"Stop, huh? Well, since you said so. Zutonmon turned around and looked at Asuke. After confirming the other's eyes, he took back the hammer that was enough to smash it into pieces in front of the terrified eyes of Dandanmon. After that, it also degenerated into a juvenile Bugamon due to exhaustion of power.

"Taiyi, is it okay for me to handle this?"Azhu looked back at Taiyi with some trepidation. He just made the decision subconsciously. Now he remembered that Taiyi had been watching him. He let the enemy go on his own initiative.…

"I think it's great." Taichi smiled and nodded,"The second half is your home game, Shiroto-senpai can make the decision yourself."

"Thank you~" Seeing that Taichi didn’t care, Asuke was relieved and turned to continue to warn Eggmon and Snotmon,"Anyway, let’s forget it this time. We will leave immediately, and I hope you can be more honest in the future and make less money that is not worth your while!"

"Wow, Asuke is so strict this time~" Bugamon whispered to Agumon.

"Yes, it's all because of him and you... I didn't get a chance to show off this time!" Agumon put his hands on his waist, looking unhappy.

If Taichi was willing to let it evolve into Machine Tyrannosaurus, it would have taken care of the three opponents in a matter of minutes.

"I'm... sorry!" Hearing what Ashu said, Dandanmon suddenly struggled to get up, shook his body and bowed to Ashu to apologize,"It was all my fault before, thank you for your forgiveness. From now on, Snotlout and I will do business honestly. In fact, you are right, we did a lot of things behind your back, and the work you and that child did has far exceeded the amount of compensation we should pay."

"I'm sorry..." The booger beast beside him also lowered his head, not daring to breathe.

"If you say so..." The glasses that Azhu put back on his nose suddenly reflected a white light,"Let me calculate, the number of days we work here is... the workload of two people multiplied by the working hours, and then add in various expenses, and then deduct the compensation for you... Well, we take a truckload of food from you, and the matter is considered settled!"

At this time, Azhu's eyes were flashing with"$"The light~

"This… is this okay?" *NAfter hearing Asuke’s solution, everyone on the side of Eggmon and the children, except Taichi, were all confused.

Asuke… is this guy in front of him, who is smiling so cunningly, really an honest person?

"How should I put it? This is also a manifestation of honesty." Taiyi felt that there was nothing wrong with Asuke's behavior of asking for a reward with a clear price.

People have always liked to define honesty as a quality, encouraging everyone to show their loyalty and kindness to each other without reservation, without hiding anything. But in fact, in addition to accurately expressing the information you have, being able to reasonably put forward your true demands should also be a very important part of honesty.

Asuke discovered this and put it into action, which invisibly happened to fit the meaning of his badge.

Except for Taiyi, every child has his own badge, and And it also represents different meanings... Although Taiyi doesn't understand why a guy's badge represents friendship.

According to Moleculemon, Taiyi's own badge should have been taken away by the elusive leader of the Fallen Alliance, and no one knows where it is now.

But there is one thing Taiyi has never told Moleculemon, and that is the strange palm prints that appeared on the palms of his hands.

The sun on the left hand and the full moon on the right hand. Taiyi doesn't know how these two emblems appeared. It seems that they appeared after being confused in the trial cave of Fairymon for a night. As for the full moon on the right hand, Taiyi has no clue. But the sun print on the left hand is undoubtedly It looks like the Badge of Courage.

The emblem that represents courage can really help Agumon evolve to its perfect form. After Taichi crushed the emblem last time, he used the power of this emblem and his own data combination ability to make Agumon evolve directly into Machinedramon.

So, the Badge of Courage that was taken away by the leader of the Fallen Alliance appeared on him?

This discovery made Taichi more and more curious about the Fallen Alliance, and he really wanted to have a chance to meet the leader of the other side... and Garurumon, whose information he had seen before.

Back to Asuke's question, the trait represented by his badge is honesty.

Therefore, when he really exerted his 's qualities and realized the meaning and limits of honesty, the power of the badge was correctly stimulated, and SeaLion was able to super evolve.

However, Taichi was more pleased to see that he was able to make his own judgments in battle and make decisions according to his own will.

Although the children were involved in this dispute between light and darkness, the indigenous people living in the Digimon world are not black and white. Even if Eggmon was wrong, he did not deserve the death penalty.

And Asuke's way of handling it was very good. Although he forgave the other party, he also took away the corresponding labor income...The cart of food was being dragged behind by the coolies in Taichi's team.

"Hey, Taichi! Let me degenerate quickly!"At this time, the one pulling the cart was an...egg.

After the battle, Ogamon asked Taichi with a depressed look on his face why Eggmon was so restrained towards him. As a result, Taichi directly manipulated a large amount of data to make Ogamon evolve a little.

When Ogamon saw his evolved appearance by the river for the first time, he immediately cried and shouted that he wanted to cancel the agreement with Taichi. It was because Eggmon's appearance was really too low, and he was not as tall and mighty as his former evil ghost image. As a result, Ogamon was in tragedy.

Not only was he controlled by Taichi to evolve in various ways along the way, but he also To the complete form, Taichi made a rope out of data and towed the food delivery vehicle behind it... Well, Taichi kindly told it that it could eat anytime to replenish its energy if it was hungry~

Ogremon now completely knew what would happen to a guy with no good looks who was arrogant in front of Taichi, and could only accept his new image helplessly.

However, what this guy didn't know was that Taichi was actually doing it for its own good.

It is different from Agumon, who is a carefully selected partner. As a virus species, Ogremon may not even be exposed to the divine plan like Leomon. Houbo didn't have a chance to evolve.

But it is a mature Digimon after all, and the amount and strength of data on it are not comparable to the children's Digimon. After Ogamon evolves to Eggmon and then degenerates, it will still be Ogamon, but Zudomon will directly regress to Bugamon and must rely on eating a lot of things again before it can evolve again.

This is probably the difference between natural evolution and accelerated maturation. Sea Lionmon may be comparable to Ogamon in strength, but in terms of foundation, it is far inferior to the other.

The reason why Taichi always lets Ogamon evolve is that After degenerating, and then re-evolving after replenishing a lot of physical strength, it is actually training its body and digital core so that it can accommodate more data and increase its speed of accumulating data, so as to achieve natural evolution earlier.

This kind of thing, it is probably difficult for this big fool to understand, so it is better to force it to grow in the form of orders.

You see, the time it can maintain its perfect form has been greatly extended now?

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