Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 79 The Tiger’S Mouth And The Wolf’S Den

The night is as cold as water.

Gao Weiwei stood by the flower bed downstairs, wearing a light white dress, like a lily in the night wind.

really beautiful.

She watched Lu Fei approaching with a smile, and went to greet him herself.

Like a virtuous wife who greets her husband who has not been home for a long time, she considerately picks up a few handbags from Lu Fei's hand.

Lu Fei naturally insisted on holding it himself, stretched his arms lightly and let Gao Weiwei take hers.

The two of them looked at each other and smiled, as if they were really in love with each other.

Jin Wanwan could see clearly from behind and gritted her teeth.

This bastard actually hooked up with a woman.

Jin Wanwan suddenly felt unconfident because the woman she saw was so beautiful.

She was so beautiful that she had no confidence.


What's the point of being beautiful? There are so many beautiful women in the world!

I am Jin Wanwan!

If you lose a game temporarily, you must move back to this game!

Check, check, be sure to find out, what is the origin of the woman named "Wei Wei"?

Jin Wanwan angrily drove her Bonhams 750 away from Jiahao Century Garden at a speed of at least 160 mph.


After entering the elevator, Lu Fei breathed a long sigh of relief.

Gao Weiwei pursed her lips and smiled, "Mr. Lu really only knows how to use me as a shield!"

Lu Fei smiled bitterly, it was not impossible, otherwise who would be willing to do this.

But Gao Weiwei said: "Aren't you afraid of pretending to be real?"

Lu Fei said: "Fake things can't be true!"

Gao Weiwei's home is on the 13th floor, a two-bedroom apartment, which she has kept very warmly.

After Lu Fei put down a few bags, he looked down at the window and couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he didn't see Jin Wanwan's Powerlong 750.

Finally got rid of that big trouble.

There was nothing to talk about with Gao Weiwei, so Lu Fei planned to leave directly.

Gao Weiwei smiled and said, "Why, dump me when you're done?"

"If this happens, there will be no next time!"

Lu Fei smiled awkwardly and said, "Will this happen again?"

Gao Weiwei said: "You don't understand women. Since you said that Jin Wanwan is so proactive, I think she will not let go easily. Maybe she will come to see you again tomorrow!"

Lu Fei felt his scalp numb.

Although he didn't want to believe it, he still felt that what Gao Weiwei said made sense.

He suddenly felt that he had just stepped out of the tiger's mouth and into the wolf's den again.

Madhu, no beautiful woman can worry!

Lu Fei was inexplicably irritable.

Gao Weiwei made a cup of tea for Lu Fei and sat aside. Neither of them spoke, as if nothing was appropriate.

Lu Fei felt a little embarrassed and wanted to leave early.

Suddenly, his cell phone rang with a call from Jin Baobao.

"Uncle Lu, why did you make my sister cry?"

"When she comes home, she will find my dad and let him make the decision to recruit you as her son-in-law!"

"Let Chen Jiahao be the matchmaker!"

Lu Fei felt dizzy after hearing this, with a look of horror on his face. This was a forced marriage!

I don’t even want to marry her, so why do I want to be her son-in-law?

Jin Baobao said: "Where are you? I'll pick you up. Let's go out and talk!"

Lu Fei originally didn't want to meet Jin Baobao at this time, but he thought it would be a good time to leave Gao Weiwei's home, so he agreed. He said, "You don't need to pick me up. I'll drive myself and make an appointment!"

Jin Baobao thought for a moment and said: "Then let's go to Modu KTV. I'll open a private room first. If you come over, call me."


Lu Fei agreed and hung up the phone before remembering that he didn't know where the Magic City KTV was.

I had no choice but to ask Gao Weiwei.

Gao Weiwei smiled and said: "That is the most upscale nightclub in Jiangcheng. All the people who go there are famous people in Jiangcheng. Why don't you take me to have fun too?"

Lu Fei immediately refused.

Just kidding, I was just running away from your house, why did I take you with me?

Gao Weiwei had no choice but to tell the address of the Magic City KTV in a bitter tone.

The Magic City KTV is not far from Jiahao Century Garden. Lu Fei drove there in more than half an hour.

I called Jin Baobao and found out that the room was in private room 7777 on the fifth floor.

After Lu Fei entered, he saw that Jin Baobao had ordered a fruit plate and foreign wine.

The two of them sat down, and Jin Baobao said, "Uncle Lu, what's going on? It's like this!"

Lu Fei sighed: "How did I know that your sister wanted me to marry her when she saw me, so I had no choice but to run away."

"You know this as well."

Jin Baobao asked: "What happened next?"

Lu Fei said: "She caught up with her later, so I had to go to Gao Weiwei's house and said that Gao Weiwei was my wife."

Jin Baobao laughed loudly, "You have ruined Miss Gao's reputation."

Lu Fei was helpless because he was forced to do so by your sister.

Jin Baobao said: "Uncle Lu, my sister is actually pretty good, why don't you marry her!"

Lu Fei was furious, grabbed a banana and threw it at it, "Marry your sister! Let you talk nonsense!"

Jin Baobao ducked away with a smile and said with a smile: "You just want to marry my sister!"

Lu Fei was speechless and glared at Jin Baobao fiercely. Is there anyone who is such a big brother?

Jin Baobao said: "Forget it, I can't force the matter of fate, so I don't care."

After a pause, he added: "I thought since I'm out, it's better to relax. But it would be boring if it was just the two of us, so I called two more friends, and they will be here soon."

Lu Fei didn't care, he hadn't come out to relax for a long time.

Sing, drink, have fun.

Seeing that Lu Fei had no objection, Jin Baobao felt happy and said, "Uncle Lu, I already call you Uncle Lu. You have to help me later!"

Lu Feiqi asked: "You ask your friend to sing, how can I help you?"

"Do you have any ulterior motives?"

Jin Baobao smiled sheepishly and said, "I invited Tang Feifei!"

Lu Fei shook his head, "Tang Feifei? I don't know you, how can I help you?"

Jin Baobao said: "How about you give me some food when she leaves!"

Lu Fei smiled and realized that this was what Jin Baobao had in mind. He came out to chat about something, just talk nonsense, it was clear that he wanted me to help him pick up girls.

Just when I was about to give this guy a punch, I suddenly remembered something and said, "You can help me if you want me to, but you also have to help me!"

Jin Baobao was overjoyed and said, "Okay, I'll help you catch my sister!"

Lu Fei slapped her in the face, "Who asked you to help me chase your sister? Isn't that a disservice?"

"I want you to help me get rid of your sister's thoughts and make her stop bothering me in the future!"

"After all, I am recognized as a brother by Brother Sheng, and after all, I am still her uncle!"

Jin Baobao rolled his eyes and felt a little disappointed. If only you were really my brother-in-law!

Being my brother-in-law is no better than being an uncle in name only!

However, since Lu Fei said so, he had no choice but to agree.

The only thing to blame is the lack of fate between my sister and Lu Fei! .

When Lu Fei saw that Jin Baobao agreed, he thought for a while and said, "You don't have to wait until you leave to deliver things. I'll get something from the car and keep it in the room, so that you can win the beauty's favor."

Jin Baobao was overjoyed and said, "Uncle Lu, what good thing is it?"

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