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After all, with the chosen children and their partner Digimon, I am afraid that the Joker King cannot defeat them now, let alone the more powerful dark forces.

If the Seven Demon Kings really came out of the dark area, it would be really fun. After all, the power of the Seven Demon Kings is definitely far greater than that of the Four Dark Lords.

"I have half the power of Lucemon and Fallen Angel Digimon, which is equivalent to the power of the Seven Demon Kings. With the power of my own evolution and the Dragonmon factor, it should be no problem to kill one of the Seven Demon Kings!"

Lin Yun couldn't help but think in his heart that he had the power of Lucemon and Fallen Angel Digimon, although only half, but added together it was equivalent to one of the Seven Demon Kings.

Moreover, among the Seven Demon Kings, Lucemon was the most powerful, so Lin Yun was not afraid of the Seven Demon Kings now. He was afraid that the Seven Demon Kings would appear at the same time, which would be embarrassing; but this possibility was also very small. After all, the Seven Demon Kings would not get along very well with each other, at least their goals would definitely not be the same.

"King Lin Yun, why do you seem to be worried?"Looking at Lin Yun, Lady Monster asked curiously.

"Is there any?" Lin Yun touched his chin and said;


The demon beast looked at Lin Yun with a suspicious look and said,"King Lin Yun, are you hiding something from us?"

"Don't worry, there isn't any!" Lin Yun shook his head.

After hearing what Lin Yun said, Ladymon had no choice but to stop asking. However, she always felt that Lin Yun was hiding something from everyone. However, as a subordinate, she also knew that she shouldn't say too much.

Angewomon had the same idea as Ladymon. She also looked at Lin Yun curiously. Both she and Ladymon had been with Lin Yun for a long time, so they naturally knew him very well.

"My king, it's bad!"

Just as Lin Yun and others came downstairs and gathered near Central Park, the little Devilmon appeared in front of everyone. It seemed that he had been waiting here for a while.

"What happened?"

At this moment, there were already some people gathered in Central Park, but fortunately there weren't many people, otherwise, seeing Impmon's appearance, it would be a blessing if they weren't scared to death.

"My Lord, Guramon is surrounded by humans and some machines!" Impmon replied;


After hearing Impmon's words, everyone couldn't help but spit out their saliva. Even Lin Yun almost spit out his saliva. How could they be surrounded by humans and machines out of the blue?

"What's going on?" Lin Yun frowned; it seemed that the country's Self-Defense Forces had surrounded Guramon. It seemed that they had discovered the existence of Digimon, otherwise the Self-Defense Forces would not have appeared.

"I don't know either. Last night, Guramon and I found a hidden bridge hole, but before dawn this morning, we were surrounded by humans and machines!"Impmon was also very aggrieved;

"Then what? Did they launch an attack?"Lin Yun suddenly asked;

"No, they just surrounded us and didn't attack us. I was small, so I escaped directly. Now I don't know what the situation is." Impmon said;

"So that's it!"

Lin Yun pondered for a moment, then said to everyone,"You go to Light Hill first, Impmon and I will go find Guramon, and when things are resolved, we will go to Light Hill to find you immediately!"

""King Linyun, I will go with you!" said the demon beast immediately;

"No, the Joker King is at Hikari Hill right now. If the Joker King shows up, it will be hard for Angewomon to fight him alone. You and Angewomon must attack at the same time to suppress the Joker King."

Lin Yun naturally knew how powerful the Joker King was, so Angewomon and Lady-Devilmon had to attack at the same time to suppress him, and several other Digimon would need to evolve and stand by to help!

"The Golden Armor and the Obsidian Armor are now handed over to you!"

Lin Yun took out the Golden Armor and the Obsidian Armor from the Infinite Stomach Bag and asked Angewomon and Ladymon to wear them, so that they would be qualified to fight the Joker King.

After doing this, Lin Yun looked at Taichi and Ah He again, and then said:"Remember my words, if you meet the Joker King, you must muster great courage to do one thing!"

"What's the matter?" Taiyi and Ah He looked at Lin Yun and asked;

"Let Angewomon and Seraphimmon pierce your bodies with the arrows of light and hope, and a miracle will occur!"Lin Yun said;

"Pierce our bodies with the arrows of light and hope?" Taiyi and Ah He felt that Lin Yun was joking. Wouldn't this let them die?

"If you want to defeat the Joker Emperor, it is not enough to rely on Angewomon and Ladymon. That's all I can say. Let's split up next!" After

Lin Yun finished speaking, he applied light refraction to Angewomon and Ladymon, making them look not much different from ordinary people, and then took Impmon and flew directly to the bridge where Guramon was.

In fact, the reason why Lin Yun did this was that he hoped that the chosen children would not rely too much on themselves.

They must have the courage to face the forces of darkness; and Angewomon and Ladymon would not be in any danger, because the Joker Emperor's trump card flying knife could not pierce the defense of the gold and obsidian suits; if the Joker Emperor could pierce the defense of the gold and obsidian suits, then the Primordial Crystal would be too worthless, so from the beginning, Angewomon and Ladymon were invincible.

"King Lin Yun, just ahead!"

Under the leadership of Impmon, Lin Yun quickly found the location of Guramon. From a distance, he saw Guramon standing on the grass under the bridge.

Around Guramon, seven armed helicopters were hovering in the air, and tanks and armored vehicles appeared around. The crowd had been evacuated.

However, it seemed that they were not ready to attack. Perhaps it was because Guramon did not take action, or they were waiting for the opportunity to attack.

"King Lin Yun!"

Just when Lin Yun approached, the Great Gula Beast also saw Lin Yun and could not help but move forward two steps and stretched out his hands;


However, this action was considered an attack by the Self-Defense Forces, so they attacked Guramon without hesitation;

"Boom boom boom~~"

Suddenly, armed helicopters and tanks fired missiles at the same time. A large number of missiles exploded violently in an instant, and smoke and dust rose everywhere!

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