Digimon: Order

Chapter 170

After arguing with Moleculemon for a while, Taichi, under the guidance of Gearmon who was in charge of odd jobs, found his companions who were temporarily less nervous because of Hikaru's early reunion. However, everyone was now in the enemy camp, and they also learned that the other three Dark Kings might attack at any time, so everyone was on high alert.

"Don't look so sad, Rollermon is repairing its body.

When it is fully recovered, with the help of the defense of the Iron Empire, we may not lose.

"Taiyi smiled and comforted,"During this period, everyone should conserve their energy and have a good rest.

By the way, Koushiro, there is a lot of useful knowledge stored in the Iron Empire.

If you are interested, you can learn it yourself.

In addition, it was Molecularmon who helped you upgrade the monitoring map last time.

If you want to learn programming, just go find it yourself.


Taking the initiative to mention the help that Molecular Beast has given to us in the human world can make the children less nervous, and it will also dispel some of the doubts that everyone has about the Iron Empire.

Taiyi felt very guilty about what he was doing.

It can be said that he brought all the children into the Iron Empire, an absolutely dangerous place, for some of his own plans, and he kept inducing the children to believe in his enemies. He has to apologize to everyone after the matter is over.

In particular, he actually took advantage of Xiaoguang, which was really a bastard.

But what Molecular Beast and Infinite Dragonmon are going to do is indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for Taiyi. It was Molecular Beast who gave Taiyi confidence. This guy could even write a bug-level program like the Dark Spiral Mountain, and even the most powerful firewall in the entire DA network world, the Wall of Fire, could be weakened by it. Taiyi I believe that if this guy is not very sure, he will never carry out his plan.

After all, for them, this is the only chance to go all out.

In the battle just now, Taichi was openly in command, but in fact he had been secretly using telepathy to synchronize with Victory Greymon to communicate with the intelligence he had obtained in recent days. The latter assured him that he, Andromon and Beanmon would definitely have a way to stop Moleculemon's final crazy plan and would definitely guarantee the safety of the children. Only then did Taichi dare to take the risk and bring the children into the Iron Empire. Otherwise

, when the Four Heavenly Kings just appeared, Taichi led the children to contain them head-on, Victory Greymon led the Fallen Alliance to attack from behind, and at least three of the other four guys, including the Joker, would have died. It's just that the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness have never been the last enemy. In order to be able to hook the big fish behind, Taichi doesn't mind letting them live a little longer.

"By the way... Kong, you were suddenly captured by the mechanical armored beast, and you haven't seen me for such a long time. Are you worried?"In the room, after wolfing down something, Taiyi wiped his mouth casually, and suddenly showed a cunning smile. In front of everyone's confused faces, he approached Kong directly.

He put his arms around the other's waist, and their faces were almost touching. If there were some lights and music, Taiyi's movements would be like dancing with the other person face to face.

"Tai... Taiyi?!"Akong was stunned by Taiyi's blatant embrace.

"If you don't say it, then I'll take the initiative. I was really worried about you during the previous battle~" He hugged Kong tightly, and whispered in her ear without paying attention to anyone else. The hot air he exhaled made Kong flustered and soon her face turned red.

Such a show of affection without paying attention to anyone else naturally attracted the attention of other people in the room. Seeing this scene, Koshiro and Takeru faced the wall directly, while Asuke dropped his jaw in shock.

As for the rest of the people...

Hikari was full of black air, Tailmon's claws were shining coldly, and Mimi... She had been staring at Taichi with a very strange look. She seemed angry and a little disappointed, but What was more was the hesitation that she couldn't make up her mind.

Akong was of course very embarrassed. To be honest, she really hoped that Taiyi could stay with her all the time. Of course, they could be intimate like a couple, but there was a prerequisite, that is, being alone!

Being watched by so many people, she would be so embarrassed that she would find a crack in the ground to crawl into!

She wanted to push Taiyi away, but her hands were too cramped to move. After a lot of effort, she put her hands on Taiyi's chest and prepared to push him out, but she found that she had no strength at all. In the end, it was as if she was trying to resist but still willing him.

"Kong, the Iron Empire has a conspiracy, and I need you to cooperate with me!"


"Don't talk, we might be under surveillance." Taiyi whispered to Akong, and even though his lips were almost touching the other's ear, Akong could only hear a tiny sound, which showed how cautious Taiyi was.

"In short, if it involves some of our affairs, if I agree with the decision of the molecular beast, Kong must be the first to come out and support me~"

Taiyi needs his help!

Upon hearing this, Kong nodded imperceptibly, indicating that he would definitely support Taiyi.

At this time, all the shyness and embarrassment were thrown behind her.

Kong was full of joy at this time, because he could finally help Taiyi

"Finally... I've actually wanted to do this for a long time~ But at that time, we were in Odaiba and there were parents watching so it was not very convenient~



After the inexpressible sound, Akong felt the warmth on his cheeks, and then his whole face became as hot as a red-hot kettle.

"Brother and Sister Akong, if you can't help it next time, remember to tell us in advance so we can avoid it.~"

"Uh…" The sneak attack was successful. Taiyi, who was originally in a good mood, turned around and saw the dark light in his sister's eyes. His heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Would she secretly stab Xiao in the future?���Curse Akong?

Buzz! Buzz!

The sudden alarm saved Taiyi, who was deeply trapped in the abyss of brother complex. The children's attention was also attracted by the shrill buzzing of the radio and the flashing red lights in the corridor. Their hearts, which had not been relaxed at all, were suddenly tightened again!

"Master Taiyi, can you hear me? The three Dark Lords have gathered a large number of troops to attack us! Please come to the control room with the children immediately, it is safer here!"In the broadcast, the voice of the molecular beast was anxious.

The enemy is coming!

"Everyone, let's go to the main control room to see if there is any way to resist the enemy. In addition..." Taichi, who was walking towards the door first, paused,"Don't worry, we will be fine this time!"

After a group of seven people and eight Digimon came to the main control room, Taichi immediately found Moleculemon, who also told Taichi about the battle situation with a worried look on his face.

"The Deep Sea Saviors, Jungle Cavalry, and the Nightmare Legion launched a full-scale invasion of the Mechanical City from three directions. The vanguard has even broken through the outer defense line of the city and invaded the city to engage in street fighting with our people!"

Molecular Beast pointed to the battle map on the main computer and explained the current situation to Taiyi. On that electronic map, the red circle representing the enemy's invasion range is rapidly expanding!

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