Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 66 He’S Here Again

Lu Fei said helplessly: "I am indeed Lu Fei!"

He really didn't expect that everyone in the entire sales center of Jiahao Century Garden knew his name.

Ma Yili apologized hastily: "Mr. Lu, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I really recognized the wrong person. I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

"What? Ma Yili, did you offend Mr. Lu?"

At this moment, a beautiful figure walked over. He was startled at first and glared at Ma Yili fiercely. .

Then he said to Lu Fei: "Mr. Lu, I am Zuo Qingqing. I apologize to Mr. Lu for my subordinate's lack of courtesy."

"I will fire Ma Yili, the real estate consultant who offended you. I wonder if Mr. Lu is satisfied?"

Ma Yili's face suddenly changed, "I..."

Other real estate consultants also looked at Ma Yili sympathetically and were helpless. Who made her offend the distinguished guest who the chairman of the group specially asked to receive the highest courtesy?

Lu Fei raised his eyes and looked at Zuo Qingqing, his eyes lit up. She was a beautiful woman whose appearance and figure were not inferior to Gao Weiwei's.

I don’t know where Chen Jiahao got so many beauties? (♡˙︶˙♡)

Lu Fei cursed in his heart.

He converged his gaze, smiled slightly, and said, "Miss Zuo is serious. Miss Ma did not offend me. On the contrary, I am very happy to meet her. Please don't punish her, otherwise who will introduce the house to me?"

Ma Yili's heart trembled, her beautiful eyes were filled with mist, and she bit her red lips lightly.

The other real estate consultants were stunned for a moment. Their expressions of sympathy before suddenly turned into envy and disappointment.

"Damn receptionist rotation, why isn't it my turn?" -//(ǒ.ǒ)//-

"It would be great if it was my turn, because he is the brother of the chairman of the group!"

"Oh, I missed the opportunity. I wonder when I will meet such a noble person again?"

"The key is that he is so young!"

All the beautiful real estate consultants who looked as good as celebrities looked at Lu Fei like a nymphomaniac, with waves of eyes and peach blossoms one after another.

Zuo Qingqing smiled and said, "Mr. Lu said so, there must be no problem."

"Yili, stay with Mr. Lu well and meet all his requirements!"

"Okay, Mr. Zuo!" Ma Yili also restored her smile, "Mr. Lu, please come here, I will take you to the VIP room!"

"Don't you want to see the sand table?" Lu Fei asked doubtfully.

Ma Yili said: "The VIP room also has a sand table. Only one VIP can be received at a time, so no one will be disturbed!"

The two entered the VIP room. Lu Fei quickly selected a four-bedroom, three-living room with river view on the top floor of Building No. 7 in Area D. It covers an area of ​​280 square meters and comes with a free rooftop garden. The whole house is luxuriously decorated. You can move in with your bags. The price is 600,000 yuan per square meter.

The total house price is 168 million.

Lu Fei was speechless, no wonder Chen Jiahao suddenly gave himself 500 million. (ㆆᴗㆆ)

Lu Fei readily signed the contract and paid.

"Ding dong!"

Lu Fei quickly checked the bank's SMS reminder, picked up his phone and looked at it, and couldn't help but be slightly startled.

"Ms. Ma, is the amount swiped by the card wrong?" Lu Fei asked.

Ma Yili said: "Mr. Lu, you can't be wrong. The chairman will give you a 40% discount on the house price, and then erase the change."

"The total house price is 168 million, and the 40% discount is 108,000,000 yuan. After excluding 800,000 yuan, it is exactly 100 million Tang coins."

Lu Fei nodded. Since Chen Jiahao had already explained it, he would say nothing more.

After applying for the real estate certificate and collecting the keys, Lu Fei left the sales center and Ma Yili saw him off.

"Mr. Lu, thank you so much today. If it weren't for you, I might be unemployed!"

Lu Fei waved his hand, "You're welcome, Miss Ma. It was me who caused you trouble."

Ma Yili's face turned slightly red and she said, "Mr. Lu, please don't call me Miss Ma. Just call me Yili or Xiaoli!"

"Okay, bye, Miss Ma!" (^y^)

After Lu Fei finished speaking, he strode away.

Ma Yili looked at the retreating figure infatuatedly, feeling bitter in her heart.

Back at the sales center, colleagues gathered around me one by one.

"Oh my god, it's 60% off. Jiahao Century Garden has never sold a house at 40% off!"

"Yeah, sixty-eight million less!"

"Yili, quickly, give me Mr. Lu's mobile phone number!"

"I want it too, V-letter is fine too!"

Of course, Lu Fei didn't know that he had become the diamond king in the hearts of many beauties in the Jiahao Century Garden Sales Center. At this time, he was already making purchases at major restaurants in Jiangcheng.

"How much does braised pork cost per pound?"

"Sixty-one pounds."

"Okay, here's a thousand kilograms, and they will be delivered to warehouse No. 1786, Jiangcheng Logistics Park, before seven o'clock tomorrow evening."

"How much does braised beef cost per pound?"

"Ninety yuan a pound."

"Okay, I'll give you a thousand pounds too. Tomorrow at seven o'clock..."

"Roast Duck……"

"Roasted Lamb……"

“Spicy chicken…”



After spending more than 20 million, Lu Fei came to Dajiang Lobster again.

"Sir, you are here again!!!"

The restaurant manager smiled and bowed almost to ninety degrees.

"What, you're not welcome?"

The manager said: "Welcome, of course!"

Lu Fei said: "Queue to get a number?" (⊙v⊙)

The manager said: "Sir, are you joking? It's a private room. The food will be served as soon as you enter the room!"

Lu Fei smiled and followed the manager into a large private room.

"Sir, what are you having for dinner today? I'm treating you!" the manager said generously.

Lu Fei said: "Okay, if you please, then I can bring you a portion of the best braised prawns in oil and a bottle of beer."

The manager smiled and said: "Sir, why don't you add more? This is too plain!"

Lu Fei said: "Then add some. It's the same as the takeout last time. Get another one and deliver it to the usual place tomorrow."

The manager's eyes shone, this was not just a little extra, it was another 780,000!

"Then, a large portion of braised prawns in oil, and another five thousand portions!"

"Well, there are also a thousand copies of each of the other ordinary large portions."

"Send them together tomorrow, is that okay?"

The manager said: "No problem, it will be delivered on time!"

Pay by swiping your card and it's done in a few minutes.

Originally, I only ordered a portion of the best braised prawns in oil and a bottle of beer, but the manager suddenly ordered a portion of all the dishes in the store.

Lu Fei couldn't laugh or cry, isn't this a waste?

After eating and drinking freely, Lu Fei called the manager.

"Sir, what are your orders?" the manager asked carefully.

Lu Fei said: "Manager, you are not authentic!"

The manager was startled, beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and he hurriedly said: "If you are dissatisfied with anything, sir, I will definitely change it to your satisfaction!"

Lu Fei said: "Your store has grilled shrimp, green onion shrimp, bullfrog, and small turtle. Why don't you tell me about these delicious things?"

The manager looked aggrieved and said, "Didn't I give you a taste?"

Lu Fei said: "Since you have tasted it, let's have a thousand copies each!"


The manager was overjoyed and settled the accounts and collected the money.

As soon as Lu Fei left the house, the manager quickly ran to Li Mingxia's office and said breathlessly: "Boss, the God of Wealth from last time is here again!"

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