Lu Fei opened the door of time and space again and returned to his room.


The door was still locked, and there was no sign of breaking in. It was quiet outside the house, and it didn't look like something had happened.

"Didn't my parents come to see me these days?"

"What else happened?"

Lu Fei was shocked and didn't dare to delay for a moment. He quickly opened the door and rushed out.

"Xiao Fei, didn't you say you should take a nap? Why did you run out in such a hurry!" Lu Fei had just run out when he suddenly heard his mother Luo Hui's voice and shouted with concern.

Lu Fei suddenly stopped and breathed a sigh of relief.

"As long as it's okay! Just as long as it's okay!"

While thinking silently in his mind, Lu Fei suddenly recalled his mother's words. He quickly took out his cell phone and looked at the time on it:

April 6, 2022 in the Tang Calendar!

1:27 pm

"That's wrong! I've obviously spent nearly a hundred hours in the valley, and it should have been more than four days, but the time displayed on the phone is clearly from the moment I entered the room!"

"Also, mom asked me why I wasn't sleeping!"

"Could it be...could it be that during the time I left, time here stood still?"


Lu Fei took a deep breath and almost startled himself.

But no matter how he looked at it, he was convinced that his inference was the only reasonable explanation.

Besides, no matter what, as long as my parents are fine!

As for the time, we will always figure it out.

Thinking like this, Lu Fei finally felt relieved. But now that he was out, he couldn't go back to his room and pretend to sleep, so he said, "Mom, I have something to do and I'll be back soon."

As he spoke, he trotted all the way to the road under the field dam and drove his scooter down the mountain.

This road is about two kilometers long and is the branch of National Highway 318 leading to Longshou Mountain. Because there are few households on Longshou Mountain, there is no cement to harden, and the roads are paved with gravel.

Lu Fei rode his bicycle for about a kilometer, found a deserted place to stop, and smoked a few cigarettes.

Seeing that it was almost time, he took out a sack of fresh tea leaves from the space-time ring and tied it reluctantly on the motorcycle. He also took a small bag of two kinds of fruits picked from the valley and turned around to ride home.

Seeing that he came back so quickly and brought back a big bag, Luo Hui rushed over to help and asked, "Why are you back so soon? What's in this big bag?"

Lu Fei parked the car and handed the small bag of fruit to Luo Hui. He said: "I got some fresh tea leaves and asked a friend to bring them to the intersection. I will take them back and fry them before selling them in the store tomorrow."

Luo Hui said "Oh".

I have two acres of tea gardens at home, and it’s just April, which is the best time for new tea. Besides, Lu Fei runs a shop, and tea is the main product. Lu Fei often does tea picking and tea frying, so Luo Hui didn't ask any questions.

But I looked at the fruits in the small bag and couldn't help but exclaimed: "These apples and pears are so juicy, where can I buy them?"

Lu Fei said: "My friend brought this for me to try. If you like it, Mom, I will take it and sell it in the future." As he spoke, he brought a sack of fresh tea into the room and said, "There is another one." Sack, I'll get it back and fry it together."

Luo Hui warned: "You ride slower!"

Lu Fei agreed and rode away on his motorcycle.

Of course, he was up to his old tricks. I went for a walk down the mountain again and brought back a sack of tea.

Lu Fei couldn't help but smile bitterly as he watched the two big bags of tea being "taken" back by him. It's obviously a very simple thing, but there's no way it has to be so complicated. It’s such a thankless effort and such a shame!

But sometimes life is like this. In order to protect something inner, you often have to pay more.

There are all the utensils for making tea at home. When Lu Fei went to "get" the second big bag, Luo Hui had already put away the utensils and lit a fire to heat the pot.

No matter in the past life or in this life, my mother always paid silently. She was afraid that she would suffer, so she rushed to do everything she could.

Perhaps mothers all over the world are like this. They would rather suffer themselves than let their children suffer.

Lu Fei felt warm in his heart.

The frying of tea should be divided into three times, the first pot is full and the pot is full, the second pot is strong, and the third pot is full.

Lu Fei first cooked the green leaves in a raw pot. When the temperature of the pot reached 200°C, he put in a pound of fresh leaves, and then used a tea broom to rotate and stir-fry in the pot. The bright green leaves turn with the tea broom, like a spinning green vortex.

This is a technical job that ordinary people cannot do. Lu Fei's movements were very skillful. He turned the tea broom extremely fast, with just the right balance of strength.

After a while, the fresh leaves became soft and turned dark green. Lu Fei swept the tea leaves into the second pot.

The second pot still continues to be completed, but with the addition of preliminary kneading.

Luo Hui controlled the heat, while Lu Fei still quickly waved the tea broom, shaking the tea balls from time to time to let out the heat. Soon the leaves in the pot shriveled into strips, and the tea juice stuck to the leaves.

Lu Fei smiled slightly and swept the tea leaves into the cooking pot.

At this time, the temperature of the pot is lower and the leaves are already very soft. Lu Fei skillfully used a tea-frying broom to stir-fry a few times, and the leaves burrowed into the inner bamboo branches like obedient children. Shake it slightly and the leaves will scatter into the pot again.

Repeat this operation, and the leaves will be swallowed inside and outside the bamboo broom. The fresh leaves in the pot will soon become tight and thin, emitting a rich tea aroma.

You're done, the first pot is out.

Lu Fei picked up a tea stick and put it into his mouth, chewing and tasting it carefully. He soon showed an expression of surprise and satisfaction.

The tea from the valley in the spirit world is really different. The taste is so amazing that Lu Fei almost couldn't help but want to brew a cup first to taste it!

But it was obviously not possible at this time. He had just roasted a pound of fresh leaves, and the fresh leaves he brought back were two big bags.

Lu Fei suppressed the throbbing in his heart and started cooking again.

The mother and son were busy in the real estate speculation until almost dark, when all the fresh leaves were finally fried into dry tea.

Lu Fei weighed it and found that the dry tea weighed more than eighty kilograms.

He packed them into packages of five kilograms, sixteen packages together. The remaining few kilograms were not enough to pack a bag, so Lu Fei kept them at home. Naturally, he wanted his parents to drink the peerless tea from the spiritual world.

It was already past six o'clock in the afternoon, and Lu Fei wanted to stay at home today and have a meal with his parents.

Just when he was about to cook, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Lu Fei answered the phone. It was Su Yan from the reception office of the county government. He said he would bring a guest to his place for tea later.

When he heard it was Su Yan, Lu Fei didn't dare to neglect him.

That's his biggest source of food and clothing. The reception office of the county government purchases some local products from him every year. The total amount is 200,000 to 300,000 yuan a year, accounting for about one-third of his store's turnover.

Besides, he had just roasted some good tea from the spirit world, so he had to sell it to the reception office.

After saying hello to his mother, Lu Fei tied eighty kilograms of roasted tea leaves onto his motorcycle and drove towards the city at lightning speed.

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