Dig The Space-Time Ring At The Beginning

Chapter 99 Shoot You In The Name Of The People


Lu Fei immediately fired, and Du Yuan instinctively raised his saber and swung it across his chest.

This guy was also lucky, the bullet just hit the blade.

The QSG92 pistol has extremely strong penetrating power and can still penetrate 1.3 mm thick 232 steel plate at a distance of 50 meters.

And Du Yuan's sword is just forged from ordinary white iron.

The bullet penetrated the blade without any accident, then whirled out and hit Du Yuan's chest.


Wang Heng and Zhang Bao couldn't help but take a step back.

Looking at Du Yuan at the end and the bullet holes in his saber, their faces looked like pig liver.

How terrible!

If you say you can break an iron sword with one palm, two people can do it.

But with a distance of more than ten feet, it was absolutely impossible for those two people to make a hole in the iron knife while the iron knife continued.

What's more, drilling a hole can hurt someone!

How much inner strength does this require?

Celebrities from all over the world?

A celebrity from the Five Realms?

Or a famous master from the Six Realms?

Wang Heng and Zhang Bao looked at each other, both showing deep fear.

Lu Fei shot through the iron sword and killed Du Yuan, which shocked all those who were ready to make a move, and they couldn't help but secretly say that they were lucky.

He just wants to shoot the first bird.

Otherwise, if these people attack in groups, once they get close, both himself and Wang Ping and his son will be cut into pieces with random blades.

He glanced coldly, feeling that the shock was not enough.

Although everyone was afraid of those local warriors and the servants of Wang Ba Duan, they had no intention of retreating.

"Made, if you are not ruthless, you will not be able to stand firm!"

Lu Fei's heart skipped a beat, his face was full of murderous intent, and he shouted: "The head of the Wang family, Wang Ba Duan, is rich and unkind. I, Lu Fei, will do justice for heaven!"

"In the name of the people, execute the Bastard by firing squad!"

"Bang bang bang..."

"Bang bang bang..."

Lu Fei fired more than a dozen shots with both hands, beating the tortoise into a sieve.

Bastard Bastard fell in a pool of blood, his eyes were bigger than a copper bell, and he opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but not a single word came out. He could not die anymore.

"Asshole, how dare you kill the head of the family!"

Wang Ermazi cursed Lu Fei.

Lu Fei raised his hand and shot him, killing him directly.

"Who else?"

Lu Fei shouted with a gun.

"Click rub rub..."

Everyone, including Wang Heng and Zhang Bao, took a few steps back involuntarily.

Wang Ping and Wang Cheng looked at Lu Fei in disbelief. Could Mr. Lu be the God of Death?

Taking someone's life from a distance of more than ten feet is easier than searching a bag to retrieve something.

Lu Fei looked at everyone's reactions and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Why don't you get out yet?"

Strike while the iron is hot, Lu Fei shouted loudly with a fierce look on his face.

The Xiang Yong and the servants who surrounded the three people dispersed in a hurry, and quickly disappeared. No one even paid attention to the injured people on the ground.

Wang Heng and Zhang Bao ran faster than rabbits.

"Mr. Lu, it's really thanks to you this time, otherwise..."

Wang Ping saluted Lu Fei and thanked him, his expression showing both gratitude and admiration.

Wang Chengze looked worried and said: "Mr. Lu, let's leave quickly!"


Lu Fei waved his hand, "Where can I get the Xiao Huan Dan?"

Wang Ping was stunned for a moment and then understood.

Lu Fei's internal strength has been cultivated to the extreme level of foundation building, and he needs a small returning pill to break the shackles.

Since he came to Wang's hometown, Lu Fei would definitely find a way to get one.

Wang Ping couldn't help but feel ashamed. He should have thought more about Mr. Lu.

His face turned red and he said, "Wang Ba Duan is responsible for distributing Xiao Huan Dan in Wang's hometown."

Lu Fei frowned slightly. He had already shot the Bastard to death. Who could he ask to receive the Xiao Huan Dan?

Wang Chengdao: "Although Bastard Ba Duan is dead, he should still have Xiao Huan Dan in his family."

Lu Fei waved his hand, "Let's go!"

The three of them quickly arrived at the door of Bastard Bastard's house. Through the courtyard wall, they could hear crying inside. Bastard Bastard's family members were all cursing Lu Fei for being a bastard for actually killing the head of the family.

"Wang Jiulong, come out!"

When Wang Ping heard the curse, he was furious and roared like thunder on the ground.

The Wang family in the yard were all shocked. When Wang Jiulong came out, their expressions changed drastically when they saw Lu Fei.

The body of the owner of the house is still at the door of the dungeon. Before he can collect it, this god of murder has arrived at the door of the house again. Is he going to kill them all?

Lu Fei didn't mean to kill them all. He said to Wang Jiulong with a cold face: "Where is the Wu Dan that Wang Baduan keeps?"

Wang Jiulong was extremely afraid of Lu Fei and quickly said: "Leave it at home!"

Wang Ping shouted from the side: "Why don't you take it out quickly!"

"Yes, yes, yes! I'll get it right now!"

Wang Jiulong rolled his tongue, ran back to the house in a mess, and quickly brought out two porcelain bottles, one large and one small.

"These are thirty small returning pills, which I received last month and have not yet been distributed."

“I haven’t had time to go to the county to pick it up next month!”

"These are two great return pills!"

Wang Jiulong handed the two porcelain bottles to Wang Ping and said carefully.

Lu Fei was so happy that he asked this guy to give him a small return pill. Unexpectedly, he brought thirty pills at once.

What I didn't expect was that there were not only small returning pills, but also two big returning pills.

Even Wang Ping was surprised. This was quite a bargain.

"Do you still have the Great Return Pill?"

Lu Fei got an advantage, but he was not satisfied and shouted sharply.

"No...no more!"

"These two Great Return Pills, one is mine and the other is Wang Jiuhu's."

"I just got it back yesterday and haven't had time to take it yet!"

Wang Jiulong was about to cry and said tremblingly.

Lu Fei thought the same thing. The Dahuan Dan was kept by the Wudan Department of the county government. It was not easy to snatch two pills from Wang Jiulong. How could there be any more.

He immediately waved his hand and said, "Let's all go away. If you change your behavior to evil in the future, I will kill you!"

Wang Jiulong immediately ran back into the house as if he had been pardoned.

The other members of the Wang family also fled back to the house and locked the door, feeling a little relieved.

Wang Ping was very happy after getting so many Wu Dan and said: "Mr. Lu, we also have Wu Dan. Let's go back now!"

Lu Fei shook his head and said, "No, we still have to stay in Wang's hometown for one day."


Wang Ping was stunned, why are you still staying in Wang's hometown?

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