"The stars here are very bright, and they seem to be very close to us~" Next to the bonfire by the lake, Akong sat comfortably in Taiyi's arms, gesturing with her hands to try to find the shape of the constellations.

But after a while, she gave up and pouted unhappily.

"As a result, there was not a single constellation I recognized, and I couldn't find the Big Dipper or the Southern Cross. So, this really wasn't the world we were in before."

"We've already said that we're no longer on Earth, so there's no need to confirm this kind of thing." Taichi smiled helplessly,"You'd better go to bed early, staying up late will easily cause dark circles under your eyes. Look at Agumon, how soundly he sleeps~"

Next to Taichi, Agumon was blowing snot bubbles comfortably... The bubbles were so big that they were comparable in size to Rollermon

"You know that the president has dark circles under his eyes, isn't he also staying up late?"Akong glanced at Taiyi, but still lay down on Taiyi's legs obediently,"Hey, Taiyi, I've always wanted to ask, between us..."

At this point, Akong hesitated a little. Children of their generation are generally precocious and know a lot of things, but because of the girl's reserve, there are some things she didn't say in the end.

"Ah Kong, you know, you are me…"

"The only person you still remember besides your family!" The girl realized that the people around her were starting to answer questions irrelevantly again, so she couldn't help but press on,"If you don't want me to misunderstand that my position in your heart is the same as Mimi's, you'd better not say such things in the future."

"Anyway, Akong is a very important person to me."After a moment of silence, Taiyi said softly

"That’s why I want to know, what is your definition of important…"


Just as Akong was about to continue asking, the entire island in the middle of the lake suddenly began to shake violently, and the path connecting the lakeshore to the island was instantly torn into pieces. The entire island quickly moved away from Taiyi and Akong’s sight and quickly floated towards the other side.


""Ah! What happened?" Hearing the noise, Agumon's snot bubbles also made a crisp sound, waking the little dinosaur who had been dozing off from his sweet dream.

He rubbed his sleepy eyes and asked vaguely,"Huh? Why did our island disappear?"

"This is definitely related to Seadramon! Agumon, you stay on the shore to protect Kong.…"

"Taichi, let's go together!" Akong said firmly,"Biyomon and everyone else are on the train, I can't stay here alone"

"Let's go together! Be careful not to catch a cold!"

Taiyi said, and jumped into the water first, chasing after the island that was getting farther and farther away.

Seeing this, Akong and Agumon hurriedly followed.


The island slammed into several tall electric towers in the lake. The huge impact force immediately shook the tram crooked, and the children in the tram almost fell off their seats.

After everyone hurriedly ran out of the tram, they found that Ah He was standing alone on the edge of the island, watching the battle in the lake with a solemn face. The slender Sea Dragon Beast was spewing out terrifying ice arrows from its mouth, freezing the lake surface into ice of varying sizes. Its opponent was not the psychedelic beast, but a strong wolf with a somewhat ferocious expression, swimming back and forth in the water, looking for an opportunity to solve the opponent.

Finally, the wolf took advantage of the gap between the attacks of the Sea Dragon Beast and sprayed a fiercely burning strange flame accurately on the opponent's neck!

"Chaos flame!"

""Roar!" The sea dragon beast, whose neck was severely injured, let out a mournful cry and fell weakly into the water.

"Humph! Killer Bite!"

The wolf leaped up and pounced on the sea dragon beast, using its sharp fangs to tear at the sea dragon beast's neck until the opponent's body was completely transformed into data and scattered.

"It’s finally resolved…" Ah He, who was watching the battle, unconsciously put his shaking hands into his trouser pockets. It was obvious that his emotions at the moment were not as calm as his face showed.

Why…why was Yagami Taichi able to fight fearlessly, while he was already trembling all over just standing here watching the battle?

"What's going on?"At this time, Taiyi, who had finally swam to the island, also arrived. When he saw the ferocious wolf beside Ah He, he was slightly stunned.

"Just now, Seadramon suddenly appeared from the bottom of the lake and tried to attack the train, but Mysticmon evolved into Gulumon and dealt with it."Ahe tried his best to make his tone light and said in a nonchalant manner.

"Seadramon will attack the train?" Taichi raised his eyebrows,"I remember Beetlemon seemed to have said that as long as you don't provoke Seadramon, it won't attack, right?"

"You mean, I'm lying?" Ah He's face turned serious,"Yagami, why do you think you have the right to doubt others at will?"

"Whether I am just suspecting you or there is something else going on, you know it in your heart."Tai Yi turned around expressionlessly and said,"You are looking for trouble with Seadramon, I don't want to care and I am too lazy to care, but next time, please tell me in advance, at least I can drive the train away first, so that everyone will not be implicated. Okay, if everything is fine, go to bed quickly."

"Wait a minute! Gulumon, stop him!"Seeing Taiyi about to leave, Ah He hurriedly called him from behind.

Gulumon beside him hesitated for a moment, but finally decided to give Ah He face. It rushed to Taiyi in one step and blocked his way, but its face was slightly reluctant.

"Ishida Yamato, what do you mean by this? Taichi turned around and his tone gradually became colder.

"You want to leave before things are clear, I think you are guilty." Ah He's tone was filled with a sense of accountability,"Yagami Taichi, after Digimon defeats the enemy, it can absorb the opponent's data to become stronger. Such an important thing, how long are you going to hide it from everyone, you selfish guy?"

"What did you say?" Taichi was stunned when he heard this,"After defeating the enemy, Digimon will absorb data and become stronger?"

"Are you still playing dumb? Today we met Gugamon and Shellmon, and didn't some of their data get absorbed by Agumon?"Awa asked sternly,"You kept this secret so secret, isn't it because you don't want us to know, so that your Agumon can always maintain the strongest power among the seven Digimon? We are now on this deserted island, and you can command each of us in a domineering manner, relying on your own strong abilities, and with Akong and Koshiro standing behind you!

Each of us has to rely on you, and everyone has to be afraid of you.

Now Azuki doesn't even dare to speak in front of you!


"This... well, I can't say I'm afraid.…"

"Azuki...really, it's all written on your face." Azuki's hesitation made Gomamon beside him shake his head.

""Alas~" Opposite Taichi, Gulumon shook his head imperceptibly, and sighed in disappointment.

After all, he was only an eleven-year-old child, and Ah He's mind was always too simple.

It thought Ah He would hide this matter quietly, and then secretly tell others besides Taichi, but he didn't expect Ah He to make it clear in front of Taichi.

Moreover, Seadramon's tail was poking in the wrong place. Gulumon only knew that there was Seadramon in the lake, but he didn't expect that Seadramon's tail was buried on the island, which was why it made such a big noise during the battle, and even implicated everyone on the train.

Now, with Yagami Taichi's ability, it is almost inevitable that he will bite back.

"Agumon, did you know that you can become stronger by absorbing data? Taichi ignored Ah He's questioning and turned to ask Agumon about the situation of absorbing data.

"I have never heard of such a thing before." Agumon was also full of doubts.

"Beetlemon and Biyomon, do you know?"

"I don’t know…" X2

"Well, it seems that even the most knowledgeable Beetlemon doesn't know this kind of thing. Forget it, I'm too lazy to ask you how you know it, but thank you for the information."Taiyi showed a hint of sarcasm on his face, and then turned to look at the ferocious wolf that blocked him,"Your name is Gurulumon now, right? Can you get out of the way? Your partner has successfully shown me his IQ limit, do you want to refresh it even lower?"

"Taichi-san, today’s incident was actually a bit of a misunderstanding…" Gururumon thought for a moment and said a few soft words on behalf of his partner,"Awa is just a little worried about his brother’s safety and wants to become stronger to protect Takeru. Please don’t take it too seriously.""

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