Chapter 117 I am the first thunder! Among thousands of scars, one more does not matter!

【The scene changed, and the angry Volibear led the Ursine tribe to the territory of the three ice sisters.】

【After taking off his armor and completely releasing his wild nature, he became even more powerful. In front of everyone, he defeated the army of the three ice sisters and blinded one of the three ice sisters, Lissandra.】

【However, the rise of humanity is inevitable, and all the old gods tend to ignore and help humans. Only Volibear is still resisting.】

【The three ice sisters gathered all the descendants of the races with natural magic in Freljord, as well as the power of the entire Freljord, and defeated Volibear and the Ursine. 】

Hela:”According to universal reason, if you go blind, you gain power. That’s how I lost.”

Leblanc:”It turns out that the frost witch in the north is also a thousand-year-old thing.……”

Karma:”Tradition and change go hand in hand. The passing of the ancient ways is the tide of the times, and Volibear cannot reverse it.”

Aku Hinako:”It’s a bit sad. The era of mythology is retreating, and a person faces the tide of the times with no one around him.

Dr. Roman:”I think I know why the Age of Gods in Runeterra has faded. The gods don’t care, and one day, the fire of oblivion will burn their”003.”

Kadoya:”Volibear lost completely. The Ursine tribe was completely wiped out. He is the only god in the entire Freljord who is resisting. His victory or defeat is no longer that important. He and the ancient ways have been abandoned and have already failed.””

【Humans developed civilization and culture in Freljord, farming and grazing, and they could have such a happy life without relying on gods.】

【The belief in the ancient gods gradually faded and even began to be forgotten.】

【Volibear saw all of this.】

【He, an Old God, could not defeat the united Freljord and could only lie dormant.】

【However, he felt resentful in his heart:”When my brother gave them the fire, they forgot the original fire in their blood.”】

Keqing:”Now that the Freljord can live a life of food and clothing without relying on plunder, as long as the people of Freljord work harder, life will get better and better!”

Spartacus:”Oppressor upstairs! Take my sword!”

Zhongli:”It’s okay… Gods will be forgotten one day, and the future of mankind should be written by them.” Prometheus

:”I stole the fire and brought human wisdom, and Ornn also used his fire to enlighten human wisdom.”

Vader:”They have lost their animal nature and everything. They have been influenced by this beauty and have lost their wildness.”

【Hundreds of years passed quickly, and Volibear and almost all the ancient gods were almost forgotten, turning into myths and legends.】

【Over the past few hundred years, Volibear’s appearance has changed drastically. His once pale appearance has turned into an ominous purple-black color.】

【His whole body was flowing with black blood, half of his face had lost its flesh and blood, revealing a hideous skull!】

【At the same time, countless strange purple eyeballs appeared on the surface of his body, filled with an ancient and ominous aura!】

【”The earth sleeps… but it is not dead. I wake it with my roar and call it with my thunder.……”】

Merlin:”As expected, in a world where gods are not visible, a few hundred years is enough for people to forget everything.”

Zero:”Is Volibear corrupted?! Or has he been invaded by darkness?”

Ye Hei:”Volibell has fallen into an ominous state?! What happened? The entity of ancient magic will also be eroded?”

Patriot:”Now he is like an evil god corrupted by evil spirits. What happened in the past few hundred years?”

Matou Sakura:”These eyes are so scary… It’s like… It’s like the eyes of all the evil in this world, full of malice.” Tushan Yaya:”

Although his body is corrupted and mutated, his will is still strong. He is waiting for an opportunity.”

【Volibear waited for hundreds of years and finally got the opportunity!】

【Sejuani, the descendant of the three ice sisters Serilda and the new leader of the Winter Claw tribe, follows the path of plunder and barbarism and wants to break the peace of Freljord!】

【The moment Sejuani became the leader, Volibear let out a thunderous cry:”Whose heart is calling the storm!”】

【”I heard someone calling Valhalla, thunderstorm! That’s the answer!”

Winter:”Those tamed people are so sissy! It has to be Sejuani! I like her personality!”

Phosphophyllite:”Sejuani is so rude! Isn’t it good for everyone to live together peacefully? Why start a war!”

Kafka:”Some people are born with fighting blood flowing in their bodies.”

Rosaline:”As long as you call him sincerely, he will respond… Why is he not the god of Mondstadt?……”

Sun Quan:”After lying dormant for hundreds of years, I finally found the opportunity! The time has come, let’s start the war today!”

【After hundreds of years of waiting, Volibear looked at the abandoned ancient road of Freljord in front of him, and remembered the wild Freljord in the past.】

【”Once, the heart of a child was untamed, with violent hopes and cruel despair……”】

【”Uh ah……”Volibear roared, and his will to fall became more and more intense!】

【”Skin torn and bloody, this is what Volrigard should look like……”】

【Sejuani found Volibear, hoping to get Volibear’s help, and Volibear readily agreed! 】

Seven:”Although it’s a bit cruel, what he said still makes some sense. A fledgling can only fly high after going through hardships.”

Luo Ji:”Yeah… People born in a greenhouse don’t have the courage to decide everything.”

Bai Ci Nan:”That’s right! The world should be like this with skin torn and blood shed!”

Yingshan Ren:”Survival of the fittest, only savagery and wildness can really kill the enemy.”

Bennett:”Feeling���Liber is more suitable for Nata, where his nature can be released.”

Tracys:”Winter Claw and Volibear have joined forces, and a storm sweeping across Freljord is coming.”

【Before setting out on the expedition, Volibear roared to the sky!】

【”The storm is gathering, help me ascend to the clouds!”】

【”Today, let us use our sharp teeth and claws to retake… this land that originally belonged to the wilderness!!”】

【After Volibear and Sejuani’s Winter Claw tribe joined forces, Sejuani, who was already ready to make a move, completely let go!】

【Ancient savagery and war rage across the Freljord! The Winter’s Claw tribe brings plunder and death wherever they go!】

【And Volibear leads the way, always rushing to the front! Defeating everything with wild power! 】

Lei Movie:”Am I the God of Thunder? It is obviously the wild and majestic thunder, but it is perfectly manifested in him………..”

Thor:”So cool! I never thought of saying such a cool word! I never thought of using Stormbreaker to create such a magnificent scene? I got it!”

Attila:”Civilization should not exist, tear it apart with fangs and claws!”

Mash:”It’s a pity that there is no Valhalla in this world, and war has come again… I seem to see the shadows of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.”

Loki:”But this is also the fault of mankind, isn’t it? As an outsider, trying to exclude God on God’s land is the biggest provocation.”

【Swords, spears and halberds attacked Volibear, but they could not stop his wild steps and hundreds of years of rage!】

【”A thousand scars, what’s the harm in having one more? Bloody and bloody, I will not be forgotten!”】

【”Everything will collapse! No matter the bones or the spirit, they will all be broken!”】

【The sky above Freljord was covered by thick clouds, thunder surged, and thunder struck down with tremendous force accompanied by Volibear’s roar!】

【”I leaped up and roared, splitting the mountains and cracking the earth!”】

【”Storm, rage! Tremble at my roar!”】

The Conqueror King:”Hahahahahahahaha! This soaring heroism and tyranny is so surprising!”

Ares:”Compared to him, he looks like a god of war!” The immortal black snake Koscheiche:”Fortunately, Ursus does not have such an ancient existence, otherwise all conspiracies will vanish in the face of his power!”

At this moment, all the heavens and worlds were shocked by the courage and heroism of the ancient god Volibear!

Ancient gods should be weird, powerful, and mysterious.

And ancient gods like Volibear are too rare, his heroism, simplicity, and will are all admirable!

Without him, his purity, and the will to fight against the corruption that scares the strong in all worlds, with 2.7 and fearless heroism, he has gained countless faiths in all worlds!

……(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【In the battle, Volibear’s distortion and corruption faded! The pale hair and dark blue ice crystals grew again!】

【Feeling the strength gradually restored in his body, Volibear used all his strength to declare to the entire Freljord���The return of the ancient road is announced!】

【”I am the First Thunder! Valhal! Destroyer of the Mountains! Engraver of the Five Great Fjords!”】

【Under Volibear’s interference, the war in Freljord continues until death, never ending! 】

Black Emperor:”Woof woof woof! Woof?! The ominous corruption has been stopped! He has transformed! How did he do it!”

Scathach:”The battle makes the blood in his body boil. After all, he is the embodiment of Freljord’s wrath and the essence of the world runes. Corruption is only a temporary shackle.” Melina:

“His flames are burning, and his fighting spirit and wildness have given him a new life.”

Thor:”The first thunder?! So domineering!”

Thunder Movie:”The first thunder… If war can make everything stagnate and no longer develop, then it’s good.……”


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