Digitize: Rebirth of the Silver Death God

Chapter 184: A New Day, Tragic News

When Nero opened his eyes, the light from the morning sun had already graced his figure. He yawned and stretched, prepared to take in a long day as he knew that quite a lot would happen from this point onward.

Meow... a noise ushered from the side as Nero smacked his lips, preparing to get off his bed, his eyes made a puzzled look as he glanced in the direction, but as he did, his expression turned to bewilderment.

There, neatly curled up on his bedside, was none other than Luna, his newly acquired pet from the Origin World.

"What the heck? How did this fellow get here?" Nero exclaimed out loud as he saw Luna purred with a look of contentment.

Adult Nero spoke at this time in a calm tone, "It's Unique Grade for a reason; special pets like these can bridge the gap between worlds through the Universe Ring."

Nero's face sunk at this as he spoke, "Then doesn't this means—"

Adult Nero knew his thoughts. He spoke with a set of deep eyes, "Correct, other races can too, but naturally they'll have their limitations, as they are unable to manifest their true forms. The only way for another kind to truly come from one end world to another would be to have enough approval from the opposing side's Universe Ring."

Nero had a serious look on his face as he spoke, "No wonder, so that's why those aliens are working with those Bit Hunters."

"Indeed, they can easily bridge the gap with their help, though for right now, neither can send any compelling figure due to the lack of approval; the more time goes on, the more our danger will increase." 

Adult Nero said in a cool tone.

Nero gripped his fists tightly at those words, he didn't like the situation, but he knew better than anyone that he wasn't qualified to interfere in such a fight; for now, he could only focus on training.

Adult Nero smiled and nodded at Nero's mentality; he said nothing more as he leaned back and stared at the brightening blue sky, his eyes profound as he contemplated deeply about a few matters.

Suddenly a beeping sound resounded from the clock on a nearby drawer; Nero looked at the time and jumped from the bed; he cracked his joints and pressed the alarm button to disarm it.

"Time to go."

With that said, Nero then left the room to take a shower, after which he ate breakfast and left the house. As he was closing the door, Luna, who seemed to have only now awakened, ran through the corner before jumping onto his shoulder.

"Meow-Meow-Meow!" Luna complained as if she didn't like the fact that he was going to leave her alone.

Nero sighed at this and spoke while petting it, "Luna, you can't follow me; wait home."

"Meow!" Luna cried out as she firmly held onto his shoulder, not daring to move an inch. 

Nero shook his head at this, he was about to take her up, but his older self soon found a method.

"You can just let her wait in the Pet Space; that will make life easier." 

Adult Nero said.

"Oh, I had one, I didn't even realize, man, this system sure is annoying. It doesn't prompt you of enough details," Nero cursed.

'Tell me about it...' Adult Nero said in his thoughts as he recalled not being prompt of the sudden attack that took his life.

"Luna, go in..." Nero said after hearing the method from his older self; Luna then turned into a ray of light that entered his forehead.

Nero smiled at this before closing the door and leaving his abode, and as expected, upon arriving at the gate, he met and left with the ever so patient and icy Ryo.

"Level 10, you finally made it, not bad..." Ryu said with a rare smile.

Nero rolled his eyes at this; he glanced at him and scanned his details, but much to his surprise, the result was far different from expected.



[Target is wearing a Shielding Treasure; some stats have been obscured.]


[Name: Ryu Kojima]

[Title - Chasing Arrow, ?????, ?????]

[Level: 10 | Class: None]

[Influence: Humanity (Blood Steel Society)| Prestige: 3000 - Famed Novice]

[Health: 420/420]

[Magic Power: 420/420]

[Combat Force: ???(+???)]

[Spiritual Awareness: ??]

[Speed: ??(+??) km/h] 

[Genetic Trait: Inheritance Bit Archiak (Grade ?) - Partial Active, ????]

[Core Physique: Stage 9 Human Body | Effects: None | CF: ???] 

[Skills: ????, ????, ????]



Nero cursed to himself, further dragging out the final words as if trying to complain to someone.

Adult Nero chuckled at this; he didn't bother to say anything about him hiding most of his stats under the quiets.

The duo didn't waste any more time as they left quickly and made their way towards the meeting grounds. Soon, they entered the bus that later vanished into the distance as it went to the core of Rambruck City.

It didn't take long for Nero and Ryu to arrive on the compound; after exiting the vehicle, they promptly made their way to the class. Soon, they entered the room that almost full and found their seats at the corner, but as they sat down, they couldn't help but notice an odd atmosphere.

"Is it real? That's so cruel; how could such a thing happen?" A small female said tragically.

"Yes, I knew that times were dangerous, but to think that even your home wouldn't be safe, I don't know what to think anymore," Another female said in a sad tone.

"The hell, which bastard did it? Is he caught yet?" A male student said in anger as he slammed his desk.

"No, the culprit hasn't been found yet; the authorities are searching for him as we speak." Another student replied with visible rage on his face.

Both Nero and Ryu glanced at each other, Nero was expecting Ryu to know what was going on, but Ryu merely shrugged as if saying, beats me?

'Che! So not helpful...' Nero thought to himself; his eyes wandered around as he pondered, 'I wonder, what could have possibly happened for them to be acting like this?'

As Nero thought to here, he was about to ask about it, but before he could take any action, a disturbance came from the classroom door. It opened with a bang as Elly ran into the room; everyone looked at her as she hurried to her desk beside Nero and spoke while looking at him.

"Nero, did you hear?" Elly said in a flustered tone.

"No, I was about to ask, what happened?" Nero inquired.

Elly sighed as she spoke with an expression of sadness, "It's about Kailyn, her... her entire family was murdered."

"What?" Nero exclaimed, his eyes showing alarm as even Ryu, whose attention mainly stuck to his phone, looked up with a tinge of wonder in his eyes.

"You're kidding me; how did this happen?" Nero asked.

Elly shook her head and replied, "I don't know; I heard that last night the slaughter had occurred quickly and concisely. Everyone from her family had died, but the unusual thing about it all is not the murder, but the fact Kailyn herself was nowhere to be found on the scene."

Nero narrowed his eyes at this as he pondered, 'Odd, who would commit such a random slaughter, not mention that it happened in such a high-end community. If anything, the only persons who could bypass the security would be...'

As if guessing Nero's thoughts, Elly bit her lips and then whispered, "There's also another thing, from what my family has gathered. We discovered that any random slaughterer didn't just murder her family; it likely had something to with a Digitizer."

Nero stared at Elly with a tinge of surprise before his face turned to certainty, his thoughts running wildly.

'So that's how it is, it explains a lot, but now the only prime witness had vanished. A Digitizer suddenly attacking and slaughtering a civilian's family, what would they gain from such an action? And more importantly, what would they gain from sparing her? Could they be Bit Hunters? Was Kailyn a nonawakened with a special Digitize Bit? Hmm, no matter how I think about it, something isn't right here... this Kailyn, she would go so far for even Elly's downfall, with such a vicious personality, if she had gained enough strength, wouldn't she have done it herself? It looks I'll need to tell Elly about that incident after all...'

As Nero's concluded his thoughts, he noticed that Ryo was looking at him; it seemed as if he had arrived at the same conclusion.

Elly found Nero's daze to be quite odd; she was growing impatient and was about to ask him about his thoughts on the situation. But sadly, before she could speak, or even Nero could say anything, the door opened as an unexpected face had arrived.

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