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"Enter...Evolved? Ultimate Form?"

Seeing that Agumon and Gabumon had successfully evolved to a higher Ultimate Form, everyone was stunned, but then came the surprise;

"We are not dead!" Taiyi and Ah He also breathed a sigh of relief. They were scared to death just now and thought that it was all over!

But now, they will no longer have any doubts about Lin Yun's words. Even if Lin Yun really buys them in the future, they will probably have to count money for Lin Yun!

"Gaia Energy Cannon~~"

"Absolute refrigeration gas~~"

The Ultimate Forms of WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon also attacked instantly. Their power was much stronger than that of the Perfect Forms.

They killed many Digimon almost instantly. With just one strike, they intimidated the other Dark Digimon.

"Not bad, this trump card should allow them to hold on a little longer, sometimes pressure is motivation!"

Lin Yun looked at the Battle Greymon and Steel Garurumon who had evolved into Ultimate Forms, nodded with satisfaction, and then opened the Data Eye;

Name: Battle Greymon

Stage: Ultimate II

Type: Dragon-Man Type

Attributes: Vaccine Type

Active Skills: Dragon Beast Piercing, Tyrannosaurus Flame, War Drive

Special Moves: Gaia Energy Cannon, Battle Tornado

Special Possessions: Dragon Beast Buster, Shield of Courage

This is the first time Agumon has evolved into Battle Greymon, but he has already reached the second stage of Ultimate Form; and as the number of evolutions increases, the power he can exert when he evolves into Ultimate Form will become stronger, and his level will gradually increase;

Name: Steel Garurumon

Stage: Ultimate II

Type: Transformed Type

Attributes: Data Type

Active Skills: Ice Bomb, Cross Freezer, Metal Wolf Fang, Blizzard Attack, Metal Roar, Giga Destruction.....

Special Move: Absolute Freezing Air

Although SteelGarurumon does not have any special possessions like WarGreymon, he has a lot of active skills.

As a transformed Digimon, SteelGarurumon is equipped with various weapons, and these weapons all have ice attributes and can cause frostbite to the enemy!

"How could this happen? They actually evolved to the Ultimate Form at this moment?"

Although Battle Greymon and Metal Garurumon were not a threat to the Joker King, their evolution still shocked the Joker King!

"Clown King! How dare you get distracted while fighting us!"

At the moment when the Clown King was shocked, he saw the right opportunity and accelerated instantly, appearing directly behind the Clown King, and then the dark chains instantly bound the Clown King;

"Desire of Corrosion~"

Ladymon controlled the dark chains to shrink, and the golden claws on her right hand instantly hit the back of the Joker King, and the corrosive power of the golden claws instantly acted on the Joker King's body;


The Clown King couldn't help but let out a scream, and then a terrifying dark aura burst out from his body, and he instantly broke free from the shackles of darkness;

"How dare you let me get hurt!"

After breaking free, the Clown King looked at Lady-Mon with murderous intent, his face had long since turned dark. He never thought that Lady-Mon could actually hurt him.

"What are you afraid of? I'm going to kill you!"

Ladymon was not afraid of the murderous intent of the Joker King, which was enough to show how deep Ladymon's hatred for the Joker King was.

"I wanted to have some fun with you guys, but now it seems better to just kill you guys!"

The Joker King's face suddenly turned extremely cold, and a black aura burst out from his body, which made the sky suddenly become cloudy; his dark power was gradually affecting the surrounding environment, and a feeling of oppression suddenly made the chosen children and their partner Digimon tremble slightly; more importantly, the Joker King's back, which had been corroded by the desire for corrosion, was gradually repaired in the black aura, and the dark environment was further expanding; the only one who was not affected by it was Ladymon, after all, she herself was a Digimon of the dark virus type, and she could exert her strength better in a dark environment!


When the sky was dyed black, the surrounding dark-type Digimon suddenly became manic, and their strength increased dramatically at this moment; the dark environment can maximize the power of dark-type virus Digimon, which is the purpose of the Joker King changing the environment.

"Why are these Digimon so excited?"

Seeing the dark Digimon roaring and losing their minds, everyone took a step back involuntarily. The aura of these Digimon was really scary!


Seeing this, the Clown King couldn't help but burst into laughter:"The good show has just begun, wander in the darkness, struggle in the darkness! You will all become victims of the darkness!"

"Clown Emperor, have you forgotten something?"

However, at this moment, Ladymon suddenly appeared in front of the Clown Emperor, and then kicked the Clown Emperor in the stomach, kicking him out; not only that, Ladymon then showed an extreme speed, and came behind the Clown Emperor in an instant, and kicked him again, directly blasting the Clown Emperor to the ground!


Along with a burst of smoke and dust, a hole suddenly appeared on the ground; seeing this scene, everyone's eyes almost popped out, they really did not expect that the powerful Joker King would be kicked away by Ladymon one after another, this was too violent!

"Cough cough cough~~"

The Clown King coughed dryly, then looked at Lady-Mon with an incredible look:"How is it possible? How can you have such power?"

"You seem to have forgotten that the dark environment is also the most suitable environment for me to fight! I really should thank you! Clown King!"

At this moment, Ladymon exudes this dark light all over her body. More importantly, the Dark Fallen Ring on her right hand is gradually absorbing the dark power around her.

As the dark power is absorbed, Ladymon's power is gradually increasing. Her Dark Fallen Ring seems to be able to absorb all the dark power!

This is not the first time that this has happened. At the beginning, the abnormal dark power of CrazyLeomon was absorbed by the Dark Fallen Tail Ring.

"That is......Dark Fallen Ring!" Seeing the Dark Fallen Ring on Ladymon's right hand, the Clown King seemed to remember something, and his face changed drastically. He seemed to have made a wrong decision.

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