Chapter 115: The Wandering Star God Bard, the Titans’ Conspiracy, and the Wrath of the Star-Forging Dragon King!

【Since the beginning of time, the wandering god of the universe, Bard, has been sleeping in the chaos of Mimeng. He has no meaning of existence.】

【It was not until the star-forging dragon king Aurelion Sol gathered the nebulae and brought life to the universe that the melodies composed by all living things reached his ears.】

【He travels through the universe following beautiful music, and appears when the balance of the universe is broken or irregular, bringing peace and salvation.】

【He who has good intentions will also be treated with good intentions, and wherever he goes, all his actions will not be regarded as malicious. 】

Kennan:”So such a great god is also following the balance! Sure enough, balance exists between all things!”

Reijido:”It seems that he is equal to the Star Forging Dragon King, and is maintaining the balance of the universe.”

The First Emperor:”The Judge… Sure enough, the beginning of a universe cannot be without someone who judges fairness.”

Vision:”Life awakens Him, and He will stand on the side of life.”

March 7:”They say that the ancient gods are dangerous, but this kind of ancient god feels pretty good! Very kind!”

【The scene changes, time flies by】

【On a planet called Runeland in a star field, several tiny points of light fell from the sky.】

【Five magical relics called World Runes fell from the sky and scattered in every corner of Runeland.】

【As time goes by, the magical power of the World Rune gradually spreads to the entire Rune Land!】

【The barren land of Runeterra has been soaked and transformed, becoming full of vitality!】

【All kinds of life were born on this planet like a miracle, and gradually established various civilizations! 】

Rengar:”Why is Runeland a sphere?! Isn’t it flat?!”

Jace:”The saying that the earth is round and the sky is square is a very old saying. I have seen the planets rotate with my own eyes.”

Ancient One:”World Runes? Compared to magical relics, they are more like tools filled with infinite magical power.”

Zeus, the main ship of the Olympus fleet:”It is an instrument for transforming the planet’s environment, very similar, but he is on the magic side.”

Amiya:”That green world rune can actually make the lifeless land full of vitality! Can it also make Terra rejuvenated!”

Yakumo Yukari:”It can even create life! This inventory is based on the perspective of Runeland, so don’t those gods and demigods also come from the world runes?”

Mobius:”Creating life and gods~ I’m so curious~ It seems like I’m studying~ This magical power~”

Black Tower:”I’m not so curious about this, it overlaps with the Blessing of Fertility”

【The scene changed, and a magnificent peak above the clouds appeared in the picture.】

【Countless mountains are nothing compared to this sacred peak!】

【This is the southern part of Runeterra, a mountain called Targon! 】

Zhang Sanfeng:”This is simply a great mountain!”

Mitsuha Miyamizu:”So spectacular… so beautiful!” Jonathan Joestar

:”It’s refreshing to see Targon so directly! It’s so magnificent!”

Atreus:”Unfortunately, he is also cruel. The more beautiful it is, the more dangerous it is. It has cut off the hopes of countless people. It is extremely hypocritical.”

Dazai Osamu:”What do you mean? Is it possible that the races in Targon are hypocritical?”

Twilight Star Spirit Zoe:”Well… I have to admit that some people are indeed like this, but there are still good people! Right?”

Aatrox:”Ah?! Papaya! Star! Spirit——!”

【On the Giant God Peak lives a group of beings called the Giant Gods. They are the first group of people in Runeland born from the World Rune.】

【They have great power, connect rules and concepts, and call themselves Star Spirits.】

【The Protoss conquered the Runeland with their powerful strength and civilization, and gradually began to yearn for the starry sky.

Fu Xuan:”Each Protoss has the power to wield a certain kind of power that extends from their will, which is very similar to the existence of the Star God, but the power is far different.” Artanis

:”The sacred Aiur connects every Protoss. We are the eldest sons of God and maintain life. I wonder if the Protoss here is like this?”

Qin Liu:”For some reason, I feel that the power of this Protoss does not match his character.”

Dr. Mei:”Sure enough, every intelligent race can hardly suppress their yearning for the starry sky.”

【Because Runeland gave birth to life and fostered a powerful civilization, the Star-Forging Dragon King paid much attention to this star.】

【After the Titans got to know the Star-Forging Dragon King and understood his great power, they came up with a bold and risky idea!】

【They tried to control the Star-Forging Dragon King!】

【After learning about the Star Forging Dragon King according to various records, they began to express their respect for the Star Forging Dragon King’s arrival in Runeland.】

【Aurelion Sol had never been invited like this before, and was curious about the weak creature born from the creation he regarded as his child.】

【So the Star Forging Dragon King Aurelion Sol descended upon the Runeland, before the Titans! 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Uzumaki Boruto:”So bold?! Their ambitions are too big!”

Qin Yanagi:”I heard the grin of the conspiracy!”

Otto Apocalis:”Control must be 100% certain. Controlling a powerful existence that you cannot understand will sooner or later be backfired.”

Jason:”The power of the Star Forging Dragon King is exactly why he joined the game. No one will be wary of ants.”

【The Titans presented Aurelion Sol with a dazzling crown made of star roses.】

【The Star-Forging Dragon King accepted the coronation of the Titans with some joy and satisfaction.】

【However, all this is a conspiracy!】

【The scene changes to the Giant God Peak. As early as the beginning of the plan, the Protoss knew the character of the Star Forging Dragon King and planned to start gambling.】

【They knew that the power of the Star Forger was enough to easily destroy Runeland and their civilization.】

【So they made a Star Rose Crown, and used a trick to let the Star Forging Dragon King bind himself with his own power.

Atreus:”Hypocritical Titan, the crown reminds me of FW Sen being controlled by the Ruined King, ridiculous Star Spirit.”

Aizen:”I want to know what method can make the Star Forging Dragon King with such great power surrender?” Merlin

:”Use the Star Forging Dragon King’s own power to bind himself? What method is it?”

Kaisha:”Such a powerful force should not be controlled. The Titans still have a foundation.……”

【After the Star-Forging Dragon King was crowned, the Titans immediately took control of his mind!】

【This mental power is as weak as a cow hair, but when the Star-Forging Dragon King tries to resist, a star in the universe will be annihilated in an instant and disappear forever!】

【To the Star-Forging Dragon King, every star is his child, and he cannot tolerate the destruction of stars.】

【He can easily break free of the crown, but countless stars will be destroyed by his power. 】

Erin:”There is such a method? It’s too outrageous!”

Goetia:”Where is the pride of the strong? As a strong man, are you willing to be controlled?!”

Hikigaya Hachiman:”I can’t understand it either.……”

Young man:”Emmm, let me give you an example. It’s like a naughty kid standing next to the figurine cabinet threatening you. Although you can beat him up, you will be afraid of the figurines and have to do it.”

Ishigami Yu:”I see. The Titans are too despicable!”

【After thinking about it, the Star Forging Dragon King obeyed. Time had no meaning to him, but the stars could not be destroyed.】

【However, Runeland has long lost its feelings in his eyes, and his anger will one day fall on Runeland!

Heimerdinger:”This is a history that has been erased! Why should the entire Runeland bear the sins of the Targonians!” Irelia:

“This is unreasonable!”

Leblanc:”How can it be… Even that existence can’t resist the Star Forger King!”

At this moment, the entire Runeland is in chaos!

So forces began to gather, openly gathering strength to attack the Targonians, trying to get the forgiveness of the Star Forger King when he returns.


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