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"Boom boom boom~~"

The terrifying blanket attack lasted for a long time before it gradually subsided; at this moment, the area covered by the firepower had already become a mess, with holes left by the explosion everywhere, which could be described as riddled with holes.

Only the area around Ladymon and Tailmon was not attacked, so all the missiles that fell were swallowed up by Ladymon's darkness.

"Let me go, I can dodge without your help!" Tailmon said after breaking free from Ladymon's embrace;


In response, the demon woman beast laughed and said,"I don't want to save you. I'm just afraid that King Lin Yun will come back and see that you are dead, and he will make trouble for me!"

"you......"After hearing Ladymon's words, Tailmon was so angry that he couldn't speak for a while.

""Be quiet, they're coming!"

Ladymon's words finally made Tailmon quiet down. When they looked up, they saw two huge modified Digimon appearing above.

These two huge Digimon looked very similar, with a dragon-like appearance. Their hands and heads were transformed into machines, and they seemed to be very hard.

If Lin Yun was here, he would definitely find that these two Digimon were Ultradramon and Raptormon, the two perfect Digimon belonging to the Iron Legion under Infinitedramon.


Almost at the same time, Ultradramon and Raptormon roared loudly, as if to show their power, and the air around them seemed to begin to vibrate;

"I didn't expect you to dodge the joint attack of me and Raptormon. Looks like we need to take action ourselves!"

Razorback looked down at Ladymon and Tailmon with a look of disdain.

In his opinion, Ladymon and Tailmon were able to dodge his and Raptormon's attacks only because they were lucky. Otherwise, they would have been killed by their joint attack.

"It seems that two arrogant guys have come!"

Ladymon looked at Megadramon and Raptormon with burning eyes. Although these two guys were huge, they were only perfect forms after all.


At this time, Raptormon couldn't help but burst into laughter:"Cyclonemon, you see they are scared silly, let me absorb their data!"

For Cyclonemon and Raptormon, they have been in the Iron Legion for too long and have not been active for a long time. This time they went out, naturally they wanted to have some fun; but they didn't know that the person in front of them was the Dark Goddess. After all, they have been in the Iron Legion and have never seen Ladymon!

""Claws of Sin!"

The next moment, Raptormon's transformed arms suddenly generated a large amount of energy, and then suddenly attacked Ladymon and Tailmon;

""Demon Sword!"

However, facing the Sin Claw of Dragonmon, the left hand of Ladymon suddenly turned into a spear, and then directly confronted the Sin Claw of Dragonmon;


When the Claw of Sin collided with the Demon Sword of the Witch, a terrifying force was felt instantly, which almost caused Tailmon to be blown away;

"How is it possible?"

Seeing that Ladymon actually blocked their evil claws, both Fierce Dragonmon and Super Snakedramon showed an expression of disbelief; they were the two most powerful perfect forms of the Iron Legion of Infinite Dragonmon, the Four Dark Lords! How could their attack be blocked so easily?


However, what happened next made the two perfect bodies even more terrified, because the transformed arms of Raptormon actually began to crack.

"You dare to laugh at me! Go to hell!"

Ladymon suddenly exerted force with her left hand, and then there was a"bang" sound, and the transformed arms of Raptormon actually shattered directly;


Immediately, Raptormon let out a shrill scream. Although his arms had been transformed, they were still part of his body!

His body was not completely mechanical. Unlike mechanical Digimon, their transformed Digimon would still feel severe pain due to damage to their bodies.

"Raptormon! Roar~~"

Seeing Raptormon fall heavily backwards, Super Snake Dragonmon couldn't help but roar angrily, and then his transformed arms began to gather energy and emitted a strong light;


However, before Megadramon could launch an attack, Lady-Witchmon had already made his move. This time, Lady-Witchmon did not use the Lady-Witch Sword in his left hand, but used the golden claws in his right hand instead.

""Desire of Corrosion!"

At that moment, Ladymon flew up instantly, and then before Megadramon could react, the golden claws on her right hand had already pierced through Megadramon's head; you know, Megadramon's head is covered with a helmet made of super strong metal, which has amazing defense, and ordinary attacks can't break the defense of the helmet at all; but Ladymon's golden claws did easily pierce through Megadramon's head, and if you look closely, you can find that the helmet made of super strong metal has been completely corroded.

Desire of Corrosion, this is the first time Ladymon has used it, but this skill is not a self-realized skill, but the claws produced by the golden claws on her right hand; when Ladymon was just born, she showed her uniqueness, she was born with the Ring of Dark Corruption, and after evolving to the perfect form, she actually had more golden claws; from all these signs, Ladymon's future achievements will definitely be extraordinary, and evolving to the Ultimate Form may be a matter of course.

""Celestial Dragonmon!"

Seeing that the head of Celestial Dragonmon was pierced by Ladymon, Ferocious Dragonmon was terrified and was even more terrified of Ladymon.

"Escape, I must choose to escape, I want to bring the news to the Infinite Dragon Beast King!"

Thinking of this, the fierce dragon beast dragged his broken arms, struggled up from the ground, and then prepared to fly away;

"Where are you trying to escape to?"

But when he turned around, he found that the demon beast had appeared in front of him. Suddenly, a boundless fear enveloped his heart.



The golden claws on Ladymon's right hand showed no mercy, and in the same way, it instantly pierced through the head of Raptormon, and then Raptormon turned into data and disappeared.

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