Digimon: Order

Chapter 184

"Brother... why are you looking at me like that? Your eyes are so scary..." Seeing Taiyi staring at him with a bad face, Xiaoguang's constancy immediately controlled him to act scared, but he couldn't hide the smugness on his lips.

"Constancy, I warn you that you'd better not provoke me!"

"I just want you to know that the current situation is in my favor." Constancy seemed to be familiar with the weakness brought by giving up power. At this time, it was able to control Xiaoguang's body to stand up. It looked at Taiyi and suddenly smiled."Brother, please give me more guidance in the future~ I want to fight against the dark forces and even collect the network key. Brother has to help me. Otherwise…"

"Otherwise, what do you want to do? Taiyi's face was very cold. While speaking, he had already taken out his sacred plan.

"What is that? Yagami Taichi, what do you want to do with that thing? Don't you care about your sister's situation at all? I warn you, we are now one body with two souls. If something happens to me, she will have a hard time either!"

The red light that kept flashing on the Sacred Plan and the power that did not belong to this world made Constancy feel palpitating. In order to prevent Taichi from taking action against it, Constancy hurriedly used Xiaoguang as a shield.

Indeed, this might allow it to continue to survive, but it would also make Taichi more determined to kill it!

However, Taiyi now needs to temporarily restrict it, so that it will not come out to mess up for him often in the future.

"Constancy, you'd better pray that Hikari doesn't lose a single hair while you're possessed.

Otherwise, there's no need for this digital world to exist!

" Taichi stepped forward, stared coldly into Constancy's eyes and threatened,"Also, I warn you not to be arrogant in front of me, and don't even think about interfering with Hikari's affairs with my body.

The core program of this sacred plan was personally given to me by Omegamon, the royal knight of the higher-dimensional network world.

You've seen the three royal knights, and you must be aware of my relationship with the World Tree.

If you really push me too far, I'll take you to the higher-dimensional network world to meet Yggdrasil!

Do you think it has a way to separate you and Hikari? I promise that by then you will definitely have ten thousand more miserable endings than death!


"You... Humph! I don't believe you have a way to reach a higher dimensional world!"

"You can try it!" Taiyi's expression did not change at all, but his eyes became colder.

Constancy was right. Taiyi certainly had no way to go to the high-dimensional network world. The Royal Knight World Tree was just a big banner, used by Taiyi to fool Constancy. But since this guy could even stay in Xiaoguang's body, it meant that he would definitely believe Taiyi's deception!

After all, even the madman Molecular Beast could see his fear of death clearly.

"This... Ugh! Oops... Oops!"

As expected, constancy hesitated.

And the price of hesitation was that Xiaoguang's spirit seized the opportunity and began to fight back!

Get out of my consciousness!

"What... this little girl actually! Damn it..." Constancy covered its forehead again. It didn't expect Xiaoguang's counterattack to be so strong!

Constancy, which lacked understanding of human emotions, didn't know that in Xiaoguang's seemingly bright heart, there was actually a little darkness.

It's just that the power of light has always been too strong, which made this little shadow of darkness almost disappear.

However, when Constancy touched the bottom line that could not be touched the most, this little darkness would expand rapidly, and even to a certain extent, it would devour the consciousness and power of Constancy in turn!

At the mental level, Xiaoguang's counterattack became stronger and stronger, and Constancy also felt that his consciousness was getting weaker and weaker.

I absolutely... will not allow you to threaten my brother by using my body, and I will not allow you to call him brother directly!

Sister Akong, Tailmon, or anyone else, what you want to call is your own business, but brother can only be mine! No one except me is allowed to use this title!!

That little darkness is actually Taichi.

To be precise, it is Xiaoguang's possessiveness of Taichi as a brother.

To put it simply, it is extreme brother control.…

"Ah!"Constancy... Xiaoguang should have let out a scream, and then his eyes rolled back and fell forward.

Seeing this, Taiyi hurriedly stepped forward and hugged the other party in his arms, gently stroking the hair on the back of Xiaoguang's neck

"Bro... I'm back~"

"It's okay~ Guang, everything will be fine! I will find a way to deal with that guy, for sure!"


The brother and sister just hugged each other like this, no one came forward to disturb them, as if everything around them had nothing to do with them

"Taichi, I just checked Moleculemon's PDA and found something different."At this time, Andromon, who had little idea of what sight was, stepped forward and said,"Before and after Xiaoguang's self-consciousness was restored, the power pulse signal recorded by this PDA seemed to be a little different. The last power pulse signal recorded when Xiaoguang's self-consciousness was restored was weaker than the previous ones."

"What did you say?" Taichi's eyes lit up when he heard that."Andromon, you mean that the power of constancy was weakened after being counterattacked by Xiaoguang?"

"Yes." Andromon nodded seriously,"If the power pulse signal recorded by this computer is correct, then this should be the judgment."


What does it mean to see the light after a dark period?

This is it!

Constancy probably never thought that it would be forced to occupy Xiaoguang's body one day. Therefore, the transformation it originally made to Xiaoguang to make it easier for her to come has now become its biggest shackle!

After the soul is digitized, Xiaoguang's mental strength is much stronger than that of an ordinary child. She can even devour the power of Constancy in reverse!

Mental power upgrade surgery!

Xiaoguang, who has been transformed by Constancy, has a higher degree of completion of soul digitization than an ordinary child, and can upgrade her mental power like Taiyi!

If Xiaoguang's mental power continues to upgrade, she One day, it will completely absorb the power of Constancy and completely destroy the other party's consciousness!

At that time...

Xiaoguang = Constancy?

After this crazy idea took shape in Taiyi's mind, there was no way to get rid of it, because its feasibility is really great!

However, Taiyi quickly suppressed the idea of upgrading Xiaoguang's mental power immediately. Constancy's current power is still too strong. Taiyi is worried that it will snatch data during the operation, thereby increasing its own power, which will be troublesome.

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