion to invest in Bazhou?

Tang Zhiguo shook his head secretly. He had investigated Lu Fei's details and knew that Lu Fei would never spend 100 billion.

An investment of 100 billion is just a joke.

Lu Fei seemed to understand Tang Zhiguo's thoughts and said calmly: "This 100 billion is a joint investment by Jiahao Group and me."

Lu Fei had no choice but to use Chen Jiahao as a banner.

After all, he has no credibility now.

In his previous life, he was a member of the system and was well aware of the impact of credibility on government officials' investment decisions.

Tang Zhiguo's dim eyes shone with light again, as if he saw hope.

Regardless of whether Lu Fei has 100 billion, Jiahao Group does.

If Jiahao Group comes to invest, then there is still hope for this matter.

However, he really couldn't figure out what exactly the Jiahao Group was going to do?

That nonsense that Lu Fei mentioned before requires 100 billion investment?

This is still unreliable!

Tang Zhiguo, who studied economics and management, judged this way.

"If the project can be approved, I can first place a deposit of 100 million in the county finance account."

Lu Fei once again threw a big punch.

After learning from Tang Zhiguo that Datang Fruit Industry had sold more than 230 million yuan in four days, Lu Fei had something in his mind.

The 230 million yuan was accounted for at 60%, and he recorded at least 138 million yuan in the account. Even if he gave the Bazhou County finance a 100 million yuan deposit, it would not be short of money.

"Are you telling the truth?"

Tang Zhiguo was a little excited.

Leaders are most afraid of those businessmen who talk big talk but actually have nothing to lose.

But Lu Fei was obviously different. He said he would give a deposit of 100 million.

Anyone who dares to pay a deposit is doing the truth.

"Okay, I understand what Mr. Lu means. The county will hold a special meeting to study it and give Mr. Lu a reply in a few days."

Tang Zhiguo did not stick to his words.

Lu Fei was not in a hurry and said, "I'll wait for the results of the county's research."

After that, he said goodbye and left.

Lu Fei first went to the car to get a bag of fruit and a bag of tea, and then went to Su Yan's office.


Su Yan raised the two bags she took in her hand and said.

Lu Fei said: "Director Su is too polite, but I should still thank you!"

Su Yan pursed her lips and smiled, "Hey, now you call me Director Su again, not sister?"

Lu Fei smiled awkwardly, "Isn't this in the office?"

"Tch..." Su Yan curled her lips, "There's no one here!"

Lu Fei touched his nose.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore!" Su Yan smiled and asked, "The Tang Fruit Industry that you and Chen Jiahao cooperated with is doing well. It has sold more than 230 million in a few days!"

Lu Fei smiled bitterly. Both Tang Zhiguo and Su Yan knew the sales volume of Datang Fruit Industry, but he, the boss, was the only one who didn't know.

Said: "It's all thanks to Chen Jiahao, I didn't do anything."

Su Yan smiled and said: "I know you own 60% of the shares and are worth over 100 million!"

Lu Fei smiled, one hundred million was not his small goal.

Su Yan said: "We have already made hundreds of millions. Are you still doing this small business of our unit?"

Lu Fei smiled and said: "Do it, you are a bastard who doesn't make money if you have money!"

Su Yan handed over a list and said with a smile: "I thought you didn't want to do it. Now that you do, just take it!"

Lu Fei took it and saw that it was a purchase order for Linglong Qingxin tea and Lingguo, and the quantity was not small. Linglong Qingxin tea cost one hundred catties and Lingguo two hundred catties.

The price noted at the back of the order is the same as the price sold to Chen Jiahao.

One hundred kilograms of Linglong Qingxin tea costs 5,000 yuan per kilogram, which is 500,000 yuan. The spiritual fruit costs 200 yuan per kilogram and costs 40,000 yuan. The total price is 540,000 yuan.

The amount of this purchase order has exceeded the total amount of business he had done at the county government reception office in a year.

Lu Fei couldn't help but be slightly startled.

Su Yan said: "This was ordered by County Magistrate Tang himself. From now on, the special tea for receptions in the county will be for Linglong, and the Linglong fruit will be for condolences to retired veteran cadres."

Lu Fei said: "Then I will deliver the items on the list first!"

Su Yan said: "Okay, I know you are busy, so I sent it quickly. Go to your Jiangcheng!"

"As you command!"

Lu Fei pretended to salute, turned around and walked outside.

Back in the car, Lu Fei shook his head and said, "Trouble!"

I called Wang Santong and then drove back to Feilong Trading Company.

He had no choice but to load one hundred kilograms of tea and two hundred kilograms of fruit into his Daowei W600, so he could only ask Uncle Wang for help and use his pickup truck to deliver it from the store to the reception office.

When Lu Fei's car arrived near Feilong Trading Company, he saw a familiar figure standing at the door of the store. He couldn't help but frown: "Why is she here?"

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