Tyrannosaurus is already struggling to fight against a mature form that can block its own fire moves. Once this perfect form starts to get serious, the situation will be even more unfavorable for it.

"Will not lose…"

"What?"Tyrannosaurus suddenly said something that made Volcanomon stunned.

"I said... I will never lose! It is absolutely impossible for Taichi to be taken away by you!!"

Without any warning, Tyrannosaurus suddenly exploded.

It completely released the data previously compressed in its digital core, slapped Volcanomon in the face with its strongest force, and then suddenly stretched out its claws and lifted Volcanomon's huge body directly into the air!

""Roar!" After that, Tyrannosaurus held Volcanomon in both hands and smashed it down heavily.

"Damn it... Big bang to stop it!" Volcanomon slammed into the ground, causing a terrifying earthquake that instantly softened Tyrannosaurus's feet and reduced the strength in his hands, allowing Volcanomon to break free easily.

"Boy, your Tyrannosaurus is quite interesting! Let me show you my special skill, the big bang and heavy bass!"


Another sound skill, Volcanomon roared out a sound wave with strong vibrations from his mouth, and the entire arena was rumbling for a while!

If Gorillamon used noisy guitar and electronic music to make Digimon lose their combat ability, then Volcanomon's voice was as strong as a subwoofer. The strong sound waves not only shook the earth, but also caused an extremely uncomfortable buzzing in the ears of all the Digimon present. Tyrannosaurus, who was the first to be hit, felt his consciousness sink and was almost knocked unconscious.

"No..." Tyrannosaurus roared unconsciously.

"Tyrannosaurus, stop it!…"

"Can't fall down!"


"Help Taichi defeat the enemy!!"

"Greymon, you can stop it! This is not a battle that must be decided, and Volcanomon is not the enemy... Greymon?!"


After a terrifying roar, Tyrannosaurus suddenly released an extremely ominous black light all over its body.

"This... badge?" Taichi suddenly discovered that the source of the black light was actually emitted from the badge on his body!

At this moment, following the direction of the black light, Taichi could only see that almost overwhelming malicious data continued to pour into Tyrannosaurus' body, and the data in its body was growing exponentially!

Why is this happening?

According to what Koushiro said before, Taichi had neither replenished excessive data for Tyrannosaurus at this time, nor was he in danger. Why did Tyrannosaurus suddenly evolve?

Moreover, why did it act as if it couldn't hear its own voice before it just evolved?


The sound of bones rubbing against each other from the black light made Taichi's heart sink, and the huge bone dragon that appeared immediately afterwards almost made him fall to the ground.

"That...what is it? That, is it the appearance of Tyrannosaurus Rex evolved again?"When Kong saw this unknown Digimon, he felt a fear as if he was falling into an ice cave.

It was just a skeleton, with only a little muscle in the heart area, which trembled slightly with the beating of the heart, looking extremely weird.

Its claws, tail vertebrae and even the exposed joints at the back of the spine were all flashing with sharp cold light, as if it was a terrifying monster that was already dead but kept chasing and killing!

"It’s so scary… I don’t want to see it again!"Meimei was so scared that she squatted on the ground, covering her eyes and not daring to continue watching.

The other children were also terrified at this time.

"That badge... I understand!" A gleam of light flashed in the eyes of the psychedelic beast, and he immediately figured out the true purpose of Taiyi's badge.

Although he didn't know which force was framing Yagami Taiyi, he might as well take advantage of this so-called"wrong evolution"

"It has evolved into a complete Zombie Tyrannosaurus?" Seeing the huge bone dragon suddenly appearing in front of him, Volcanomon couldn't help but feel a lingering fear,"Boy, you've really trained this Digimon... Damn it!" Bang!

Zombie Tyrannosaurus simply raised its front paws and swung them violently. Volcanomon, who was caught off guard in time, was blown away by a huge force and crashed into a wall.

"Boss! Damn it, kill all these kids!"The Death Flamemon behind him saw this and immediately gave an order to kill Taiyi and the others in anger.

"No! Ahem…" Volcano Beast rubbed his chest and climbed up from the wreckage,"This guy is obviously unable to control his consciousness now. I was careless and failed to dodge the attack just now. Besides, it’s not against the rules to evolve in battle. It has already gained an absolute upper hand. I lost this bet!"

"But Boss…"

"You, take all the Flamemon with you to protect those children and Digimon and leave first!" Death Flamemon was about to say something, but was interrupted by Volcanomon. The generous Digimon then looked at Taichi, pointed in the direction where the children were being taken away and said,"You kid should leave first too, the battle later might affect you! But don't worry, I won't hit you too hard..."


As soon as Volcanomon finished speaking, Zombie Tyrannosaurus Monon used the Zero cruise missile behind him to directly bombard it, and it was immediately beaten to a pulp, and even the armor on its body was hit by the rubble splashed by the explosion, leaving many shallow pits.

"Wow... so strong?"Volcanomon looked helplessly at the huge deep pit with a diameter of more than ten meters beside him, thinking that he might die here today.

Taichi's Tyrannosaurus was much stronger than the average mature stage, and now it has evolved to a complete form for unknown reasons, and it is a violent complete form that fights to death. Although Volcanomon is also a leader among the complete forms, it can know from the two moves just now that it is afraid that it cannot beat this bone dragon.

"Roar..." Zombie Tyrannosaurus swung its tail violently and leaned towards Volcanomon again... The Zero cruise missile behind it had regenerated in a very short time!


Suddenly, a football hit Zombie Tyrannosaurus directly in the face.

"Zombie Tyrannosaurus, stop!" Taichi's serious voice followed closely behind.

"Roar?" Zombie Tyrannosaurus turned to look at Taichi who was slowly retracting his foot, and murderous intent continued to radiate from his empty eye sockets.

"Boy, are you crazy? Zombie Tyrannosaurus is famous for not recognizing its relatives. Even if you had a good relationship with it before, it will not remember you now!"Volcanomon shouted angrily,"Run! Go to my men now, you might be able to survive!"

"It seems that the power of the badge was activated due to anxiety, which led to the wrong evolution. Zombie Tyrannosaurus, this is a Digimon that is said to have no reason and is only obsessed with fighting."Psychedelicmon sighed faintly, and the tone of the voice was just right for all the children and Digimon to hear.

"Taichi, come here quickly! Tyrannosaurus has evolved by mistake. It's too dangerous to stay there!"After hearing what Psychedelicmon said, Akong behind him shouted anxiously, fearing that he would never see Taichi again if he was not careful.

"This is not a false evolution, it may just not adapt to its own strength, it will be fine. Taiyi's voice was very serious, as if he was speaking to everyone at the same time.


"Boy, you..."

At this moment, the children led by Akong, as well as Volcanomon who was facing Zombie Tyrannosaurus, were all stunned.

They just stared at the boy walking towards Zombie Tyrannosaurus step by step... There was no fear on his face, and his eyes remained clear, no different from the way he looked at Agumon or Tyrannosaurus before.

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