Digimon: Order

Chapter 178

"Holy system? It is indeed the best choice to deal with viruses and dark forces~ So, Xiaoguang and Awu..." Taiyi pretended to think for a while, as if he was thinking about which holy plan he should let the Molecular Beast destroy first.

"If that's the case, let the magic beast receive the data next! Brother Taichi, is this okay?"Awu suddenly looked at Taichi with expectation,"If we want to save my brother, the magic beast and I must have stronger power than Astamon! So, brother Taichi, can you let me start first?"

""Do you want to go first, that's fine~"

Taichi shrugged indifferently. He actually wanted Molecular Beast to crack Xiaoguang's sacred plan directly.

That sacred plan is absolutely closely related to constancy. If Molecular Beast touches it, constancy will definitely explode immediately.

Moreover, if the evolutionary restrictions in it can be removed, Angewomon will not have to evolve into that pink Husky in the future.

The angel representing love and compassion, that should be my... uh, my family���This is the route that Light Angewomon should choose~

However, since Takeru wants to go first, it doesn't matter if he goes first. Anyway, there is already the dark power planted by Devimon and Black Diemon in the body of Devilmon, and now it is heavily infused with these virus seed data, its future evolution may be surprising.

If it fails to evolve into an archangel, and instead some kind of Vampiremon or Zombie Satanmon appears, I am afraid that Constancy will not explode on the spot, but will humanely destroy it.

So, under Takeru's expectant and worried gaze, Devilmon lay on the operating table, and Moleculemon also dismantled his sacred plan at a very fast speed.

"Hmm? The restriction program of this sacred plan seems to have been corroded by the dark power, making it easier to crack. It seems that the evolution program can be run and data can be filled at the same time..."

Awu's sacred plan actually has problems, which made the molecular beast a little unexpected, but this kind of problem is not a difficulty for it, but a great help. It will not miss this opportunity to speed up the process of the plan. So

, the molecular beast took a two-pronged approach. While destroying the core of Awu's sacred plan, it directly raised its hand and pressed the start button on the keyboard beside it, preparing to run the evolution program at the same time to charge the data for the monster!


At this time, Xiao Guang suddenly shouted for no reason, as if she wanted to stop the action of the molecular beast, but unfortunately everyone's attention was focused on the magic beast, and no one paid attention to what she shouted.

"Hikaru?" Tailmon heard it clearly, but when she looked at Hikaru, she found that Hikaru's face was also full of doubt.

It was as if Hikaru had completely forgotten why he had spoken just now.

At the same time, a ball of black light suddenly burst out from the body of the demon beast. This time, it did not even evolve into FlameAngemon, but directly evolved into Devimon!

"Why...why is it Devimon?" Wu was stunned for a moment,"What happened to Devimon? Molecular Beast, what's going on? Why did Devimon evolve directly into Devimon?"

"It may be because I charged it with virus species data.

"Moleculemon's tone did not fluctuate at all, and he did not seem to think there was anything wrong with this evolution.

"The Digimon used as data, such as Guardianmon, were infected with the computer virus I wrote and stopped their functions.

After their data was decomposed, their attributes were of course virus species.

And after the evolutionary restrictions were unlocked, the Magic Beast itself has the path to evolve into Devilmon.

I also found that it was not only deeply impressed by the image of Devilmon, but also seemed to have been planted with a powerful dark power in its body.

With these two factors and the charging of virus species data, I think it is inevitable that it will evolve into Devilmon!


"But, didn't you just say that the monster will eventually evolve into a holy type?…"

"At that time, I didn't know that it had the power of darkness in its body!" Molecular Beast interrupted Wu impatiently,"Anyway, time is running out now, and I don't have time to worry about what it will evolve into. Anyway, as long as it still has reason, it will definitely continue to listen to your orders! Okay, I'm going to increase the data transmission power! The enemy is about to break in, and it's too late!"

Molecular Beast's hands tapped on the keyboard quickly, and suddenly more virus data rushed into Demon Beast's body frantically, even causing a skeletal skeleton phantom to appear on its body surface!

"No! We can’t go on like this!"

This time, Xiaoguang’s shout was very clear, and everyone in the room could hear it clearly.

And not only that, the light that burst out from her body was clearly seen by everyone this time... the light shot straight at Devilmon!

"Ugh… Ugh ah ah ah!"The moment the dark skin was illuminated by the light, the demon beast lying on the operating table suddenly began to scream in pain. The two colors of light and darkness kept interweaving on its body. Its body kept twisting, and even wisps of green smoke began to emerge from all parts of its body. There was even a pungent smell of burning!

It was as if the light was mercilessly burning its body.

"Don't do this... Xiaoguang, what is that light on you? Stop it now! Even if it is Devimon, it is still my partner! Please, stop it!" Hearing Devimon's screams, Wu, who swore to treat the other party as a companion no matter what, was extremely distressed at the moment.

He saw that it was the light on Xiaoguang's body that made Devimon so painful, and he kept urging the other party to stop, but Xiaoguang seemed to be deaf to him.

Molecular Beast was staring at the mini PDA in his hand excitedly, and began to type a series of codes on the computer frantically.

Power pulse signal locked... address code matched... consciousness pulse signal matched... address code locked!

"Address code changed, locked! Hahaha, it's finally done!!"After the last string of code was entered, the molecular beast shouted happily and hit the enter key heavily!



Along with Molecularmon's wild laughter and Takeru's screams, the light on Hikaru's body burst out violently again. At the same time, Takeru's badge suddenly released a golden light, which, together with the light on Hikaru's body, enveloped Devilmon's entire body.

Under Takeru's nervous gaze, eight white wings shook off the light curtain that enveloped the body, and the archangel holding the holy sword appeared in front of Takeru!

"Devilmon... No, has it turned into an angel again? The Digimon in front of him was no longer a dark devil, but an angel emitting holy light again.

However, that light made Takeru feel a little blinded.

"Takeru, don't worry. I'm fine, and I've successfully evolved to my full form. I'm now HolyAngemon. Seeing that his partner was still worried, the newly evolved HolyAngemon hurriedly spoke to comfort him gently.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, I'm glad you're okay." Wu wiped his eyes carelessly and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't think the HolyAngemon in front of him was handsome and noble. On the contrary, he had a slight disgust for this form.

If he had to go through that kind of pain to make his partner evolve into a so-called righteous and holy angel, then he would rather not have this kind of evolution!

Whether it's an angel or a demon, it doesn't matter to Wu at this moment. He does need the power to fight against his brother and Astamon, but what he hopes more is that his partner can be safe!

"Finally, I succeeded in turning its evolution back to the right path... It's just a pity that I couldn't completely eliminate the dark power in its body."

Xiao Guang's voice came to my ears, but Ah Wu felt that this tone was completely different from Xiao Guang's before.

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