Chapter 153: Hayakawa Aki You will die in the most miserable way The Gun Devil has landed!

【The dust settled, only Hayakawa Aki, Denji, Pava, Yoshida and others survived】

【Pawar was so frightened by the dark demon that he could not take care of himself and was in a daze every day.】

【Denci had no choice but to take care of Pava, help her bathe, dress her, and accompany Pava every day.】

【During this period, Denci did not have any thoughts of trembling. In his heart, he and Pava were already a family.】

【In order to repay Denji, Pava allowed Denji to suck her blood】

【Under the care of Hayakawa Aki and Denji, Pava regained his vitality. 】

Uchiha Sasuke:”Denji seems to have a brother now, so heartwarming……”

02:”Ah! I envy Pava so much! I wonder if Darling and I will be able to live such a life one day?”

Wang Xiaoer:”Just for Denci’s character, I admire Denci as a man!”

Warfarin:”Wow! I want to suck the blood of the blood demon too! It must be delicious!” Alphonse

:”Pava’s life as a demon is really happy. He has two powerful brothers to protect him and he is carefree.”

【At this moment, the scene suddenly changed and turned into a snowy field.】

【Young Aki Hayakawa lived here with his parents and brother】

【The fact that his parents were accompanying his sickly younger brother seemed to him to be partial to him, and no one was playing with him.】

【But the younger brother took the initiative to play with his brother like a little angel, so the arrogant Hayakawa Aki also reconciled with his younger brother.

Uchiha Itachi:”The elder brother should be humble and protect the younger brother. I am very happy that Hayakawa Aki understands this.”

Uchiha Izuna:”The younger brother is also very sensible. He will accompany his brother even when he is weak and sick.”

Allen:”Such a beautiful family… How did Hayakawa Aki’s parents die?”

Uzumaki Naruto:”That’s why Hayakawa Aki is driven by hatred.……”

【Just when Hayakawa Aki just realized that as an older brother he should take care of his younger brother, the Gun Demon landed!】

【The aftermath of the Gun Demon’s landing unfortunately crushed the house where Hayakawa Aki’s parents and brother were living into pieces!】

【Only Hayakawa Aki survived.】

【So far, Hayakawa Aki has become a demon hunter with hatred for the gun demon, aiming to kill the gun demon. 】

Hippie:”Poor child… Join our family~ Everyone will not leave you, and will always be with you~”

Black Panther:”Don’t be driven by hatred, hatred will cycle, and the correct answer is to treat pain rationally.”

Uzumaki Nagato:”Watching his parents and brother die with his own eyes, how can he survive!”

Bakugo:”In just a moment! From a happy family to an orphan… Poor Aki!”

【But until the arrival of Denji and Pava, his quiet and boring life began to change.】

【He once again felt the love of his family, but at the same time, Ji Ye’s death planted the seeds of fear in his heart.】

【This siege against Denji caused the fear in Hayakawa Aki’s heart to explode. He didn’t want Denji and Pava to die. He just wanted them to live happily together.】

【Therefore, Denji found Makima and asked him to withdraw from the crusade against the Gun Devil.】

【However, Makima refused, and Denji had to participate.

Uchiha Obito:”After losing something once, you will cherish it extra much. Hayakawa Aki finally realized it.”

Whitebeard:”Nothing is more important than family. Hayakawa Aki is a good child, but it’s a pity that Makima is born!” Hodaka

:”Escape is shameful but useful. Home is more important than this garbage world!” Shirojiro:

“You even don’t let Hayakawa Aki and Pava go? Makima, you bastard! I’m going to kill you!”

【In order to protect Denji and Pava, Hayakawa Aki desired stronger power, so he found the future devil and signed a contract with him.】

【The future devil wanted nothing, but looked at the future of Hayakawa Aki and twisted his body with laughter!】

【”Hayakawa Aki! You will die in the most miserable way!”】

【”My condition is to live in your eyes, I want to see the future of your death with my own eyes!”】

Otsutsuki Momoshiki:”The future is crazy, how can anyone be afraid? I don’t understand.”

Aha:”Aha! The future devil is also a funny person!”

Gilgamesh:”Hahaha! If you can see the future, you will naturally want to experience the future you see in person!”

Fujimaru Ritsuka:”What is the worst way to die? Is it the ultimate insult like Shiraji Otsugu or the slow slicing like Kaoliang Chihuahua?”

Allen:”What is the worst way to die in the eyes of the devil? It can’t be killing your family with your own hands, right?”

Merlin:”Fuck! The prophet’s knife!”

【In this way, Hayakawa Aki obtained the power of the future devil, and was then invited by Machima to the beach.】

【Angels and demons were also invited over.】

【At this time, Makima finally showed her fangs and dominated Hayakawa Aki and the angels and demons!】

【The essence of Makima’s ability is also revealed here】

【She can dominate creatures that she subjectively feels are inferior to herself. In her eyes, everything is an inferior creature, inferior to her, and can be dominated at will!】

【The only things she cannot control are a few root demons and the powerful chainsaw demons she worships.】

【In order to control the chainsaw demon and gain his power, Makima must defeat the chainsaw demon fairly and make the chainsaw demon inferior to her in her heart.

Kiryu Battle Rabbit:”So idealistic? I think I can control it? Huh?!”

Charles:”No… it’s no wonder that the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse can control others at will with such a supernatural power.”

Tony Stark:”Fortunately, Makima is a demon bound by rules and has a bottom line in her evaluation of herself. If it were a demon who didn’t know the height of the world, she would be doomed!”

Wang Ye:”From the time she used a trick to calculate the chainsaw demon, she had already fallen behind.”

Aizen:”Hehe… tricks are also part of strength.”

【The scene changes, and the information about this battle is leaked to the whole world, causing the top leaders of countries around the world to be wary and fearful of Machima.】

【The American president’s back is low and resolute in the White House】

【Although he felt sorry for the people, he had to do this in order to prevent the whole world from falling into Machima’s hands! 】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【He signed a contract with the Gun Demon at the cost of one year’s life of all the people in the United States, asking it to kill Makima! 】

Swain:”This leader is much stronger than the last incompetent king of Noxus. At least he is decisive.”

Ashina Isshin:”Hesitation will lead to defeat! His decisiveness is destined to make him successful!”

MacArthur:”Whether it is Okukankai, Chuan Jianguo or Bai Zhenhua, they are not as good as this unknown American president!”

Homelander:”Oh! My president! At this moment, you are the real hero!”

Emiya Kiritsugu:”If one year’s life of all the people in the country can kill Makima, then this deal will be a huge profit!” Su Huanzhen

:”Unfortunately, this deal is doomed to fail. The contract with the Japanese Emperor is the root cause of failure.”

Yamagami Tetsuya:”Emperor… I don’t have time for fox trouble”

【The scene changes to a church on the coast, with children singing loudly. Suddenly, a shocking scene appears!】

【Boom!!! Crash!】

【The Devil of Guns has landed in America! Half a million people died in 12 seconds!】

【Their flesh and blood condensed, 500,000 heads turned into bodies, their lower bodies were bullet chains, their backs and hands were countless giant guns, and their heads were Desert Eagles. The Gun Demon descended! 】

Tsugukuni Yoriichi:”500,000 people in 12 seconds… That’s more than you and I have seen! What on earth is life regarded as!”

Oni 220 Muzan Maitsuji:”Just treat it as a natural disaster! Death is inevitable, why pursue it?”

Exia:”Although I am excited to see the guns, the Gun Demon is… too bizarre! I guess I will have nightmares tonight with a torso made of human heads!”

Liang Bing:”This fucking demon is too imposing! This is the imposingness that our demons should have!”

Flat:”If he descended in the American mainland in my world, the bonus of guns would make him the strongest servant!”

【An iron chain appeared on Makima’s belly button, connecting Hayakawa Aki and the angels and demons who were controlled by her.】

【In just 3 minutes, Machima was killed 29 times. At the same time, Neon killed 29 ordinary people.】

【After Machima could see the Gun Demon 500 miles away, a brain like intestines appeared on the hole in Machima’s forehead.】

【The brain forms a ring attached to Makima’s head like an angel’s halo】

【All the demon hunters or demons who were killed by Makima in the human world and whose strength was not bad appeared and were chained by Makima.】

【The Gun Demon was in a tough fight.】

Mostima:”This bloody halo… I can’t look my race in the face.”

Gabriel:”Too sinful! I feel a little sick seeing the halo now.”

Uryu Ryunosuke:”coo1! Makima really understands! I love this woman!” Ukiyo

Hidetoshi:”How can Makima with more than 100 million lives be unkillable? In the end, civilians died… Damn it!”

Orochimaru:”Hehehe… Pulling the dead out to fight, is it resurrection or controlling the corpse?”

Senju Tobirama:”You don’t even respect the souls of the dead! Uchi… Makima is an inherently evil existence! The chainsaw demon tried hard to kill him!”

【The scene changed, and Dianci, who was lying at home watching TV, suddenly heard a knock on the door.】

【”Boom boom boom……”】

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