Digimon: Order

Chapter 128

"Powerful trident claw!"

"Fist bump!"

""Super Horn Cannon!"

A series of attacks came, and the Evil Dragonmon was stunned as soon as it appeared.

As an elite army under Vampiremon, and they are still rare in the mature stage, the Evil Dragonmon rarely goes out. Most of the time, they act as statues in the castle, guarding the most important door for Vampiremon, and then take turns to pull the cart for Vampiremon.

Therefore, for this group of evil dragons who have been in a dormant state for a long time, the power emitted by Tailmon's Holy Ring is the most familiar command to them, but this time when they wake up after listening to the power of the Holy Ring, they are greeted with a brutal head-on attack!

Among the Digimon attacking them, there are two extremely powerful Perfect Digimon.

The two Evil Dragonmons who were attacked by Machine Tyrannosaurus and Superbiedon were almost instantly seriously injured.

What they can't accept is that Tailmon is also mixed in the attack team!

"Damn it! Tailmon, you're hanging out with the Chosen Children!"

"I have found myself again, the chosen child... I am one of them too~"

"What did you say…"

""Cat punch!"

One of the four Evildramon was about to say something, but was suddenly hit hard on the face by Tailmon, and immediately fell to the ground.

Don't think that Tailmon will be defeated every time he faces Taichi, and think that this cat-like mouse is weak. In fact, the reason why Tailmon was eaten alive by Taichi is mainly because Taichi's ability is basically a natural nemesis for small-sized Digimon. After all,

Tailmon is a mature stage of self-evolution, and he has undergone rigorous training under Vampiremon. In addition, vaccine species are naturally resistant to virus species. Even though Evildramon has the terrifying title of Compound Eyes Demon, it will still suffer a great loss against Tailmon.

Three Vaccines and one Datamon against four Virusmons, and two of the three Vaccines are Perfect. The situation is self-evident.

Soon, the four Evildramons were beaten by Taichi and doubted their lives.

Taichi did not choose to hold back. Koshiro used the program left by Molecularmon to hack into the parking lot cameras. In this dark and deserted corner of the underground parking lot, Taichi and others could let go completely!

"Why are they here?"While Taichi's four Digimon were fighting with Evildramon in the parking lot, Death Flamemon finally arrived here in the dark. He thought he could find the eighth child, but he was surprised to find that the people fighting were others!

"Death Flamemon? It's just in time that you're here. Come and help me.…"

""Super Horn Cannon!"


The experience of the evil dragon beast once again proved a fact, that is, you must not be distracted when fighting a Digimon with a higher level than yourself.

A super horn cannon blasted an evil dragon beast far away, and its huge body smashed into several cars around it, causing a violent explosion.

"Damn it... I just clearly sensed the location of the eighth child! Is this a trap? Never mind!"Death Flamemon looked uncertainly at the eight Digimon fighting in front of him, and finally seemed to have made up his mind, and lashed the chain burning with blue flames towards Cactusmon's back!

"Cactusmon... be careful!"Meimei hurriedly warned her companions, without any hesitation.

It really attacked... so according to Taiyi, Death Flamemon is the enemy!

""Death Flamemon, what on earth are you doing?"

However, before Taiyi could respond to the attack of Death Flamemon, the chain it had just thrown out was caught in the palm of a large hand. The azure flame did not hinder the hand at all. Instead, the chain was broken into several pieces by the opponent's pinch! The one who attacked was Volcanomon!

"Boss... Boss?" Suddenly seeing his immediate superior, Death Flamemon's face froze,"Why are you here?"

"Answer my question!" Volcanomon's voice, which he always boasted of being extremely magnetic, was now gloomy, like a thunder of oppression."I remember that Cactusmon and the girl named Meimei were the ones the leader specifically asked us to protect in secret. Are you going to disobey the leader's order now?"

""Leader? Boss, aren't you my leader? Why did you surrender to that guy LeapGreymon so readily?" Deathflamemon shouted anxiously,"Boss, listen to my advice. With the power of the Fallen Alliance and these children, it is impossible to shake the Four Dark Lords... No, they can't even defeat Vampiremon! Boss, the Fallen Alliance is obviously using you as a gun, you must not be fooled!"

"So I am also very curious, why do you think following the vampire beast is better than joining the Fallen Alliance?"

"You..." Hearing Taichi's voice, Death Flamemon looked up suddenly, only to find that the four Evildramon had already disappeared without a trace!

Taichi was so excited at this moment, he was definitely making a fortune on this trip!

Being able to fight against Taichi and the four Digimon who absolutely suppressed them for such a long time, and even almost demolished the entire underground parking lot, Evildramon was definitely the best among the mature ones, and the amount of data contained in its body was extremely amazing.

Now, all these precious data finally fell into the hands of Machinedramon!

Among the four who directly participated in the battle, Chaobimon and Cactusmon were completely unable to absorb this data; Tailmon could absorb it originally, but now it can't absorb it either.

This is from The limitations of the Divine Plan. When Tailmon was growing up, the Divine Plan was not with it, so it was not restricted and was able to grow to maturity on its own.

But when Taichi found Tailmon and brought Hikari's Divine Plan with him, Tailmon became unable to absorb data. The last time Taichi returned to the real world, he used Hikari's Divine Plan to perform data combination capabilities at a critical moment. This should have only lifted the strict binding of the Divine Plan to identity, allowing him to use the Divine Plan together with Hikari, but the other restrictions on it should still be there.

It is the existence of this restriction that blocks Tailmon's ability to absorb data to become stronger.

"Machine Tyrannosaurus, compress the absorbed data into the digital core, and then degenerate."Seeing that the situation has been brought under control, Taichi hurriedly stopped Machine Tyrannosaurus' attack and asked it to degenerate to Agumon immediately to avoid unnecessary consumption.

Today's Agumon is different from others. Although the similarly super-evolved Super Bidomon degenerates directly to the juvenile stage, while Agumon is still in the growth stage, the opponent's consumption is actually much smaller than Agumon.

Mochimon and Barumon can rely on the Divine Plan to accelerate their evolution, but Agumon does not have such welfare treatment. It just evolved to the perfect form and fought completely relying on its own stored data, so it consumes a lot of energy.

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