Digimon: Order

Chapter 159

The opportunity that Taiichi had been waiting for finally became a reality when the first generation of five people, led by Nishijima Daisuke and Himekawa Maki, came to this world.

It was just a pity that the people on the side of Constancy also acted quickly and blocked Taiichi and Earth Greymon when he was about to pass through the gate.

The people leading the team were all familiar faces to Taiichi.

One was his old enemy in Perfect Form, Parrotmon, one of the few ancient species in the Digital World at that time; and the other was Gennai, who was an agent.

The turnaround in the end was still thanks to a group of ungrateful people recruited by the World Tree, the Royal Knights who liked to cut down trees...

The three Royal Knights of the high-dimensional network world, Omegamon, Crimson Knightmon and Golden Armored Dragonmon, were dispatched at the same time...

That Xiao Nuo really made a big move to save Taiichi.

The gambling agreement between light and darkness, whichever side wins, will get the network key of the DA world and become the real controller...

From the beginning to the end, the controller that the World Tree really favored was not Constancy or Apocalypsemon, but Yagami Taichi!

Yggdrasil wanted Taichi to mix in with the chosen children and become a third party that would secretly disturb the balance of light and darkness.

It would stir up internal strife between light and darkness, and weaken the power of both sides. In the end, Taichi, who would reap the benefits, would receive the network key, so that Yggdrasil could seize control of the entire DA network world without bloodshed.

So, Omegamon helped Taichi and Earth Greymon separate the two souls that shared the same body, and inserted one of the core memory cards of the artifact into Taichi's digitized soul as a medium for Earth Greymon to Ultimate Evolve into a mediator in the future.

However, the ubiquitous constancy in the digital world is much smarter than the four Dark Lords who are just working for Apocalypsemon in a muddle. At the last moment, it discovered Yggdrasil's plan.

So, it controlled Parrotmon to crash into Taichi and Earth Greymon who were in the process of soul separation, hoping to use Parrotmon's suicide attack to completely format Taichi's memory and eliminate the trouble forever!

Unfortunately, it underestimated Taichi's ability to control data.

After the soul is digitized, the memory will also be digitized. As a time traveler, Taichi's many memories, especially those related to the knowledge of the digital world and the plot, are definitely the most precious wealth. Therefore, a long time ago, Taichi had already prepared for a rainy day and stored his memories in precise partitions, only calling them up when needed.

Therefore, when he discovered the sinister intentions of constancy, Taichi did two things.

First, he used the body of Terra Greymon to exert the ability to decompose data and directly seized the ancient genes that Parrotmon sent to him.

In addition, before Parrotmon attacked him, he stored almost all of his memories in Terra Greymon.

He was very sure that with the protection of Omegamon, plus his own and Terra Greymon's own resistance, Parrotmon's attack from a complete body would not completely destroy his soul even with the help of constancy. At most, he would suffer a severe concussion and lose all his memories.

Facts have proved that his judgment was completely correct.

Constancy sacrificed Parrotmon, a subordinate with a good development prospect, thinking that even if Taichi's soul was not completely killed, he would definitely be able to turn him into a vegetable. In the end, he found that his plan was completely in vain.

Therefore, there was a follow-up, summoning Taichi again, and then designing a series of conspiracies to kill Taichi.

And Earth Greymon, who had obtained all of Taichi's memories, made a series of preparations step by step according to the guidelines left by Taichi in the four thousand years after Taichi's soul returned to his body.

It ran to the file island and took away Ishida Yamato's digital egg. While disgusting the future male second, it also directly eliminated an important Ultimate form of Constancy; it found the abandoned Andromon in the basement of the unbuilt factory, and issued instructions in advance in Andromon's kernel program to perform a mental power upgrade operation for Taichi and provide other help.

The reason for doing this is that on the one hand, they are worried that when Taichi returns to the Digital World as a human, his ability to control data will be weakened. At the same time, they are also worried that one day Taichi's memories of more than a thousand years will return at once. If his mental strength is not strong enough, he may be shocked into a vegetative state again.

After that, it is to return to the service area continent, cultivate unicorns, snatch the badges of courage and friendship, gather his men to establish the Fallen Alliance, and wait for Taichi to return!

The contradiction between constancy and Taichi is ultimately because this guy who has always advocated balance and stability cannot tolerate Taichi, an alien who shoulders the mission of the World Tree.

Whether Taichi was still in the body of Terra Tyrannosaurus or after Taichi lost his memory and returned to the Digital World as a chosen child, it and its people were deliberately trying to kill Taichi.

The sacred plan that cannot be used, the badge of courage that will evolve into darkness once used, the fairymon who wants to stab Taichi directly, and the fatal arrow shot by Angewomon in the end...

Their relationship has long been a life-and-death struggle!

As for the dark side... no matter if it's Apocalypsemon and the Four Dark Lords, or the forces represented by Mysticmon, since they dare to plot against Taichi, don't blame Taichi for being rude.

Mugendramon, the iron-faced paralyzed one, is ready to compete with Taichi in acting, and Taichi says he's ready to accompany him anytime~

He probably knows what Mugendramon wants to do, so he's ready to act with him until the end. Let's see what good ideas it, or the Molecularmon hiding behind it, has to accomplish that... big thing without the help of the network key.

After all, if Taichi had to do that thing himself, it would be very troublesome.~


They landed at the same time and degenerated at the same time. When Taichi discovered that Wartymon and Garurumon first degenerated into Machine Greymon and OrcGaruru before degenerating into Agumon and Garurumon at the same time, he couldn't help but reveal a smile of affirmation on his face.

The data of a mere Vampiremon is naturally impossible to directly produce two Ultimate Forms, but it can make the data of Agumon and Garurumon stabilize at the perfect level at the same time, and they are only one step away from the Ultimate Form.

To cultivate two Ultimate Forms at one time, the data required is naturally astronomical, but Taichi is not worried at all.

Aren't there still the Four Dark Lords in the world above, and there are also Metalgorillamon, the Four Holy Beasts and the like... Anyway, they are all enemies, so there is nothing to say, just start robbing.


NEvery time a battle is over, being surrounded by everyone seems to be a routine, but this time there are fewer people around.

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