Digimon: Order

Chapter 141

This trip to Shibuya involved many unexpected events. Taichi worked until late at night and finally sorted out all the complicated things.

He actually guessed who was the one who tripped up Jump Greymon, but chose to keep it a secret with Jump Greymon.

Jump Greymon would definitely not harm him, so what it said was to follow the prophecy and move forward was definitely the most important thing at the moment, and it was something that could not be disturbed by any trivial details.

Taichi now roughly understood why Jump Greymon brought his men to the real world. In fact, everything was for this prophecy.

Taichi felt that this prophecy was perhaps more important to him than Vampiremon and the hidden power of Ishida Yamato!

Pumpkinmon and Oremon, the two cute beasts, must not continue to be involved in this war, so Jump Greymon decided to take Oremon away, because this little guy had a good character and could be considered for the Fallen Alliance to focus on training.

As for Pumpkinmon, Taichi and Jump Greymon discussed and unanimously decided to temporarily leave the other party to Meixin's care.

Mochizuki Meixin is a suspected chosen child, and she is not unfamiliar with Digimon. Her family has also seen Maine Coonmon, so it is not difficult for them to accept the addition of a spirit pumpkin. Although they have been together for a short time, Taichi has roughly figured out her personality. Although Meixin is often shy and coy when facing him, she is essentially a lively and cheerful girl, and she will definitely get along with this naughty pumpkin.

According to Jumping Greymon, Taichi can find a way to heal Pumpkinmon's body after the dust settles in the real world.

After the matter was finally settled, Taichi chose to send Meixin directly to the main campus of Kyoto University Hongo in Bunkyo District to avoid the other party taking the wrong bus again. There, Taichi met her father... a gentle middle-aged man.

He seemed to be a professor, and he spoke in an academic way. When Meixin told him about the situation at night, he thanked Taichi very politely.

Taiyi didn't have much communication with the other party. He always felt that the other party looked at him strangely, as if he was a research subject, which made him a little uncomfortable.

Before leaving, for the sake of their safety, Taiyi reminded the father and daughter that they had better leave the city with the two Digimon immediately.

In the end, Taiyi couldn't resist Meixin's strong request on the grounds of"keeping an eye on Pumpkinmon's recovery in the future", and finally left his email address and home phone number to the other party, and then left.

Meixin's identity is still unresolved, but Taiyi knows that this matter is not the focus of attention. The riot caused by Vampiremon should have nothing to do with her and the mysterious Maine Coonmon. Taiyi had a lot of thoughts along the way, and when he rushed back home, everyone in the family was almost asleep.

After returning to his room, Xiaoguang, who was already sleepy, smiled at Taiyi reluctantly before closing her eyes and falling asleep. Tailmon, who was forcibly sent back home by Taichi before, glared at Taichi fiercely, swung his tail at him, and then lay down beside Hikaru's pillow, curled up into a ball, and snored comfortably.

Seeing this, Taichi could only look at Agumon helplessly, and then went to bed to rest.

It had been a very busy day, and Taichi and Agumon were very tired.

Oh, by the way, Garurumon had already arrived near Taichi's house in advance and was on standby. Naturally, it was impossible for it to live under the same roof with Taichi's family due to its large size, and it could only find a place to stay outside for the time being.

Just like this, the night passed...

The next morning, Taichi, who got up a little late, opened the bedroom curtains, and what came into his sight was a thick fog that completely blocked his vision.

"This fog seems a little unusual. Could it be that the vampire beast has already started to move?"

""Huh? Strange, why is there no image on TV?" Taiyi became more certain of his guess as he listened to his mother's puzzled voice outside the house.

Under the cover of this thick fog, all external communication means such as telephones and the Internet have failed. It seems that the vampire beast is preparing to completely isolate the entire Odaiba from the outside world, so that Odaiba trapped in the fog cannot ask for help.

Then, after the signal is blocked, what will follow should be...


The sound of the door being broken

"Ah!"This is the scream of mother Yuko Yagami

"Small flame!"

"Cat Punch!"

As soon as several Devilmon squeezed into the gate of Yagami's house, they were beaten into shreds by Agumon and Tailmon who were ready for battle.

"Is that a ghost?"Yagami Yuko was so scared that she fell to the ground, holding her frying pan in her hand, not knowing what to do.

"Mom, that's a Ghostmon. It looks scary, but in fact, its IQ and combat power are extremely low." Taichi smiled and pulled his mother up,"Agumon can beat ten of that thing by himself.""

"Humph, I can beat a hundred of those things myself!" Seeing Agumon getting praised, Tailmon beside him hurriedly began to"be jealous""

"Yes, yes, you are awesome~" Taiyi shook his head helplessly, then said seriously,"Mom, Xiaoguang, our home is not safe now, we must leave immediately!"

"Leave... But since they can rush in, it means that the floor below has been completely occupied by the enemy.…"

"Of course we should just fly down directly, Agumon, show us your skills!"

"All right!"

Super evolution, Mechanical Tyrannosaurus!

"This... How come Agumon suddenly became so big?"Yagami Yuko screamed again in fear

"This is evolution, the details will be discussed later. We just need to fly downstairs on Machinedramon, there will be people waiting for us." Taichi did not explain too much, but directly asked Machinedramon to take the three of them and Tailmon and jump out of the window.

Although Machinedramon's wings can only be used for short-distance flight, it is still quite reliable if it only serves as a buffer for rapid descent from the thirteenth floor.

Yuko Yagami only felt a not-too-strong vibration, and the feeling of weightlessness just now completely disappeared.

"Is it really Agumon? It's so awesome!~"

"Humph~ If I could also super evolve, I would definitely be able to fly even better than Machinedramon!" Tailmon snorted in dissatisfaction

"Tailmon, what's wrong with you today?" Taichi asked with a helpless look on his face."We're just running for our lives, do you really have to argue with Agumon now?"

"I am... Humph! Anyway, if I can evolve, I will definitely be more powerful than Machinedramon! You just wait and see!" Hearing Taichi's complaint, Tailmon turned his face away unhappily, but a trace of worry flashed in his eyes for some reason.

Wizardmon came to find it last night, saying that he wanted to steal Tailmon's real badge while Vamdemon was away. Tailmon wanted to go with it, but it said that Tailmon should have a good rest after running around all day, and he could go by himself.

As a result, there has been no news since it left.

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