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"Lucemon, I didn't expect you to fall from heaven too? This is so interesting! Hahahaha~~~"

Feeling the strong dark power on Lin Yun, the Yellow Dragon Beast was not angry because its Yellow Dragon ore scales were broken. Instead, it burst into laughter!

"Is this Huanglongmon stupid?"

Seeing Huanglongmon laughing, Lin Yun couldn't help but look at Huanglongmon strangely. Is the fall of Luminositymon something to be happy about?

"As the former highest-ranking angel, you actually fell from heaven!"

Huanglongmon looked at Lin Yun with a hint of ridicule in his eyes:"Do you know? After you sealed me here, I longed for you to fall into darkness, and now my wish has finally come true!"

He was full of hatred for Lucemon, and it was not a one-day or two-day thing that he longed for Lucemon for many days. Now he finally got his wish; for the highest-ranking angel-type Digimon, falling from heaven means falling into darkness, and seeing Lucemon fall into darkness, Huanglongmon's mood suddenly became comfortable.

""Lin Yun, beat him up, beat him to death!"

As soon as Huanglongmon finished speaking, Guangmingmon, who was still in Lin Yun's infinite stomach, immediately exuded a strong murderous aura; even though the infinite stomach could isolate everything, Lin Yun could still feel the anger in Guangmingmon's heart.

It seemed that Huanglongmon's words reminded Guangmingmon of the bad past; it could be said that if he was not still in a sealed state, he would have come out and blown Huanglongmon up long ago, so how could Huanglongmon have the chance to shout here?

"Well, then it’s as you wish!"

The next moment, Lin Yun made a move instantly, and the dark power on his body became extremely strong, directly dyeing the entire sky black; the terrifying pressure also emanated from his body, and suddenly lightning snakes flew in the sky, and the yellow sand in the surrounding desert began to roll into the sky, and then formed a series of terrifying tornadoes;

"Such a strong dark power, but why is this dark power so familiar?"

Barubamon, who was standing far away, felt the dark power on Lin Yun, and his face changed. This power has reached the level of the seven demon kings, and even vaguely exceeds the seven demon kings;

"This is.....The darkness of Fallen Hellmon?"

Suddenly, Balubamon seemed to sense something, and his face changed drastically:"Fallen Hellmon? Lucemon? Could it be........"

Suddenly, some new memories appeared in his memory, and the memories of Fallen Hellmon and Lucemon were gradually revived, which were all from the distant past before his reincarnation!

And all of this can be attributed to what Lin Yun exuded, because his dark power originally came from the dark heart of Fallen Hellmon; even though his dark power was constantly increasing later, there was still a trace of Fallen Hellmon's aura, and it was this familiar aura that awakened Balubamon's memory before his reincarnation.

Fallen Hellmon and Balubamon are both great demon kings, and Fallen Hellmon is the Gluttonous Demon King among the seven demon kings. They are naturally familiar with each other's aura.

"Lucemon, the highest-level angel-type that sealed the gluttonous demon lord Fallen Angelmon, I remember it!"

Barbamon looked at Lin Yun with a complicated expression, although countless years have passed, but the power that Lucemon possesses still frightens him; you know, in the original battle, Lucemon killed several demon kings, and even two of the Seven Great Demon Kings at that time were killed by Lucemon, which shows how terrifying the power of Lucemon is; when the Dark Area was just born, there was no Barbamon or Fallen Angelmon among the Seven Great Demon Kings; the reason why they were able to sit on the thrones of the Seven Great Demon Kings was that they sat on the thrones of the Seven Great Demon Kings in the competition after the previous demon king died completely and could not be reincarnated; now, the Seven Great Demon Kings in the Dark Area are not complete, and the Crown of Pride has never been taken away by the Dark Code Baby; and the S Demon King Lilithmon has been reincarnated, the Gluttony Demon King Fallen Angelmon was sealed by Lucemon, the Envy Demon King Leviathanmon is missing, and the Laziness Demon King Belphemon is also in a sleeping seal.

"No, Lucemon has fallen now, he may not stand against me, and I have also gained more powerful strength, even Lucemon may not be my opponent!"

Balubamon forced himself to calm down, he decided to wait and see, if Huanglongmon can get rid of Lin Yun, that would be the best, if not, he still has his own trump card!


Feeling the dark power surging from Lin Yun, the Yellow Dragon Beast couldn't help but snorted coldly, and then a terrifying aura also burst out from his body;

""Lucemon, even if you have fallen from heaven, I will still kill you, otherwise I will never be able to relieve my hatred!"

At this moment, Huanglongmon looked at Lin Yun, and a terrifying murderous aura suddenly erupted:"I will kill you completely and leave you no chance to reincarnate! Tai Chi!"

In an instant, a terrifying aura instantly emanated from Huanglongmon, and then a huge Tai Chi pattern unfolded from Huanglongmon as the center; everything that the Tai Chi pattern passed by turned into nothingness in an instant. This is Huanglongmon's ultimate move: Tai Chi;

Huanglongmon's ultimate move can continuously decompose all matter in the digital world into light and darkness, and eventually turn it into nothingness. It has the power to decompose the world.

"Huanglongmon, remember this! Next time we meet, I will make sure you are in trouble!"

After seeing Huanglongmon use Tai Chi, Balubamon's face changed, and then he ran away in the opposite direction; because even as one of the Seven Demon Kings, he could not survive under Huanglongmon's Tai Chi, and if he was hit by Tai Chi, even his soul would be decomposed, and he would not even have the chance to reincarnate.

""Shit, how do I play this?"

Seeing the huge Tai Chi pattern, Lin Yun's face changed slightly. This Tai Chi pattern can decompose the world. I'm afraid that even if he enters the range of the Tai Chi pattern, he will be completely decomposed!

""Lucemon, hurry up and think of a solution! Didn't you seal Huanglongmon before? How do you deal with this trick?"

Lin Yun retreated all the way, but the Tai Chi pattern was gradually expanding. No matter how much Lin Yun retreated, the Tai Chi pattern would catch up with him sooner or later; and Huanglongmon's Tai Chi could continue to decompose everything until the Digital World was reduced to nothingness. If this continued, the Digital World would be doomed!

"Why are you running? Can't you just fight and it's over?"_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend

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