"We are back again, right?"Looking around, the tall buildings had turned into an endless desert. Taichi knew that he should have returned to the Digimon world again.

Many traces of the previous battle were covered by the yellow sand, but some debris could still be traced. This also made Taichi realize that the place where he was now should be the place where he fought with Gorillamon.

He returned to the original place, but the rest of the children were not there. Moreover, both Gorillamon's remaining men and Moleculemon seemed to have disappeared.

In this desolate desert, there was no living creature except the man and two beasts who had just arrived.

"Taichi, is it really okay to leave Xiaoguang alone in the real world..."Agumon tugged at Taichi's sleeve, his tone a little worried. The last separation of the Yagami siblings, even the always ignorant little dinosaur could feel Xiaoguang's almost overflowing sadness

"Ah... She must be worried to death now. But..." Taiyi shook his head helplessly, took a deep breath, and his expression gradually became firm,"We still have things to do here, so we have to come back! And... One day I will go back to the real world!"

"So, Taichi, why does your sister have that...divine plan?"

"Ogremon, if you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb!" The words of a certain big fool made Taichi have a"well" character on his forehead. He suddenly began to doubt that his decision to take Ogremon as his subordinate on File Island might be a little too hasty.

"Uh...did I say something wrong?" Ogamon scratched his head in confusion and looked at Agumon beside him with a look of help.

"Anyway, just don't say anything."Agumon rolled his eyes helplessly, obviously he was also very helpless about Ogamon's brain. Xiaoguang was involved in this matter, Taiyi was already upset, and it was completely unnecessary for you to care about the origin of the sacred plan at this time.

"The most urgent task now is to determine how long we have been away and where everyone is. And the molecular beast has also disappeared...Molecular beast? Yes!" Taiyi suddenly remembered that the molecular beast seemed to have given him a Bluetooth headset, but he had never worn it because he found it troublesome. He quickly found the headset in his bag, put it in his ears, and clicked the button on it. There was only one button on this thing, and it was quite simple to operate.

"Taiyi...sir?" After the call was connected, Taiyi heard the voice of the molecular beast. The other party seemed a little surprised to receive Taiyi's communication. He was stunned for a long time before continuing to speak,"You...are back?"

"ah���I have returned to the Digimon world. Moleculemon, tell me how long it has been since I disappeared. Also, where are my companions, and where are you?"Taisho asked directly in the headset.

"Two months have passed since Master Taichi mysteriously disappeared.

After you disappeared, we were suddenly attacked by the Fallen Alliance.

The enemy camp has two complete forms of Volcanomon and Death Flamemon, as well as the Fallen Alliance's second-in-command and two mature main combat forces.

We are no match for them.

Your companions were separated in the battle and should be scattered all over the server continent.

I was lucky enough to escape back to the Iron Empire headquarters and am currently sending people to search for you.


""Wait a moment!" Taiyi suddenly stopped Molecularmon's report,"You just said, Volcanomon and Deathflamemon? Aren't they both the complete forms of Volcano Mine? Why are they mixed up with that Fallen Alliance guy?"

"It is speculated that it should have been taken under the command of the Fallen Alliance," the molecular beast explained,"After all, the Fallen Alliance is the strongest complete organization in the server continent."

"It seems that the situation is a bit complicated. Molecular Beast, can you send me the information of the Fallen Alliance?"

"Sorry, Mr. Taiyi, the headset I use to communicate with you does not have a data transmission function, so…"

"Just tell me the names of the Digimon you know!"


After ending the call with Moleculemon, Taiyi basically confirmed his previous guess.

What Xuan Nei said before was very problematic, and Moleculemon's perception of friend and foe was not correct.

In Taiyi's opinion, this suddenly appeared Fallen Alliance should not be considered an enemy, at least their purpose is definitely not to put the children to death.

Volcanomon and Death Flamemon, two complete forms, led a dozen mature forms to beat up six...

to be precise, five mature forms (Digomon was in the juvenile stage), but in the end, they were able to let the six children escape"embarrassed", which was clearly a deliberate release!

Therefore, according to Taiyi's inference, this group of people who suddenly appeared should not be considered an enemy, at least their purpose is definitely not to put the children to death.

The purpose of the guy who appeared was most likely to disperse his group.

Volcanomon and he were like-minded friends. That guy dared to fight against Zombie Tyrannosaurus. It should be said that he would never be threatened by the group of people from the Fallen Alliance. Therefore... maybe he was sure that the actions of the Fallen Alliance would not be dangerous to the children, so he chose to intervene to make the children safer in the actions of the Fallen Alliance.

There was another reason why Taichi made this judgment, that was the list of cadres of the Fallen Alliance provided to him by Molecularmon.

Mature combat power: Waspmon, Giant Horned Beast; No. 2 leader: Garurumon!

With these names, Taichi can pass The information built into the goggles found detailed information about these Digimon, and when he saw the specific appearance of the last name, Garurumon, Taichi completely dispelled his hostility towards the Fallen Alliance.

The feeling that Garurumon gave Taichi was very similar to that of Andromon before, the type that would make Taichi feel friendly as long as he heard the name, and after seeing the appearance, he would be sure that the other party would never hurt him when he was awake. Taichi didn't know why he had this feeling, but he believed that as long as he could see Garurumon, everything might be concluded.

So, the current priority is to find the missing people.

Taichi had just asked Molecularmon about this, but he also didn't get the answer he wanted.

Molecularmon didn't know where the children had gone, and had no way to accurately locate the children. In addition, it also declined Taichi's request to meet Infinite Dragonmon, saying that the other party was still suppressing the Four Holy Beasts.

So, it could only respectfully call him"sir", and couldn't provide any other help, right? Fortunately,

Taichi brought Xiaoguang's sacred plan this time, otherwise, with his defective product, he, Agumon, and Ogamon would all be lost in the desert, and wouldn't be able to find anyone else.

"Let's go, let's go find the first group of people first."There are two red dots flashing on the sacred plan, which means that there are two of our companions who are lucky enough not to be separated in that direction.

After following the guidance of the sacred plan and walking out of the desert, one person and two beasts came to a huge amusement park.

"Is the signal coming from the other side of the river?"Taiyi obviously had no interest in the amusement park, but silently looked at the river in front of him, which was flowing at a relatively slow speed,"It seems that we need to find a way to build a boat."

"Build a ship again?" Ogamon, who already had two shipbuilding experiences, was stunned when he heard this,"Hey, Taichi, you're not going to make me do the hard labor again, are you?"

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