At nightfall, the children, who had traveled all day, climbed the entire mountain, and worked all night, fell into a deep sleep after dinner. At this time, in the slightly simple wooden house, the light breathing sounds of the children and Digimon came one after another.

No one took the initiative to say that everyone should keep watch, and no one reminded everyone not to sleep too deeply in such an unfamiliar environment.

These things were originally said by someone, but now that the person is not here, no one continues to remind them. Even that person's companion, Agumon, who had patted his chest and said that he would be on guard, fell asleep unconscious because he was too tired during the day.

After an unknown amount of time, the door was opened very carefully.

Koshiro took Beetlemon and quietly left the room, and walked alone in the corridor with a frown.

"Taichi hasn't come back yet, has he gotten into trouble? Should we really believe what Fairymon said?"

""Koshiro, your badge..." At this time, the Beetlemon beside him suddenly discovered that Koshiro's badge was glowing.

"It looks like your badge is nearby~" The voice behind him made Guang Shilang tremble all over. He turned around subconsciously, only to find that it was Ah He and the Psychedelic Beast.


"This is quite a coincidence, Ah He's badge seems to be nearby too." Psychedelicmon smiled and pointed at Ah He's equally glowing chest,"At least Fairymon didn't lie to us, there is indeed a badge reaction near its home."

"Then let's go together."Ahe has indeed changed recently, and before on the file island, everyone did a favor for him and Awu, so for Guangshilang, he is also a member of the team, and it's okay to go together to find the badge.

""Gu Zilang, why do you want to get the badge?" Ah He suddenly asked as they walked along the road.

"I really want to know what Bidomon will become if it continues to evolve." Koushiro's expression was very serious,"I am really curious about this unknown thing."

"But aren't you worried about evolving incorrectly?" Ah He asked puzzledly,"What if it evolves into something like Zombie Tyrannosaurus?""

"I haven't thought about this question... At least before I'm sure I'll get the badge and find a way to make Beetlemon evolve correctly, that question is not something I should think about."It's true that Kou Shiro has a strong desire for knowledge, but he knows how to follow the rules. Before getting the badge, all the worries are unnecessary.

"Ah He, what about you?" Guang Zilang took the initiative to ask his question for the first time,"Why do you want to get the badge?"

"Because I want to grow up with the psychedelic beast, I hope I can become stronger and better protect Awu!"

"As expected..." Koshiro sighed in his heart, thinking that Taichi's analysis of Ah He was absolutely correct.

It can be seen from the fact that he talks about Ah Wu every three sentences that his desire to protect and control his younger brother is a little too strong. No wonder Taichi thinks that Ah He is not a qualified team member. Imagine that when everyone in the group is doing their job and doing what they must do, Ah He's first thought is always to protect Ah Wu, even if Ah Wu doesn't need protection at all in many cases.

His responsibility to the team and his friendship with everyone are based on Ah Wu's safety. As long as the current environment is a little dangerous to Ah Wu, don't expect him to cooperate well with everyone.

Koshiro remembered that Taichi said that the only way for Ah He to completely change the current situation is for Ah Wu to grow to the point where he doesn't need his help at all.

At that time, he will most likely have two choices.

The first is to feel that he has lost the meaning of being a brother and become completely confused.

The second is to learn from the pain, let go and let Ah Wu pursue his own life, and at the same time let himself go.

"It looks like we have arrived... in that well."

After the two arrived at their destination, they found that the badge's reaction came from a well outside the fairy beast barrier. At this time, the barrier had a big hole, and people could pass through it freely.

"Let's go." After a little thought, the two men and two beasts decided to temporarily leave the barrier.

Using a bucket to block the pulley, Koshiro and Ahe used the rope to explore the well mouth little by little, looking for the location of the badge, while Psychedelicmon and Beetlemon stayed outside the well to be on guard.

""Guangzilang, are you okay? Do you want me to go with you?" The beetle beast was a little anxious and kept pacing back and forth on the sand, worried about Guangzilang's condition.

"…"Meanwhile, Psychedelicmon came silently behind Beetlemon, its claws hidden under its fur flashing with a sharp cold light!

If Ishida Yamato finds the badge, he will definitely be able to advance to the perfect form quickly, and then he won't need to pretend to be a good boy in the team anymore.

Moreover, these chosen children are indeed an obstacle... Especially since Koushiro is Taichi's right-hand man, his partner Beetlemon must definitely be eliminated!

Anyway, this is outside the barrier, so after killing it, we can just push the blame directly onto Gorillamon.

Slowly raising his claws, this strike would seriously injure even a mature Digimon on the spot, and there is no way that Beetlemon could survive! Beetlemon, who was worried about Koushiro, didn't feel the danger coming behind him at all


""Turbo Stinger!""


A series of large-caliber laser beams poured down on the Psychedelic Beast just as it was about to attack. Seeing that this was not appropriate, the Psychedelic Beast could only pretend to dodge with Beetle Beast, but in fact it wanted to push it towards the sudden attacking beams. However, these beams suddenly changed direction when they were about to hit Beetle Beast, and blasted a series of smoky scorch marks on the ground between Psychedelic Beast and Beetle Beast.

""Who is it?" The action was interrupted, and the psychedelic beast couldn't help but look cold. It looked up and saw a Digimon that looked like a wasp showing off its power in the air.

"Isn't that Waspmon? It's a very powerful and ferocious mature Digimon!"Koshiro, what's the situation over there? We've encountered enemies here!" Seeing this, Beetlemon panicked and hurriedly called his partner in the well.

"Buzz~ You are the partners of the chosen children, right? That's right!"Waspmon suddenly aimed the stinger under its abdomen at Psychedelicmon, and at the same time, powerful energy began to gather at the tip of its tail."The order I received is to destroy you here.…"

""The human kid named Koshiro, and Beetlemon, where on earth are you?" At this time, the voice of Fairymon suddenly came from far away.

"What happened?"At this time, Koshiro and Ahe just climbed out of the well and were stunned by the scene.

Psychedelicmon, Beetlemon, an unknown Digimon and the upcoming Fairymon, this scene is really chaotic.

"Are there any helpers? Never mind... I'll let you go for now!" Waspmon glanced at Photon, who had already obtained the Knowledge Badge, gathered the energy in his abdomen, and left.

"Are you guys alright?" Fairymon glared at Psychedelicmon, but said nothing in the end.

"We are fine, and we have received our respective badges."Ahe pointed to his and Koshiro's evolution keys and said���

Fairymon glanced at Ah He's chest with a cold face and found that he had indeed got the fragment of the friendship badge.

The two extended parts were spliced together, like a sharp double-headed blade, which looked very sharp.

"I've seen it, beep!" Fairymon said unhappily,"If everything is fine, go back to sleep. This is already outside the barrier. It will be bad if you get me discovered by Gorillamon! Just now, you were attacked by an unknown Digimon, beep!"

"This…" Ah He and Kou Shilang looked at each other, totally unaware of how they had offended this guy and made him so angry.

And Beetlemon had no idea that he had just walked through the gates of hell and almost died.

Finally, it was Psychedelicmon, looking thoughtfully at the direction where Waspmon left.

That Waspmon, it was a bit too coincidental.

(ps picture shows someone's"Friendship" badge)

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