The image was gone, but the sound was still there. Although the last electronic sound had no beginning, development, or ending, it made Taichi's heart tighten.

This image was definitely related to him!

The most important thing was... why was the password Rollingmon, and why did the transformed Tyrannosaurus call out his name in the end of the image?

"Andromon, when was this encrypted file placed in the main computer?" Taichi asked hurriedly.

"Sorry, I lost this part of the data and didn't know it."Andromon shook his head, indicating that he could not help.

"I have no clue~" Taiyi sighed helplessly and gave up his meaningless thinking,"Forget it, let's not think about it for now. By the way, Andromon, can you help us fight Devimon?"

""I'm sorry, my kernel program told me that if I appear on the battlefield, I might pose a threat to you." Andromon said apologetically.

"That's right..." Taichi glanced at Andromon's right foot, which was not covered by iron, and knew that his worry was completely justified.

As long as a black gear that was not protected entered the body, the children would have to face Devimon and a terrifying perfect robot at the same time.

"However, there is a set of blueprints built into your goggles. If you can help make various special parts, I can use the factory's production line to process them, and use the factory's residual energy to charge them so that they remain in physical form."Andromon spoke again, bringing a sudden turn of events to Taichi,"With the help of that device, I can provide you with remote assistance."

"Blueprint? This is..." Taichi was stunned when he heard this. The guy who gave the order to Andromon was too prophetic. He actually knew that he would ask Andromon to fight Devimon together?

Moreover, the things recorded on this blueprint... How did he know that Devimon would definitely become a giant body that was easier to target?

"Oh, I think I saw my companion on the small piece of land near here. Andromon, do you know how we can get there?"After dealing with everything in the factory and taking the necessary supplies to leave, Taiyi was troubled by the surging waves outside the factory.

Although the land on the other side was not far away, it was not easy to reach. It was not necessary for him and Agumon to swim over there, right?

"According to calculations, the island opposite is within the range of the super missile, so there is still a way."Andromon said after analyzing and deducing for a while.

"Great!" Taiyi clapped his hands excitedly,"Then please help us get to the island on the other side.""

"I'll get ready."

A moment later, a powerful super missile rose into the sky, and on the rope behind the missile hung two hopeless partners, a man and a dragon.

"I knew that a robot that had almost lost all its memories couldn't come up with any good ideas." Taichi was so upset that he wanted to cry but couldn't.

Andromon's solution was to use a super missile to drag Taichi and Agumon directly to another island. Taichi said that if he had known this would happen, he would have chosen to swim directly.

"Taichi, I feel dizzy~" and Agumon behind him started to feel airsick again…

"Agumon, please don't vomit behind me!"




Soon after, a huge explosion sounded over the island, and a crude parachute floated out of the smoke and slowly drifted toward the land below.

The parachute seemed to be made of several different pieces of clothing pieced together with scattered data, and there seemed to be a large stain on the blue short-sleeved T-shirt in the middle.

Under the rope made of data, there was a shirtless boy and a small khaki dinosaur. The boy looked unhappy, and the little dinosaur was tearful, with a big bump on its head.

"Taiyi...I was wrong~"

At this moment, in a desert pyramid thousands of miles away, a Digimon imprisoned closed its eyes that flickered like infrared rays, and laid its capsule-like body down like a paraplegic, with its expression becoming dull again.

Judging from the jagged corners of its mouth, it must be feeling confused and unwilling.

"Are human children so forgetful that they can easily forget the experience 5760 years ago? I thought he would be able to remember it immediately and let that guy talk to him remotely, but now it seems that I have to meet him first.

It's all because of that damn monkey.

If it hadn't interfered, I would have already hacked into Andromon's digital core through remote control, and it wouldn't have taken so long to just replace a video and password, and I wouldn't have even figured out what the core command given to Andromon was!!


At the same time, in the snow-covered area of File Island, the chosen child and his Digimon partner were facing off.

"I said, I'm going to find Ah Wu right now! Ahem... Psychedelic Beast, did you understand?" Ah He seemed to have caught a cold because of the cold. Not only was his face abnormally red, but he also kept coughing.

"You were soaked in sea water for a long time before, and this is snowy, your body can't bear it at all!" The psychedelic beast advised seriously,"Don't even think about finding your brother, you can't even walk out of this snow!"

"Even so... Even so, I have to find Ah Wu! He is only in the second grade, and he must be very scared now. I have to find him!" Ah He screamed loudly, his voice gradually became hoarse from sharp, and even started to cry.

"Even if you find him, what can you do?" The corner of the psychedelic beast's mouth curled up with a disdainful smile,"Ahe, even if you find Awu today, you can only watch him continue to cast admiring eyes on Taiyi."

"Ahem… ahem, what did you say? Psychedelic Beast, you are talking to me about Yagami Taichi at this time, do you want to fight me?"

"Fighting is fine~" The psychedelic beast hooked his finger at Ah He with disdain,"Come on if you have the guts. If you can really beat me, you can even peel off my fur to keep warm. But I guess you, a coward, don’t have the guts to do that. You don’t dare to fight me at all.~"

"Shut up, psychedelic beast…"

"Not only do you not dare to fight me, you also don't dare to compete with Taichi. Since last time, you have been left far behind by him! You still refuse to admit it," said the psychedelic beast contemptuously,"My partner Ishida Yamato is a complete waste who can never catch up with Yagami Taichi!!"

"I warn you, shut up!!"After being provoked repeatedly by the psychedelic beast, Ah He, who was furious, finally punched his partner and knocked the psychedelic beast to the ground with one punch.

"Are you finally taking action? That's right!" The psychedelic beast jumped up and punched Ah He in the stomach, causing him to bend over in pain."Ah He, we can't rely on others, so we can only make ourselves cold and strong!"

"I know this even if you don't tell me!" Ah He turned around and kicked the psychedelic beast back three or five steps, then rode on it and pounded it left and right with his fists.

Amid the flying snow, the stern-looking boy tore off his partner's thick fur without hesitation and put it on himself.

"That's right~ Now you are more or less a strong man." The furless psychedelic beast said hoarsely,"Let's go, Ah He, let's go hunting. There are many cold-type Digimon living in this icy land, which is just right as our prey."

"Hunting? You want to seize their data?" Ah He was stunned when he heard this,"Is your body okay?"

"If you really care about me, just agree to my request. You stole my fur to keep warm, but you should let me move my body around to get some warmth back."Phantommon said with a smile,"Didn't we prove it when we dealt with Seadramon before? As long as you get used to killing, you can become stronger!"

"Okay..." Ah He finally nodded heavily,"Let's go hunting!"

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