Digimon: Order

Chapter 105

In a deep mountain, a small bat-like Digimon was talking to the light circle in front of him.

Opposite the light circle was a handsome humanoid Digimon with a cool look and a very attractive voice, but his expression was a little distorted.

"Impmon! I asked you to find a good army, but you didn't go. I asked you to find the children's badges, but you gave the task to Tailmon. What on earth do you want to do?"

Speaking of which, even a person with a good temper would become extremely angry when encountering such a disobedient subordinate.

What's more, Vamdemon, a senior cadre of the Nightmare Corps and the most powerful Perfect Digimon on the server continent, has never been a good-tempered Digimon.

"Those missions are so boring~" Impmon scratched his ears impatiently,"A capable and battle-hardened army... Lord Vampiremon, aren't you negotiating with the Fallen Alliance recently? As long as you agree to their proposal, you can have as many capable and battle-hardened armies as you want."���Especially the leader of the Fallen Alliance. It is said that he beat you like a grandson.…"

"Impmon, you shut up!

"Seeing that this suicidal subordinate dared to talk about things in front of him, Vampiremon suddenly became furious.

It took a long time for it to continue to suppress its voice and said,"When I first came to the server continent, the reason why I lost to it was because I didn't open the barrier of the Cloud Servant at that time!

If I fought with ten times the dark power in the barrier...

No, I don't want to talk to you about this now!

Impmon, tell me, why did you lead the child to Zulimon?"

"Didn't you ask me to help you deal with the children?" Impmon blinked his big eyes innocently,"I followed your request, Lord Vampiremon, and asked the first wise man of the Jungle Troopers to help me deal with the child, but... I didn't expect that the child's Digimon would evolve to the Perfect Form so quickly~ I also didn't expect that Zulimon, who is known as the second most important figure in the Jungle Troopers after Puppetmon, would be so weak."

""Hah..." Vampiremon gritted his teeth, and forced himself to slow down his heartbeat, which was about to soar to 250. He asked with a gloomy face,"The friendship badge has obviously been taken away by Garurumon of the Fallen Alliance, so what's the matter with the badge in the child's hand? And what is the name of the egg that Devimon replaced? Why can a guy who has just entered the perfect form defeat Zulimon!"

When the Joker Emperor gave the order to Devimon, Vampiremon was also present. It remembered clearly that the Joker Emperor's original words were to just pick out some random person from the Nightmare Legion to fill in the gaps.

In other words, the partner that the Joker Emperor originally decided on for Ishida Yamato should be someone similar to Devilmon or Hellmon.

Moreover, the fact that the Badge of Courage and the Badge of Friendship were taken away by the two leaders of the Fallen Alliance, No. 1 and No. 2, respectively, was no secret in the entire server continent, and any force that was a little bit respectable was aware of it.

Under such limited conditions, a mature Digimon that could not super evolve and was not in the mainstream could not cause any waves at all!

This was what the Joker Emperor wanted to achieve.

Rather than completely destroying the children and the agents, what the arrogant guy wanted to see most was actually the appearance of the Constancy side being furious.

But now, the furious person is probably going to become the Joker Emperor.

Ishida Yamato strangely got the badge, and that mysterious Digimon It evolved to its perfect form, and even killed Zulimon when it just evolved. This is a big mess!

Zulimon is the right-hand man of the Four Heavenly Kings, Puppetmon. Although the current leader of the Jungle Rangers is a cold-hearted Pinocchio, he still values Zulimon at this stage. Although Vampiremon is not worried that Puppetmon will come to trouble him directly, he is afraid that guy will go to the Clown King to make trouble.

After all, the Clown King is very suspicious of him. Think about it, it would rather send Devilmon to hide the evolution key than send itself, which is very telling. It seems to be a good job to stay in the server continent and guard the gate to the other dimension world, but in fact... it has been marginalized by the Nightmare Legion!

Therefore, for this sudden situation, Vampiremon must find the cause, and then come up with a solution to prevent the Clown King from taking advantage of the situation to deal with it.

It thinks that this little Devilmon who always causes trouble for itself must know something!

"The egg was brought to File Island by Devilmon, how do I know what it will hatch?"Who knows, Devilmon rolled his eyes and pushed the matter away completely.

This attitude almost made Vampiremon so angry that he vomited blood, you don't know? So you and Devilmon didn't come from the same place, right?

"Impmon, I warn you not to challenge my patience again! Either help me find my subordinates, or go and seize the children's badges. You'd better choose one of these two tasks! If you don't want to do either, just come back and absorb the data and evolve! In short, if you continue to make trouble outside, I will really have to discipline you for it!"

Honestly speaking, with Vampiremon's temperament, if someone else dared to treat it with this attitude, it would definitely use Night Demon Flying to teach the other person how to be a Digimon, but Impmon is the only one that can't be done.

Helplessly, before it has completed its ideal great cause and can truly possess the strength to compete with those ancient forces hidden in the dark of the world, it has to continue to endure this guy who may give it coronary heart disease at any time.

"Send me some men." Who would have thought that just when Vampiremon was furious, Impmon suddenly told it that he needed soldiers!

"You finally want to make progress, right? Great! I'll let Phantommon bring my elite Evil Dragonmon army to find you now!" Hearing Impmon's request, Vampiremon was overjoyed and even sent out his most trusted subordinates and the Evil Dragon Guards besides Tailmon,"Tell me, whose territory do you want to attack? The entire server continent, as long as you don't go directly to the Fallen Alliance, I will attack anyone who comes to you.…"

"What did you say? Phantommon? Evildramon? No... Lord Vampiremon, why do I need Phantommon's faceless monster and Evildramon's group of big idiots? Just keep them to help you expand your territory, I just need some average people." Impmon's eyes turned into small eyes when he heard this, and he hurriedly explained to Vampiremon that he really didn't want to launch any large-scale military operations.

"You...are you a Ghostmon who wants to do odd jobs?" The corners of Vampiremon's mouth twitched, and he swore in his heart that if Impmon dared to say"yes", he would definitely whip his mouth with the Devil Blood Whip.

"Um... Snot Beast or something, send me a team~"

"Phew, you still have some shame for not asking me for those unmotivated people of Devilmon... What did you say? Snotmon?" Vampiremon finally realized that the"soldiers" Impmon had just asked him for were actually Snotmon?

"That's right~ Lord Vampiremon, please send me some Snotmon, I need them urgently."

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