Digimon: Order

Chapter 187

"Great, now the matter has finally come to an end." Victory Greymon said with emotion,"Next, we just need to restart the computer, and then Andromon will track the whereabouts of the children. I hope they haven't encountered any dangerous situations during this period. However, except for the Joker King, the other two Dark Kings should not be considered a threat at present, after all, they were beaten like that by Infinite Dragonmon."

"Anyway, we should track them immediately. If they are really in danger, we can rescue them directly."

"Taiyi, Victory Greymon, we have initially located the five children by tracking the transmission address. Do we need to open the space channel immediately?"After a while, Andromon displayed the location of the five children on the computer screen, allowing Taiyi to see the current situation of the five people clearly.

"Andromon, can you modify the coordinates of the space channel and locate the transmission position near each child?"After staring at the screen for a while, Taiyi suddenly asked

���Yes." Andromon did not ask the reason for Taichi's order. After a while of typing on the keyboard, it had already changed the code of the transmission channel."I changed the coordinates of the space channel to a dynamic address field, and it will be refreshed once a second with the location of the five children, ensuring that after the space channel is opened, it can immediately reach each child."

"Taichi, are you not going to let the children reunite for the time being?"Victory Greymon seemed to have guessed Taichi's thoughts.

"Yeah... the locations where my five companions were teleported were quite coincidental, and I suddenly don't want to disturb them." Taiyi said with a smile,"Victory Greymon, send the coordinates of the children to the members of the Fallen Alliance, and let them go ahead as the first echelon to protect them. We will stay here and watch for a while."

Taiyi originally wanted to bring the children together immediately, but when he saw certain scenes later, he felt that it might be a good thing for them to be separated.

Especially when Taiyi found that Koushiro and Beetlemon were thrown near the God-endowed Lake, and a machine gun demon in a windbreaker happened to flash across Takeshi's field of vision, Taiyi completely gave up his previous idea.

Before everyone came to the digital world, they had made bold statements, saying that there were more important things to do besides saving the world. Now, perhaps it is time to put it into practice.

After a great battle at the Spiral Mountain of the City, the military strength of the Four Dark Lords was unprecedentedly weakened, and the two Dark Lords other than the Joker King were also seriously injured. Infinite Dragonmon even turned into an egg and is about to be reborn as Taiyi's new partner. It can be said that as long as the children do not encounter the Joker King directly, there will be no problem. What

's more, Andromon has already located the position of each child. If the children need rescue, our side can help. The reinforcements can reach the battlefield within one second. Therefore, this separation is at most a close call for the children, and can be regarded as a test for the children to gain experience.

Taichi can arrange a strong rescue force in advance, and then stay behind the screen and watch the growth of his companions.

Especially Koshiro and Asuke, they are closely related to a plan jointly formulated by Taichi and Victory Greymon. Whether they can recognize each other may all depend on this time. The chosen child... the deputy partner plan!

What, you ask why Xiaoguang doesn't need experience?

Her experience has already begun... Because of constancy, as long as Xiaoguang appears in the digital world, Taichi must follow her closely. This state may have to continue until she completely erases the existence of constancy!

However, for this pair of brother-control and sister-control, they should enjoy this state very much... If Taichi can whisper to Sora without having to endure his sister's thorny eyes, he may enjoy it even more.~

"Speaking of powerful rescue forces, Molecularmon left so many dead Digimon here. If we don't absorb their information, wouldn't it be a waste?" Victory Greymon asked, leaning on his sword,"Do you want to wait until everyone is gathered and then use the program left by Molecularmon to help them advance to Ultimate Form, or are you ready to absorb it now?"

"It's better to absorb it now to avoid more troubles!" Taiyi decided quickly,"There are five children lost in different places. If we want to ensure the rescue work is foolproof, we need at least five naturally evolved Ultimates, so that we can deal with any emergencies. Besides, whether it is against the Joker King or the guy behind the fire wall, the more masters the better."

"Five Ultimates, you are really generous. Including me, Agumon and Garurumon, there are barely three Ultimates here. Andromon, after filling in the data for Agumon and Garurumon, I want to create two more Ultimates. Is the total amount of data here enough?"Victory Greymon turned his head and asked Andromon who was operating the computer

"Not enough."

This was a very straightforward answer, which slapped Taichi's face.

"Andromon, help me recalculate, if Agumon, Garurumon and you are charged with data and evolve to Ultimate Form at the same time, will the total amount of data here be enough?" Taichi suddenly asked

"Even if the data conversion rate is calculated at 80%, we can at least save the data of one Ultimate Form." Andromon calculated according to Taichi's method and came up with a new conclusion.

"This... is also possible?"Victory Greymon's proud smile froze on his face.

Victory Greymon just considered the total amount of data required for a Digimon to advance from an egg to an Ultimate, but overlooked an important key, that is, Agumon, Garurumon and Andromon are now the best among the Perfect Digimon. They are only about to advance to the Ultimate, and they don't need so much data at all! Counting from 1 to 1000 may be a long string of numbers, but what if you start counting from 900?

"Are you stupid? I taught you math, you are still a bit immature compared to me~" Tai said with a smug smile,"That's settled! Andromon, prepare to execute the evolution program. In addition, the last candidate for the Ultimate Form is... Eggman. Let it come back, I will personally help it design the route of the Ultimate Form, after all, I promised it"

"That guy is not bad.

Although he is a little bit stupid, he is surprisingly a reliable candidate.

Moreover, he is also a virus species, which is more consistent with these data.

He is indeed a good choice.

"Victory Greymon thought about it for a while, and thought that it might be a good idea to let the former Ogamon, now Eggmon, take a step further, so he ran to the side to send a communication to the other party.

Eggmon also has the long-distance walkie-talkie that is standard for members of the Fallen Alliance.

It is Taichi's subordinate, and in fact, it is no different from the members of the Fallen Alliance.

"Taichi, you are biased!"

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