Digimon: Order

Chapter 182

"Beanmon, it turns out you are the traitor…" There was a hint of suppressed anger in Moleculemon’s voice,"How dare you come back?"

"I have the support of the boss and Taichi, so is there any place in this world that I dare not go to?" Beanmon shook his body with disdain, and his expression suddenly changed,"Not only do I dare to come back, but I also dare to expose your conspiracy, and even dare to let Andromon secretly hack into the main computer here, and completely ruin the annihilation plan set up by you and Infinitedramon! I have done all these things, what can you do to me~"

As soon as the voice fell, a body poked out from the hole just opened by Victory Greymon again. It was the super powerful complete form, Andromon.

As a Digimon who is also good at operating machinery and computers, Andromon is not as good at operating computers as the partial Molecularmon, but it is not a problem to hack into a system while Taichi is holding Molecularmon.

With its and Beanmon's assistance, Molecularmon's plan was completely cracked.

"This is impossible!���Even if Dulumon was able to hack into the computer when I wasn't paying attention, how did he time it so accurately? Besides, the Four Dark Lords had already attacked you when you just returned to the Digital World, so you didn't have time to meet up with them!" Moleculemon screamed in disbelief, unable to believe that his meticulous plan was ruined by Taichi and his three cobblers!

"I remember you have been trying to crack Andromon's kernel program, but you haven't succeeded yet?" Taiyi said with a smile,"Actually, this goggles is one of the things that Andromon modified according to the kernel instructions.

In addition to helping me see the data better, it also has an important function, which is telepathic synchronization.

I want to discuss strategy with Victory Greymon, and there is no need for face-to-face communication.

As long as I use my mental power to control the data fragments with memories and transmit them to the other party's synchronous data receiver, I can achieve remote real-time communication.

Moreover, the principle of this thing is based on my ability to control data, and it has nothing to do with whether you are disconnected from the Internet.

Do you understand now? When fighting with the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness, Victory Greymon and the members of the Fallen Alliance were watching from the side.

If I didn't need to borrow your hand to deal with constancy, the Four Heavenly Kings of Darkness would have been greatly reduced in number as early as the first meeting!


"Damn it! I don't believe it! This is impossible..."


A powerful miniaturized infinite cannon directly hit the molecular beast, instantly smashing its entire body into pieces. Although it didn't die for the time being, it could no longer speak fluently.

"Damn, Infinite Dragon Beast, what are you doing?…"

"It's nothing, I just think you're too noisy!" After destroying Molecularmon with a single shot, Infinitedramon waved its claws at VictoryGreymon, and the electronic sound suddenly filled with fighting spirit.

"Hikarigaoka's Rollingmon, your name is Victory Greymon, right? Let's fight!"

"You want to fight me?" Victory Greymon rubbed his temple with his other hand in confusion, his tone seemed a little helpless,"Speaking of which, you have already failed so badly that you can't fail again. Is there really any need to fight again? And you are obviously injured. Let alone fighting me, even Agumon probably can't stop you. Instead of fighting you, it's better to let Agumon practice with you.…"

"I say it again! You, fight me!"

""Huh?" Victory Greymon was stunned by Infinite Dragonmon's performance and couldn't help but turn around and ask Taichi,"What's wrong with it?"

"We are too immersed in the drama...both me and it." Taichi shook his head silently,"Andromon restarted the main computer and started downloading the data in this computer and the memory of Moleculemon. Victory Greymon, go fight Infinite Dragonmon, please.~"

"You're so into the show...

You told me before that the reason you were so sure you could fool the other party was because you've read a lot of...

that novel stuff, so it's easy for you to accept that Infinite Dragonmon is Hikari Hill Rollermon.

Now it seems like you're really into it.

" Victory Greymon swung his sword and turned to Infinite Dragonmon,"You want to fight me, you can!

Also, I apologize for my sarcasm just now.

This battle is between you and me, and it really shouldn't be handed over to others.


"Thank you very much!" Infinite Dragonmon's eyes flashed red, and the two main guns behind him quickly began to charge. The next second, countless super crossbow-level energy waves were fired from the two main guns one after another, converging into a series of dazzling light bombs that bombarded Victory Tyrannosaurus.

"Trident Gaia!" Victory Greymon also split the Dragonmon Broken Sword into three, condensing a super strong energy impact in front of him, and colliding head-on with the energy of the Infinity Cannon!


The terrifying aftermath of the explosion swept the entire underground air-raid shelter in an instant. Phoenixmon and HolyAngemon had to stand up to help the children block the attack. Taichi also opened a barrier to protect Akong and Tailmon, and of course Xiaoguang who was possessed by the constancy.

As for those Digimon who had no defense ability, they were miserable. A large number of Digimon who were originally like zombies were directly knocked over by the impact, and even some Gearmon, Guardmon, etc. who were too close were directly The spreading energy waves directly crushed it into data fragments, and even the explosion process was omitted!


In the diffuse smoke and dust, Victory Greymon and Infinite Dragonmon fiercely collided with each other, and the four arms crossed back and forth, presenting everyone present with a series of dazzling close-range hand-to-hand combat!

Infinite Dragonmon's right hand's turbine claw and left hand's infinite arm worked together, and each attack was wrapped with powerful force, as if to tear Victory Greymon into pieces; however, Victory Greymon also used the two Dragonmon Broken Sword auxiliary swords equipped on his arms to continuously block the opponent's attacks, and sparks flew everywhere for a while.

"You know what, Infinite Dragonmon, if this is the battle... you will definitely lose!"

Victory Greymon suddenly used his tail to throw the main sword on his back into the air. The blade drew a strange arc and then bypassed Victory Greymon's body, piercing Infinite Dragonmon's head!

"What?"Infinitedramon was startled and dodged backwards, but he didn't expect VictoryGreymon's attack to follow!

"Sometimes I wonder why Taichi has so many novel ideas in his mind, like this one!"Victory Greymon opened his mouth and bit the hilt of the main sword, shaking his head violently, and slashed the sword tip against Infinite Dragonmon's body. A huge oblique cut suddenly appeared on Infinite Dragonmon's chest.

At the same time, the auxiliary swords in his hands also flashed with cold light, cutting off the claws on both sides of Infinite Dragonmon at the same time!

"Three Swords Style: Dragon Beast Crushing Sword!"


"It's not over yet!" Victory Greymon reunited the giant sword, held the trident-shaped blade in both hands, and rushed forward, poking three more holes in Infinite Dragonmon's chest!


The blade closed, and the three small cracks suddenly merged into a huge gap. Victory Greymon raised his hands and pulled them together, countless iron filings flew, and a huge hole appeared on Infinite Dragonmon's chest."X"Word scars!

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