Chat room.

Vampiremon: Devilmon, you said in the chat room last time that the Digimon I recruited were not good or good, but look at the benefits of your Digimon, there is none at all.

Devilmon: So what? Do they dare to betray me?

Ogamon: But you really can't do that. We have been on Failu Island, so we don't know the situation outside. I thought everyone had no benefits, but now it seems that the situation is not like this.

Vampiremon: Of course it is not like this, every Digimon under my command has wine and meat.

Mantismon: King Vampiremon is right.

Digital One, Digital World, Shaba Continent, in the cold and dark castle, one Perfect Digimon after another, as well as mature Digimon are now looking at the chat room.

They think that King Vampiremon is still good to them, at least they have wine and meat.

It's not like Devilmon, who really treats his subordinates as animals and doesn't give them any benefits.

Chat room.

Devimon: Vampiremon, are you really so kind 01? I don't believe it.

Vampiremon: I don't care whether you believe it or not, but Devimon, I think in another parallel world, as the power of King Taichi grows, his welfare will attract more and more Digimon, and maybe your subordinates will completely defect to him.

Devimon: Impossible, didn't you see what was said in the picture, many Digimon are afraid of me, even if they are tempted, they dare not join the factory.

In the dark castle, Vampiremon had a cold smile on his face, he knew that all this was possible, and Devimon was not a fool, he could actually see his intention, yes, he used good wine and good food to entertain the Perfect Digimon who joined his camp, hoping that their data would be filled with joy, so that after he devoured their data, these joyful data would also bring him excitement, he felt that in this way he would definitely become an amazing Ultimate Digimon.

【Although many Digimon have chosen to wait and see, the actions of the Snotmon tribe are unique.】

【These creatures, which resemble drops of emerald green liquid, have long lived in the dark sewers, isolated from other Digimon.】

【Loneliness and neglect have become their daily lives. Whenever they wander along the road, they can always hear disdainful comments and shunned looks.】

【At this time, the snot beasts seemed to see an opportunity to turn things around.】

【The neat team shuttled through the gutter, shouting"Snot, Snot" as if to vent their inner expectations and determination. They decided to go to the factory to find new hope.

【King Taichi, sitting on the throne of the factory, learned the news from Kou Shilang】

【His brows were slightly furrowed, and Guang Zilang beside him frowned, with a reluctant look in his eyes.】

【In his opinion, these weird-looking Snotmon always make him feel uncomfortable. Can accepting such Digimon really bring benefits to the factory?】

【Guang Zilang said hesitantly:"Perhaps we should consider whether we really want to accept them."】

【King Taichi shook his head calmly, his eyes deep:"Koshiro, you have to understand that sometimes we need not only powerful strength, but also tolerance and kindness. Now many Digimon are watching. If we reject Snotmon, how will other Digimon view us? This is not only an attitude towards Snotmon, but also an attitude towards the entire digital world."】

Koushiro: I didn't think it through enough.

Taichi: No, you're already good. Izumi

Kae: Yes, Koushiro, you're your mother's pride, you're already excellent.

Izumi Masami: It just means that the king Taichi is more powerful.

【When King Taichi's words reached his ears, Guang Shilang's pupils shrank slightly, and he seemed a little unbelievable:"Are you really planning to accept these snot beasts?"】

【King Taichi sat calmly, his eyes seemed to penetrate the deep night sky, and he said slowly:"Koshiro, a strong force is not only based on strength, but also needs sufficient resources and wealth to support it. Not every Digimon desires the power of evolution, some prefer the gold in the gold mine or the sparkling diamonds."】

【Guang Shilang took a deep breath. Precious items like gold and diamonds are a temptation that no one can resist, whether in the digital world or the human world.】

【He hesitated for a moment and asked doubtfully:...Are the Snotmons good at finding gold mines?"】

【The corners of King Taiyi's mouth slightly raised, revealing a meaningful smile, but he did not answer.】

【King Taiyi sat on the high platform, his eyes like the first rays of sunlight before dawn, seeing through everything. He said calmly:"Let the snot beasts guard the factory's sewer system to ensure that it is unobstructed. You have to understand that when this factory blows the whistle and sets sail, the role of the sewer is crucial."】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Under the star-like gaze of King Taiyi, Guang Zilang nodded slowly and said firmly:"I understand."】

【Therefore, under the arrangement of King Taiyi, those snot beasts who were alienated from the world and once lived alone in dark corners now have a new mission and are responsible for the factory's sewers, becoming an indispensable part of the factory.】

【Every Snotmon was now in high spirits, and they were filled with deep gratitude towards King Taichi.】

【In their eyes, King Taiyi is undoubtedly the true ruler of Fayilu Island, not the cruel and evil monster who looks down on them.】

【They chattered endlessly:"King Taiyi is our savior, he is the true king of Fayilu Island. Compared with that arrogant Devilmon, our king is the one who truly respects us."】

【"Yes, Devilmon will definitely fail."】

【"Demon beast looks down on us, and also looks down on many Digimon. Such a beast will be resisted one day."】

Joker King: Devimon, you can't do this. I'm handing over Failu Island to you, so you must manage Failu Island well. Snotmon, if it wants to join the dark camp, we must welcome it too. Devimon: Lord Joker King

, can you do it?

The Joker King didn't reply immediately. The Joker King in the sealed land finally remembered the image of Snotmon and Snotmon's special skill of throwing feces.

Suddenly, the Joker King's face turned green and yellow, and he almost vomited. It was really difficult for Devimon.

But what exactly can this Snotmon do? Can it really find a gold mine or something?

It's impossible. If Snotmon has such ability, they would have found the gold mine long ago and become rich in the digital world. Why would they have to live in the sewer? Did the King Taichi get the wrong information and think that Snotmon can find a gold mine or something?

The Joker King didn't understand

【At this moment, King Taiyi's sacred plan suddenly……

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