Digimon: Order

Chapter 156

As soon as Taiyi said this, everyone present was shocked by this explosive news.

"No way? Astamon actually... did that to his companions? Then Ah He..." Akong looked at Ah He in surprise, as if she wanted to read the negative emotion on his face.

However, all she saw was a dodging look.

""It's bad..." Akong suddenly became extremely nervous, and looked at Taiyi in panic, but found that his eyes were not on her.

She always claimed to be Taiyi's most staunch supporter, but... when the matter involved the group of the chosen children who were really facing a split, Akong found that she was actually hesitant!

She was very worried now, and she just hoped that Taiyi would not misunderstand anything.

"As expected... it's Ah He." Koushiro silently closed the computer and turned his head to one side.

He didn't ask Ah He if he knew about it, nor did he ask why Astamon did this... because Koushiro could guess these reasons.

Koushiro was just a bit of a homebody and liked to hide himself in the online world, but he was a very smart person. As a bystander, he saw many things very clearly.

"Why... Ah He, why did you let Astamon do this to Barumon? Did you know that Barumon almost died because of you! You... Um~" Meimei, who was originally questioning loudly, was too emotional to speak, and then she choked with heartbreaking sobs.

"You bastard...how on earth could you have the heart to do that?!"

"It was… my brother? It was my brother who did that to Koshiro and Mimi’s Digimon friends? Why?!"Among the people present, Takeru had the hardest time accepting the truth revealed by Taichi.

Although he did worship Taichi as an idol, and although he did feel that He was a little too protective of him, in his heart, He was still the gentle and mature brother who would take care of everything for him and always protect him. But Takeru never expected that his dearest brother would actually do such a heinous act of hurting his companions in secret!

"Ah Wu, listen to me, all these things are because…"

"Because you are jealous of me!" Taichi's loud speaker sounded again,"Don't deny it, you are not the only one who knows this, and most people know it too. Since the beginning of your journey in the digital world, you have been trying to outdo me. You can't stand Wu getting close to me, you can't stand Wu growing up under everyone's guidance, and you can't stand me always being better than you!"

"Yagami Taichi, I warn you not to talk nonsense! I just…"

"Listen, listen, this is a serious warning~" Taiyi sneered,"So, not only do you not repent, but your brain is not very fast. Shouldn’t a normal person admit his mistakes and sincerely ask for forgiveness when he is at his wits’ end? But the first thing you thought of was to argue with me?"

"I, all of this, is…" Ah He was really panicking now. He wanted to say something to refute Taichi, but he found himself speechless.

Things happened too suddenly. Before he could formulate a plan to"suppress Taichi and become a team hero", Taichi simply revealed his previous mistakes and caught him off guard. After hesitating for a long time, he seemed to have finally made up his mind.

Blame everything on Astamon, that's it, right?

"Ah Wu, you must believe me! These things are…"

"Ah He, we can't stay here any longer! Don't worry, I will definitely protect you and escape!!"Ah He was about to say something, but Astamon suddenly stretched out the scarf from around his neck and wrapped it tightly around him, then suddenly jumped into the air with his feet paused.

During the flight, it forced Ah He to take out his own Divine Plan, mixed its dark power with the light of the Divine Plan, and opened a jagged passage in the thick fog in the air. However, Ah He was controlled by the opponent's scarf and his throat was strangled. Not only could he not struggle, he couldn't even make a sound. He could only be passively"assisted" by Astamon and crashed into the digital door that had just been opened.

To outsiders, it was as if Ah He had taken the initiative to use the Divine Plan to open the door to the digital world and escaped with Astamon.

"Wow~" Taichi's smile flashed across his face,"This Astamon is a talent~"

Astamon, Taichi said that he really likes it now.

It does whatever he wants, and it is really quite smart.

Instead of dealing with Venomous Vampiremon first, Taichi directly exposed what Ishida Yamato had done before. The reason why Taichi did this was to make Astamon and his human partner unable to think at the same time, so that they would use many stupid moves that seemed to turn the tide but were actually brainless.

For example, rescuing (kidnapping) Ishida Yamato.

Obviously, Astamon would do this because he wanted the children to be cautious and avoid being fired upon by three Ultimates and a large group of Perfects at the same time. In the situation at that time, once Ishida Yamato shouted"I am innocent"、"Everyone will subconsciously choose to believe words like"Actually, it was Astamon who threatened me."

Because except for Taichi, who is a time traveler, everyone else is a child.

Although these teenagers have experienced life and death and have been plotted against in various ways, they still don't have a deep understanding of the cunning of human hearts and the evil deep in human nature.

How bad can a child be?

Not only adults think so, but children also think so.

Based on this idea, all the blame will eventually be put on Astamon.

Therefore, Astamon must tie Ishida Yamato to his side to make all the children aware of it. It turns out that this guy actually took the initiative to team up with it to do those things, and then he was able to take advantage of the children's reluctance and hesitation to escape.

It can only be said that this is exactly what Taichi wanted.

Is it good for Taichi to turn against Astamon here?

If a real fight breaks out, Taichi will end up with no benefit at all, except for the risk of being attacked from both sides by Vampiremon and Astamon, and the possibility of several Digimon or even children dying because of Astamon's counterattack, and getting a chance to kill Astamon.

The three Ultimate Digimons bombarded Astamon with the attack of Vampiremon, and their bodies were The big moves were flying everywhere, causing the terrain to suddenly change and blood and flesh to fly everywhere. Is this scene fun? It's fun~

But it's just fun.

Killing Astamon here would confirm Ishida Yamato's claim that he was coerced by the other party, and there is no way to make this guy get the punishment he deserves.

Why should Digimon bear the mistakes made by humans?

Does killing Astamon count as a punishment for Ishida Yamato?

In the eyes of many people, especially adults, the crime of murdering a Digimon's companion is not valid.

Therefore, after Astamon died, Ishida Yamato would at most get two slaps from his father, one on the left and one on the right. Apart from this, he won't get any punishment!

Making him lose his Digimon partner and being kicked out of the team of chosen children, are these things considered punishment for this guy?

The only punishment among them is probably that Takeru will no longer pay attention to his brother from now on, which is a very unacceptable punishment for a brother control.

But is this possible?

Blood is thicker than water, and the distant ones cannot separate the close ones, please!

The above is the reality.

Although it is unpleasant and feels twisted, it really exists.

So the question is...

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