The suction behind him continued to increase. In addition to the wreckage of the pyramid, Taichi even saw many of Gorillamon's subordinates who had no time to escape being sucked into the black hole without any resistance, and then torn into pieces by the powerful suction.

As a last resort, Taichi could only evolve Biyomon and Beetlemon at the same time, relying on the powerful flying ability of Badoramon and Bidomon to drag Zombie Tyrannosaurus forward together, and only then did they barely get away from the range of the pyramid.

"Senior Taichi! Sora, Koshiro... er, Zombie Tyrannosaurus?"

"Taiyi, you...what's going on?"

The other children who had just been besieged but escaped danger all the way to the desert were excited to see the three return. However, when they saw the ferocious zombie Tyrannosaurus, they all froze in their places.

After a long silence, only Meimei came up and greeted Taiyi and the other two with concern.

Akong and Koshiro helped explain for a long time before everyone knew what happened. They also knew that the zombie Tyrannosaurus was able to control its reason, so they didn't seem so scared anymore.

"It seems that Master Taichi's companions have a strong prejudice against viruses?" Molecular Beast muttered to the side.

"If you don't understand the previous situation, don't make rash judgments."Taiyi looked at the molecular beast deeply, and the warning in his eyes was self-evident.

""I'm sorry, I overstepped my bounds, please forgive me, Master Tai-Yi." The molecular beast was shocked when he saw this, and he quickly apologized respectfully.

"The gorilla beast should have been destroyed, right?" Seeing that the other party admitted his mistake with a good attitude, Taiyi didn't want to continue to pursue it, so he brought the topic back on track.

"It should be! The core of its black cable contains extremely terrifying dark energy, and the attack of Zombie Tyrannosaurus is also a virus, which can greatly stimulate this dark power and activate it. In my calculations, Gorillamon should not be able to break free from this suction, unless…"

"Unless what?" Taiyi asked with a puzzled frown.

"Ahahahaha! Chosen children, and the damned molecular beasts! Don't be so naive as to think that you can defeat me like this!!"


Huge black beams burst out from the interior of the pyramid, instantly destroying the entire pyramid and the surrounding ground. Only a terrifying black sphere emitting messy beams of light remained in its place!

The sphere was a ball of intricately tangled black cables, and there were even messy threads scattered from the sphere, shaking disorderly in the air, as if all the poisonous snakes in a snake cave had entangled their bodies tightly together, but only the poisonous snake heads were exposed, spitting black and red tongues around crazily. The gorilla beast was at the top of the huge sphere at this time.

Its lower half of the body had been completely swallowed up by the darkness, and its shoulders, back and many other places were also entangled in the body by black cables. Those pipes were beating like blood vessels, constantly pouring the dark power inside the black sphere into the gorilla beast, making its power more and more violent!

"I never thought that it could withstand the missile attack of Zombie Tyrannosaurus and even the tearing of the dark power and merge with it."Moleculemon murmured in surprise.

"So, how can we defeat this guy?" Taiyi frowned and asked

"The essence of that cable is also dark power, but it has a black hole-like property. Therefore, the effect of ordinary data attacks will be very weak and basically will not cause any harm. The virus attack is more likely to stimulate it and make it more active. According to my calculations, only the vaccine attack should be able to work on it."


"Dark Death Ball!"

When Taichi was discussing strategy with Moleculemon, the final battle between the children and Gorillamon had already begun. After three random Dark Death Balls, Bidomon, Badoramon, and Sea Lionmon all degenerated.

"This time..." Molecular Beast had just said that the attack of the vaccine species was effective, and the only three remaining vaccine species in the team were defeated. Taiyi could only ask if there was a plan B.

"Well, if there is divine power, it should be possible..." Moleculemon subconsciously glanced in the direction of Digomon, and obviously felt that his proposal was not very reliable.

Following the other party's line of sight, Taichi couldn't help but roll his eyes.

So you want to rely on a juvenile explosive species with divine power to deal with Gorillamon, who is so strong that he hasn't changed into a perfect form?

And Zombie Tyrannosaurus doesn't dare to act recklessly because of the virus species. The small group is actually helpless against such a weird-looking ball like Gorillamon?

"Moleculemon, is there really no other way besides this?"After Cactusmon and even Gulumon were defeated at the same time, Taichi sighed deeply and finally confirmed the strategy with Moleculemon.

"Sorry, Mr. Taiichi. After my analysis, I concluded that our chances of winning this time may be less than 2.%…"

One percent of the chance is on Takaishi Takeshi. If he can make Digomon evolve directly into Angewomon, the chosen children will have a certain chance to defeat Gorillamon.

The other chance is on Taichi, that is, Agumon can change his form and become a perfect vaccine-type... Of course, this chance may be less than one percent in the eyes of Moleculemon.

Evolving into Zombie Tyrannosaurus twice in a row, Agumon is no longer a matter of wrong evolution, it is just artificially locked into the evolutionary path of Zombie Tyrannosaurus!

"Zombie Tyrannosaurus, degenerate first."After a long silence, Taiyi seemed to have made a decision.

"But Taichi..." Our team is now relying on Zombie Tyrannosaurus to hold the fort in front. Although it cannot attack Gorillamon, it has helped to block many of Gorillamon's special moves. If it degenerates at this time,…

"Agumon, do you believe me?" Taichi suddenly asked

"Of course I believe Taichi!" Zombie Tyrannosaurus roared out the most sincere words in the most muddy voice.

"Then degenerate!"

""Okay..." Hearing the determination in Taichi's words, Zombie Tyrannosaurus finally took the initiative to degenerate into Agumon.

It was panting heavily at this time, and it was obvious that it was not easy for it to evolve to its full form.

"Taiyi, you..." Akong behind him called Taiyi worriedly, but was interrupted by Taiyi waving his hand.

"Ah Kong, believe me. I will protect you and everyone else. Taiyi said with a smile,"Don't forget, I have never lied to you."

"This... Taiyi, come on!" The person he cares about has made a decision. For Kong, the only thing Taiyi needs at this moment is his support.

"Thank you~ Just as you believe in me, I also believe in myself! So..." Taiyi raised his hand and grasped the badge under his neck, then pulled it off!


Under everyone's astonished gaze, Taiyi's hand suddenly exerted force, using all his data decomposition ability to crush the evolution key and the badge of unknown origin into pieces!

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