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"Lin Yun, there won't be any traps here!"

Tailmon had seen the traps of the Iron Empire in another treasure before, and she didn't want to experience it again;

"Don't worry, we opened it normally with the key, there shouldn't be any traps, probably!"

Ladymon and Tailmon rolled their eyes at Lin Yun's words. What do you mean by probably? Can't you give an exact answer?

Along the way, Ladymon and Tailmon looked around, looking particularly curious. After all, everything here made people feel novel.

Even Lin Yun had such a feeling. This place was like a science and technology city. Everything here was made of machinery, and it was very advanced!

"This seems to be an arsenal for manufacturing mechanical Digimon!"

After arriving inside the treasury, Lin Yun walked along and saw many large mechanical equipment, but these equipment were all in a state of shutdown; from the���From the styles and combinations of the parts, Lin Yun quickly guessed that this was a large arsenal of mechanical Digimon; there were Tankmon, Mecha-Armormon, Guardmon, and even Andromon. In short, the deeper you went, the more powerful the Digimon involved.

"No wonder Infinite Dragonmon said that he could revive the Iron Empire. With these arsenals that manufacture Digimon, as long as there are enough materials, a huge Iron Army can be mass-produced!"The reason why the former Iron Empire was so powerful was because of the existence of these arsenals. They plundered a large amount of resources from the digital world; in order to continuously manufacture enough Iron Empire armies, and then use these mechanical and modified Digimon to fight wars.

"It turns out that these arsenals are the greatest treasure of the Iron Empire, but they don't seem to be of much use to me!"

Lin Yun likes to be free, he doesn't want to have a group of Digimon following him all day long, he is not interested in the so-called Iron Empire

"This treasure house is not full of the Iron Empire's arsenals and their core technologies, right? If so, then my trip was in vain?" After searching for a long time in the treasury, apart from the arsenals and some weapon designs and war weapon designs developed by the Iron Empire, there was almost nothing else.

This made Lin Yun a little disappointed. There were only these war design drawings, so Lin Yun threw them to the great sage to see if he could analyze and identify them and then use the weapon forge to make them.

"King Lin Yun, come and look here. Does this look like the black gear of Infinite Mountain?"

At this time, while continuing to search, he suddenly heard the voice of Ladymon, which made him walk towards Ladymon's location immediately.

When he arrived at Ladymon's location, there was a huge secret room. However, in this huge secret room, there were only three things.

One of them was Ladymon's"black gear". Looking closely, there was a number engraved on the black gear: 01.

"Another black source wheel!"

Seeing the black source wheel in front of him, Lin Yun took out the half of the black source wheel that had been fused together in the infinite stomach bag; as expected, after the two got close, the black source wheel of"01" also began to fold, and then merged with the half in Lin Yun's hand;

"There is only one piece left, it seems that this time we have gained something!"Lin Yun said as he looked at the three-quarters of the black source wheel, and then put it into the infinite stomach bag again;

"King Lin Yun, I found this, you have to reward me!"The demon beast stretched out her hand to Lin Yun, looking like she was trying to be cute.

"Okay, I'll give it to you!"

Lin Yun couldn't help but hold his forehead, then took out three black fruits and handed them to the demon beast, who then snatched the black fruits and began to enjoy eating them;

"It seems that I can't change my habit of being a glutton!"

Lin Yun shook his head. Even though Ladymon had evolved to her perfect form, she still couldn't change her habit of being a glutton. It seemed that there was no hope for her to change in the future.

Then Lin Yun looked at the other two items next to the black gear. There were only three items in such a large room, which showed that they were very important to the Iron Empire.

"This looks a bit like the raw ore of digital alloy, but it shouldn't be. What is it?"

On another black metal platform, there is a huge raw ore that looks like crystal. The ore emits colorful colors and is very beautiful!

Although the raw ore of digital alloy also emits colorful light like crystal, each raw ore only emits one color; and the color of the raw ore represents which digital alloy can be refined and synthesized. The one in front of me does have various colors, so it is very different from the raw ore of digital alloy.


The next moment, Lin Yun swallowed the huge crystal ore directly into his infinite stomach without thinking twice, and asked the great sage to analyze it;

"This means that this crystal ore is a primary ore, which can be refined into primary crystals, a material that surpasses digital alloys!"The great sage's voice made Lin Yun stunned;

"Primordial Crystal? A material that surpasses Digital Alloy?" Lin Yun's face suddenly showed an incredible look.

"Great Sage, shouldn't Digialloy be the hardest material in the digital world?" Lin Yun asked in confusion; in his understanding, even the Ultimate Blades used by Super Ultimate Digimon were mostly made of Digialloy, and he had never heard of a material higher than Digialloy!

"This shows that currently digital alloy is indeed the strongest material in the digital world, but in the very distant past, there are still materials that surpass digital alloy;"

The Great Sage explained:"And Primordial Crystal is one of them, but because the hardness of Primordial Crystal exceeds that of Digital Alloy by much, it is almost impossible to forge it successfully!"

"Almost impossible? Great Sage, you don't mean to say that the weapon forge can forge the original crystal, right?"Lin Yun asked curiously;

"Yes, the weapon forging workshop can forge all materials in the world, including the original crystal!"

Hearing the words of the great sage, Lin Yun always felt that this guy was flattering himself, but since it can be forged, it couldn't be better._Read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu Xiao

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