Chapter 141: Tsumukari Muramasa! Miyamoto Musashi vs. Sasaki Kojiro Zero and Infinity!

【Miyamoto Musashi looked at Senko Muramasa in shock:”Grandpa……?”】

【Fujimaru Ritsuka also looked at Senko Muramasa in confusion:”……Muramasa?”】

【Chiko Muramasa raised his white skin, the blue magic circuits on his muscular body lit up, and he held a knife blank and a hammer in his hands.】

【”Ah…I don’t know where this is, but now is my working time.”】

【”This is the long-awaited main event that I have been waiting for! You said I don’t have a trump card? Idiot! Of course I have such a thing!”

Emiya Shirou:”Although I know that Miyamoto Musashi is calling Grandpa Muramasa, but using my body… I’m still not used to having such a big granddaughter out of thin air.” Aoyama Nanami

:”Senko Muramasa’s muscles are so handsome! Ahhhhhhhhh!!!” Yukinoshita

Haruno:”Those blue lines are a plus! What a handsome old man! Why is this old man so charming!”

Dad:”Dad said a long time ago that the old ones are still the best, and it’s the old ones who have to save the day at the last minute.”

Nian:”What is Senko Muramasa’s trump card? It can’t be that he suddenly forged a powerful weapon! It takes a long time to forge a weapon.-!”

【Amakusa Shiro Tokisada was so shocked that he was speechless. He watched Senko Muramasa’s sword take shape quickly, his eyes full of fear.】

【Amakusa Shirou Tokisada did not respond, Sengo Muramasa continued:”Be it the invincible swordsman Juubi, the hidden daimyo Hanzo, or even the legendary caster Abe Haruaki… why did you summon me, a swordsmith?”

Salamander Hanzo:”You called on me! I in the other world am actually a daimyo! I’m so honored.” Abe Haruaki

:”The legendary caster… I can’t stand such a title, after all, I’m just an ordinary Onmyoji.”

Yamata no Orochi:”Haha… If Abe Haruaki, you are ordinary, then there will be no Onmyoji in this world.”

Abe Haruaki:”Since I exist in this world, is there also a guy like Ashiya Doman?”

Gudafu:”Poke! Of course! The brother who sleeps on the upper bunk above me!”

【At this point, Chiko Muramasa’s voice suddenly became excited! The blade in his hand gradually took shape into a katana!】

【”Abandoning Kang Yu, the ultimate sword that I have been looking for in the past is not a steel blade that cuts flesh, digs out bones and kills people.……”】

【”What I seek is to settle the grudges, cut off the causes and conditions, cut off the destiny, cut off the bad karma… that is – to be liberated from the past karma!”】


【The scarlet sword has taken shape! 】

Nian:”Oh…ah?! In such a short time, you made a divine weapon that has never appeared on this earth?!”

Akame:”This sword…is very strong! The most powerful imperial weapon can’t compare to it!”

Ornn:”After all, this is a divine weapon, a conceptual divine weapon. Old Ornn, I rarely forge gods.”

Hyuga Neji:”Cut off…fate?! I always thought that fate was something illusory and unchangeable, but I didn’t expect it to be cut off!”

Tetsuzuka Hotaru:”How was this sword forged? Master Sengo Muramasa is the strongest swordsmith in the world!” Muzan Kibutsuji

:”If you get hit by a sword…if you get hit by a sword, you will definitely die! No! Not even a trace will be left!”

【”Countless studies have been done to reach its location, constructing a sword tomb made up of thousands of blades!”】

【”What arrives here is the convergence of all things, and what is expounded here is the long-cherished wish of all things!”】

【The sword in Senko Muramasa’s hand flashed a dazzling light! Molten iron flowed down!】

【”What gathers here is the karma of all things – my entire life is for the completion of this sword!”】

【”The sword is beating, here! Take it! This is my Tsumukariya, Muramasa——!!!”】

Chen Xin:”Abandoning ten thousand swords will make one sword! It is not an exaggeration to say that this sword is the soul of the sword tomb and the root of the sword!”

Genos:”This sword can probably only make one strike, but… one strike is enough!”

Nian:”If my life can also complete this sword, then I will have no regrets in my life!”

Momochi Zabuza:”The seven great ninja swords are all shit in front of it! It… it is too beautiful!”

Hawkeye:”The supreme sword is not as good as this sword! Swordsmiths like Sengo Muramasa are the treasures of the world!”

【When hearing Tsumukarini’s name, Amakusa Shiro Tokisada’s calm expression changed drastically!】

【”In the distant past, in the age of the gods… a Tsumurakari sword made from the tail of the Yamata no Orochi?!”】


【The inherent barrier that Amakusa Shiro Tokisada relied on to build the world was cut off with one sword!】

【The power of the divine sword Tsumukarii cut through the inherent barrier, and the power of the demon sword Muramasa cut off the sins of the Tokugawa family and the karma of Amakusa Shiro Tokisada!】

【In the collapse of the inherent barrier, Amakusa Shiro Tokisada was killed, and Sengo Muramasa’s spiritual base also collapsed because he used a human body to drive the sword of God. 】

Yamata no Orochi:”The original text is a divine weapon made of my tail? It seems that I was really powerful at that time.……”

Susanoo:”He was able to forge a divine weapon with a mortal body. The death of Sengo Muramasa is a loss to the world!” Kurogane

Ikki:”One…one sword in a second?! He killed him along with all the karma and karma!”

Yun Tianming:”If we look at the inherent barrier from the perspective of the microcosm…he chopped the microcosm into pieces with one sword!”

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

Kirieloid:”The water on Earth is really deep. I won’t protect it anymore! Whoever loves you!”

【At the other end of the barrier, Miyamoto Musashi, who helped Fujimaru Ritsuka escape, encountered an enemy blocking his way, Sasaki Kojiro.】

【Because Amakusa Shiro Tokisada had done a favor to Sasaki Kojiro, Sasaki Kojiro planned to hold a memorial ceremony.】

【But the real reason is that the encounter between the two strongest swordsmen must be a duel!】

【Miyamoto Musashi also accepted it.】

Roronoa Zoro:”Is this the mutual respect between strong people?”

Tushan Yaya:”When two people meet on a narrow road, the brave will win, let alone two strong people in the same field.” Medea

(Fantasy Carnival):”Although Sasaki Kojiro likes to slack off, his loyalty is really beyond doubt!”

Musashi:”Speaking of which, the fateful duel between Musashi and Kojiro sounds so strange!”

Xiaozhi:”Is this the internal fight of Team Rocket?”

【The clash between Sasaki Kojiro, the void swordsman who created the Swallow Return and can cut swallows into several pieces, and Miyamoto Musashi, the Niten-class swordsman, begins!】

【The swords of the two people who transcend the concept of time and space are the ultimate opposition!】

【On one side is the sword of zero that cannot be avoided by gods and Buddhas! 】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【On one side is the Infinite Sword that is planning the future that even gods and Buddhas cannot avoid!】

【Regardless of time, space, cause and effect, good and evil, the two reached the realm of infinity!】

【Sasaki Kojiro:”Musashi!——”】

【Miyamoto Musashi:”Kojiro!——”】

Tobirama Senju:”Too fast! Even the Flying Thunder God Slash can’t keep up with the speed of their swords colliding!”

Pava:”You call this the Swallow-Slaying Technique?! This swallow is a dragon, right?”

Tathagata:”Zhuo! Are you making trouble with the gods and Buddhas?”

Ultraman X:”The collision of zero and infinity can create miracles! That’s how entities are born!”

Fu Hua:”It’s the same sword technique that can only be blocked by Taixu Sword God!”

Yagyu Kenkage:”I’m inspired! The fight between the strong is a God-given opportunity!”

Virgil:”This throwing of tiles… this is the way of the sword!”

Wuming:”This is a realm that Sword Twenty-Three can’t reach! The two of them have already transcended!!!”

Meow:”White Hole, a white tomorrow is waiting for you, that’s it! Meow~”

【One fight is equivalent to countless fights!】

【The final result is reflected in Fujimaru Ritsuka’s pupils】

【The Zero Sword defeated the Infinity Sword!】

【Kojiro Sasaki left the stage with satisfaction and a mutual admiration for Miyamoto Musashi】

【Miyamoto Musashi sat in the burning castle tower, dying, and used up his last bit of strength to throw Fujimaru Ritsuka out of the castle tower. 】

Death Star Thresh:”Zero’s victory is inevitable. Everything in Infinity will return to nothingness, including Miyamoto Musashi who controls Zero.”

Tokito Muichiro:”Although Sasaki Kojiro’s Infinity was defeated, it does not mean that Infinity is not strong. My Nothingness is the Infinite Nothingness of Sasaki Kojiro!” Kaedehara Manye:

“After all, we have to say goodbye… But I believe that parting is for a better reunion”

【Finally, Miyamoto Musashi closed his eyes, smiled and said:”Return to Zero, I finally saw what I was aiming for.”】

【”Now that I’ve seen it… then it’s over… I’ve reached the realm of zero, there’s nothing left to do, and there’s no world I can go back to.……”】

【”……Everything is like a bubble dream…no regrets……”】

Kadoya:”Is there a world without you…Will my fate be like yours, to die quietly after fulfilling my long-cherished wish?……”

Lesser:”To get rid of obsessions and fulfill wishes, this may be the best way for Miyamoto Musashi to return?”

Dainsleb:”Miyamoto Musashi’s journey has not stopped. As a human, she died, and as a heroic spirit, she will respond to the call of pan-human history and continue to fight!”

Danheng:”What a wonderful journey of life! When can I be as open-minded as you? Miyamoto Musashi”

【The scene changes to Chaldea】

【Fujimaru Ritsuka returned to the room and found a camera】

【When she opened it, it turned out to be a message from Miyamoto Musashi!】

【Because of her bond with Fujimaru Ritsuka and the record engraved in the human law after her death, Miyamoto Musashi was summoned spontaneously as a heroic spirit in the if line and continued her journey】

【In the projector, Miyamoto Musashi had a smile on his face, with confidence and reliability in his eyes:”When you need help, I will come no matter what!”]

Spitwagen:”No matter when and where! As long as help is needed, she will come! So touching! Are there really such friends!”

Lipia:”This is the bond! As long as there is a need, I will respond!” Tokiwa

Sougo:”It’s really reassuring to have a reliable senior sister like Miyamoto Musashi!”

Unknown Samurai:”The real drama is about to begin! Miyamoto Musashi will fight against the Olympian gods!”


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