Digimon: Order

Chapter 168

"Finally, they all left."After the Joker King left, a ripple suddenly appeared in a corner of the forest, and the barrier that was originally used to hide the figures was opened, revealing all the people who had been hiding there since the beginning.

It was the group of the Fallen Alliance led by Victory Greymon!

Among this group of people, there were three more Perfect Digimon.

Eggmon, who had completely evolved from Ogremon, Andromon from File Island, and... Fairymon, who was in charge of setting up the hidden barrier just now!

"Are you satisfied now? All the children were tricked into the mechanical city by Infinite Dragonmon!"Being captured by Victory Greymon to set up the barrier, Fairymon was absolutely unwilling, but it had no way to refuse, after all, the opponent's strength was far inferior to its own.

However, Fairymon was very puzzled by Victory Greymon's behavior.

Just now, when it saw the children being attacked by the Four Dark Lords, Fairymon wanted to rescue them immediately, but was stopped by Victory Greymon, and could only watch anxiously from the sidelines.

"In the situation just now, you would be courting death if you went there. Moreover, if you showed up impulsively, you might even ruin the plans of both the other party and Taichi. Victory Greymon shook his head indifferently, not taking Fairymon's accusation seriously.

"So what are you planning?" Fairymon asked angrily

"I can't tell you if you think you're stupid, but it doesn't matter if you don't know. Anyway, this plan has nothing to do with you. You just need to know that the purpose of our appearance this time is only to detect the enemy and save your life."

"Humph, I don’t need you bunch of fallen people to save me with your fake kindness!"

"Of course I have no good intentions~" Victory Greymon smiled indifferently, then said seriously,"Tell me, where are Xuannai and the others?"

Although Victory Greymon and the members of the Fallen Alliance left the real world only an hour or two earlier than Taichi, it had been several months in the Digimon world.

Taking advantage of this time, Victory Greymon reunited with Eggmanmon and Andromon, and collected a lot of information related to the Four Dark Lords, but he did not find Xuannai.

It seems that Xuannai had already left the Divine Lake before sending the prophecy to the children.

Not only Victory Greymon, but also Eggmanmon and Andromon who went to look for him first came back empty-handed.

"Where is Xuannei? How would I know?"The fairy beast glared at the other party fiercely and shouted angrily

"You don't know either? Just forget it." Victory Greymon let go of Fairymon and pointed the sword at Fairymon's face, threatening him,"Fairymon, I'm going to let you go today because you're here to help the children, but you'd better not let me find out that you're hiding anything about Xuan Nei. You've always followed Xuan Nei's orders, and now that he's gone, you should just live your life peacefully and don't get involved in these things anymore, understand?""

"Humph, I don't want to get involved in your business anymore!" Fairymon turned around indignantly and tried to leave, but paused for a moment before taking off."Hey, you fallen one, I don't care what you and that kid named Yagami Taichi are planning, but the other kids are innocent, you'd better not implicate them."

"I know this kind of thing better than you do!"Victory Greymon replied coldly and made a fly-shooing gesture to Fairymon, indicating that it was time to"show the guest away."

"Dandanmon and the other members will disperse and wait for orders. Andromon, you and Beanmon will come with me to the Mechacity. I believe you should have left a back door there for us to enter, right?"

"We can sneak into the Iron Empire headquarters through the abandoned underground passage. Andromon nodded in response.

""That's good, let's go."

After Fairymon left, Victory Greymon briefly arranged the tasks for each member, and then headed towards the direction of Dark Spiral Mountain with Andromon and Beanmon.

In the Spiral Mountain of the City, the Mechanical City of the Iron Empire, the thrusters behind the Infinite Dragon Beast who was running for his life seemed to have suddenly malfunctioned, and when it was about to reach the outer landing platform of the Mechanical City, it fell to the ground, and Taichi and the other three beasts were also thrown to the ground.

The huge noise unsurprisingly attracted the Guardian Beasts and Mechanical Armored Beasts who were patrolling around, but when they found that the"invader" was actually their supreme commander, and the supreme commander was seriously injured, they were immediately scared and almost died.

"Send me to the repair workshop first, and notify Molecular Beast to receive Taiyi immediately!

"Although he was seriously injured, Infinite Dragon Beast still had authority.

After giving the order, the mechanized troops surrounding here immediately took action.

The steel floor of the mechanical city instantly changed to a mechanical conveyor belt that could operate automatically.

The workshop door in front was quickly opened.

The huge body of Infinite Dragon Beast was gradually sent to the dark workshop along with the movement of the conveyor belt.

""Taiyi, I have to carry out maintenance during this period. I'll leave everything about the Iron Empire to you. Moleculemon will do its best to assist you!" Before being pushed onto the repair table, Infinite Dragonmon turned around and told Taiyi, with a voice full of entrustment.

"Don't worry, Rollmon!" Taiyi promised firmly,"I will protect everyone, and I will protect you too! So, Rollmon, you must get better soon! Rollmon!"


Hearing Taiyi calling him Rollmon again, Infinite Dragonmon felt that the energy transmission pipeline in his chest seemed to be blocked again.

After watching Infinite Dragonmon get on the repair table, Taiyi, led by Mecha Armormon, entered a huge fortress in the center of the mechanical city. All kinds of high-tech novelties could be seen everywhere along the way, which made Xiaoguang beside Taiyi both scared and curious. Going all the way to the main control room, Taiyi finally saw Molecularmon busy in front of the main computer in the room.

""Long time no see, Moleculemon." Taichi greeted Moleculemon very friendly,"You've done well to be entrusted by Rollermon with all matters after it got injured. You're already the second most important person in the Iron Empire.""

"Master Tai, you are joking. The order from the Infinite Dragon Beast King is for me to assist you. How dare I overstep my authority?"Molecular Beast waved his hand hurriedly and said,"Master Tai, do you want to see your companions first and take a rest? Or should I introduce you to the current situation of the Iron Empire?"

"Let Xiaoguang take the Digimon to meet up with my companions first."The other five children were captured here by the Robotmon and should be nervous right now. It's a good opportunity for Xiaoguang to take Agumon and Garurumon with him so that they don't have to worry.

"I will let Gearmon take Miss Xiaoguang to meet everyone, Master Taiyi, please rest assured."Moleculemon promised, entered a line of code on the computer, and a Gearmon appeared at the door obediently. As expected of a mechanical city, the efficiency is quite high.

"Xiaoguang, you take the Digimon to find Kong and the others first. I'll come find you if anything happens to Molecularmon and I."

"But brother, I want to be with you..." Xiaoguang grabbed the corner of his clothes and pleaded weakly.

""Hello, Xiao Guang, brother and Moleculemon have something to say. You take Tailmon, Agumon and the others to find everyone first. This way, everyone won't have to worry about me, and you can also eat something and take a rest. Do you understand?" Taichi advised softly,"You don't have to worry about anything here. After all, this is the territory of Ballmon, just like our own home.""

"But, I think…" Xiaoguang was still a little worried, and his brows were furrowed.

"Light, believe me?"

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