After exiting the north gate of Jiahao Century Garden, you enter Jiangcheng World Commercial Center.

That's why Lu Fei chose to walk instead of driving.

But Lu Fei walked for more than an hour before arriving at Jiangcheng World.

There is a conceptual issue here. Jiangcheng World and Jiangcheng World Business Center are not the same.

Jiangcheng Great World Commercial Center is one of the six major commercial centers in Jiangcheng and the earliest commercial center developed in Jiangcheng.

Among them, Jiangcheng World is the core, surrounded by a huge business group.

Lu Fei was not familiar with Jiangcheng, so he confused the two.

But it didn't matter, he just took it for a walk and withdrew 50,000 yuan in cash from the bank.

At around nine o'clock, Jiangcheng Great World was already filled with tourists, and the people coming and going were like crucian carp crossing the river.

Lu Fei went straight to Area D on the seventh floor. He had contacted a merchant inside from the Internet.

Store No. 55 in Area D, Tang Miao boutique knife specialty store.

When Lu Fei walked into the store, he saw a long-haired young man in his mid-twenties sitting in front of a simple tea table, immersed in wiping a Tang knife.

The blade of the knife is slender, less than three fingers wide, and about one meter and three meters long. The knife is bright and cold, and it looks like a good knife at first glance.

"Hello boss, I'm Lu Fei, I made an appointment with you the night before yesterday!"

The young man raised his eyes and looked at Lu Fei, put down the knife in his hand, and said, "It turns out to be Boss Lu. My name is Tang Miao. Please sit down."

Lu Fei sat down opposite Tang Miao.

Tang Miao said: "Why does Boss Lu decide to order so many knives?"

Lu Fei said: "I order more, and you earn more, isn't that good?"

Tang Miao smiled and said: "Of course it's good, but I still have to ask clearly, why did Boss Lu order this batch of Tang knives?"

Lu Fei's eyes sharpened, "What does this have to do with you selling knives?"

Tang Miao said: "The customers' uses are different, and the craftsmanship and materials I use to make the knives are also different."

"For example, if the customer buys a knife to use as a prop for filming a costume movie or TV series, then the knife I make will focus on the shape and reduce the weight."

"If the customer is a player and buys a knife for collection, I will strive for excellence when making the knife, just like making a work of art!"

"If the customer is a martial arts practitioner, I will pay attention to the actual combat effect when making the sword."

"If a customer buys a knife just for decoration, my approach is different."

"In short, times have changed, and the functions of knives have become diversified. If we remain unchanged and blindly pursue the original functions of knives, then my business will not be able to continue."

Lu Fei was startled. He really didn't expect Tang Miao to segment the tool market to such an extent.

No wonder, among so many online stores, the Tang Miao boutique knife store has the most customers and rave reviews.

Lu Fei couldn't help but become interested, thinking that he might have come to the right place.

After pondering for a while, he said, "If I want to make a real sword, can I do it?"

Tang Miao was stunned, are you kidding me?

Who still builds combat knives these days?

"Does Boss Lu want to collect Tang Dao that is a real combat knife?"

The customer is God. Tang Miao did not laugh sarcastically and tried to ask Lu Fei the real reason for buying the knife.

"No, not collecting, but using!"

Lu Fei said seriously.

"Use? Actual combat?"

Tang Miao was startled and looked at Lu Fei in disbelief.

"Yes, it's actual combat!"

"I want the most powerful one, the one that can cut iron like clay, is durable, doesn't curl up, and isn't easy to break!"

Lu Fei said with certainty.

Tang Miao pondered for a while and said, "Does Boss Lu have any research on Tang Dao?"

"not at all!"

Lu Fei answered truthfully.

"Oh!" Tang Miao nodded and said, "Let's put it this way, there are no more than three people in the entire Tang Kingdom who can make the kind of sword that Boss Lu requires!"

"I happen to be one of them!"

"But I don't want to do that sword fighting thing!"

"Even if I make it, I won't sell it!"

Lu Fei glanced at Tang Miao in surprise and asked, "Why?"

Tang Miao's face became a little sad, and he said calmly: "For a person who doesn't understand knives, if he buys a knife of that level, besides pretending to be 13, what else can he do?"

"It's just an insult to the knife!"

"No matter whether other swordsmiths can do it or not, I won't do it."

Lu Feiyile said that some craftsmen are just like literati, they are noble at heart.

This kind of person always imposes his own standards on others and requires everyone to maintain completely consistent views and emotions on something, which is a bit unreasonable.

To deal with this kind of person, one has to either gain enough benefits or destroy the aloofness in his heart.

Lu Fei smiled lightly, "Boss Tang, if you can't make the knife I want, please stop using your pride and say goodbye!"

After saying that, Lu Fei stood up and left.


Tang Miao stood up and shouted.

Lu Fei turned around and saw Tang Miao with an angry face and a knife-like gaze, as if he was going to be killed.

"What do you think, Boss Tang?"

"Maybe I was right and your poor self-esteem was shattered!"

"Can a heart made of glass make a fine knife that has been tempered for thousands of times?"

"I don't believe it!"

"I estimate that the knife made by Boss Tang is just like your glass heart, which will break when touched."

“It’s too big for me to peel fruit!”

Lu Fei was rude, and every word he said was like a sharp knife piercing Tang Miao's heart.

Tang Miao's heart was bleeding!

"You don't have to buy my knife, but you can't insult my knife!"

"You can't even look down on me, Tang Miao!"

Lu Fei smiled, "If you want to be respected, you have to rely on your strength!"

"You don't have any confidence, why should I think highly of you?"

"Just because you have a bunch of junk in your shop?"

"I'm so scared..."

As he spoke, Lu Fei casually took off a knife, took it out of its sheath, threw the scabbard on the ground, channeled his inner strength into his palm, and slapped it down with one palm.


Lu Fei only had half of the blade left in his hand, and the tip of the other half fell to the ground.


Tang Miao took a breath and stared at Lu Fei with her eyes.

Lu Fei casually threw half of the knife in his hand on the ground, took out a bundle of 10,000 yuan in cash, and threw it on the tea table in front of Tang Miao.

"Sorry, I accidentally broke Boss Tang's knife!"

"This amount of money should be enough to buy it!"

After saying that, he turned around and left again.

"Mr. Lu, stay!"

Before he even walked out of the store, Tang Miao chased after him and grabbed Lu Fei.

Lu Fei said calmly: "What? Boss Tang thinks that the money I gave is not enough to buy that broken knife?"

"If it's not enough, tell me the number!"

"I don't bully the weak!"

Tang Miao's face turned red with embarrassment, and she said nonchalantly, "Mr. Lu is joking!"

"It's Tang who doesn't know Mount Everest and doesn't know that Mr. Lu is an expert!"

"Tang apologizes to Mr. Lu!"

"Mr. Lu, please move to your seat!"

Lu Fei pretended to struggle for a few times, but was finally pulled back to the tea table by Tang Miao and sat down again.

Please don't be as good as the general!

The method of stimulating generals is indeed effective.

Lu Fei secretly laughed in his heart, thinking about how he could get a batch of good knives from Tang Miao.

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