Chapter 172 Snape’s Childhood, Bullying by the Marauders, and Breakup with Lily

[Screen begins]

[The picture of the gold list appears in a dirty and dilapidated alley.] 】

[This place is called Spider Alley, and it is the most chaotic and poor garbage dump in this area.] 】

[If England is divided into rich areas where the rich live, ordinary areas where the common people live, and slums where the poor live, then Spider Alley is a place that is even poorer and more chaotic than the slums. 】

Ciel: “Looks even worse than our downtown……”

Lin Yuxia: “Is there such an unequal and dirty slum in a world without ore disease?”

Prudence: “The world should be balanced…… The world is a little too uneven, isn’t it? ”

Emperor Bow: “The poor are poor, the rich are rich, the world will always be like this.” Unless there is a great change, the world will never change. ”

Zhang Chulan: “I’ll test!” Dare to say this upstairs! 8 damn it…… Oh, the hunting that didn’t become a god, that’s fine. ”

Tallulah: “It turns out that every world is like this, and it seems that the flames need to burn to every world!”

[A dark-haired, thin boy appears in the picture, and his life is also shown.] 】

[The boy’s name is Severus Snape.] 】

[His mother was a witch but fell in love with a Muggle and gave birth to him. 】

[When Snape’s father knew that “Nine-Seven-Zero” his wife was a witch, he exposed his true nature, drank and gambled all day long, and beat Snape’s mother with domestic violence. 】

[Snape was also affected by abuse, and as a result, he developed hatred and prejudice against Muggles.] 】

Ron Weasley: “What?!” What was that old bat like that when he was a kid? It’s too …… too.”

Severus Snape: “Ron Weasley disrespects the professor, Gryffindor deducts 20 points.”

Abigail Williams: “Having a wizard means having a witch hunt and prejudice…… It’s irrational to fall in love with Muggles. ”

Siegfried: “Still domestic violence? TMD this garbage, I’m going to beat him to death! ”

HP World

First-year Harry Potter, Hermione and the others covered their mouths in surprise, their eyes full of shock!

They never imagined that Professor Snape, who had been so horrible to them, would have such a miserable childhood.

All the students in the Hogwarts Great Hall were ashamed, and most of the professors gave Snape a look of pity, completely ignoring Snape’s blackened face.


[Until by chance, Snape saw a girl arguing with her sister on the lawn of the surrounding block.] 】

[The girl can make flowers bloom out of thin air, which makes her sister jealous and calls her a freak.] 】

[And Snape knew that this was a manifestation of the little wizard’s magical riot, and that girl was a wizard!] 】

[As soon as the screen turns, Snape and the girl Lily become good friends who talk about everything.] 】

[A man who hated Muggles in a bad family found his fellow wizard for the first time. 】

[A freak who is seen by others has finally found the same partner as himself.] 】

[Snape would often teach Lily some of the little magic tricks he knew, and tell Lily about and guess the good life at Hogwarts.] 】

Severus Snape: “Lily!”

Snape looked at Lily in the gold list with a sad expression, and the remorse would only accumulate in his heart, and could not be dissipated.

Harry Potter also looked at Lily with wide eyes, this is his unmasked mother, is this his mother’s childhood……

Gellert Grindelwald: “That’s why we’re purging Muggles, and this prejudice is a needle that Muggles can never get rid of.”

X: “Upstairs is too extreme, these children just haven’t seen it, humans and wizards can still coexist peacefully!”

Abigail Williams: “It’s just your side of the story, if you’ve ever seen the witch trial, you wouldn’t say that.”

Harry Potter: “Original…… Are Mom and Professor Snape old acquaintances? So why did Professor Snape target me? ”

James Potter: “Harry?! My son! Snot Essence that guy dares to target you? Wait! ”

[Snape is eleven years old, he has received an admission letter from Hogwarts, and he can finally leave the family and world that he hates.] 】

[Snape and Lily get on the train to Hogwarts, where they really want to be.] 】

[As the screen cuts, on the train, Snape’s prejudice against Muggles and his yearning for Slytherin catch the attention of the four men.] 】

[The four boys, James Potter and the others, laugh at Snape and have an argument with him on the train.] 】

[At this point, Snape is full of prejudice against wizards except Slytherin, and hates the four men headed by Jaime from the bottom of his heart.] 】

Merlin: “Hahaha…… There are so many places that children yearn for, it seems that Hogwarts is really a beautiful place~”

Ron. Weasley: “Oh! My Merlin’s lace panties! It turned out to be a living Merlin! ”

Merlin: “?”

Hachiman Hikiya: “Maybe it’s not that pretty…… As long as it’s a school, there will be small groups and bullying, let alone official groups like Hogwarts……”

Nishinomiya whistled: “This Jaime doesn’t look like a good guy at first glance.”

Hiratsuka Shizuna: “At the age of eleven, you learned to form a gang to bully others?” If left uncorrected, these children are ruined! ”

Bella: “Good, good! I knew Snape could be trusted, and I didn’t want my stupid brother to have something without the soul of Slytherin! ”

[Soon, the screen changes to Hogwarts.] 】

[The sorting ceremony begins, and as the young wizards are assigned to their own houses, Snape looks at Lily with longing. 】

[He desperately wishes Lily would go to Slytherin with him instead of going to another house.] 】

[However, by mistake, Lily’s personality doomed her to Gryffindor, and Snape was assigned to Slytherin.] 】

[Snape watched Lily follow the crowd to play with Gryffindor, his mouth opened and he didn’t know what to say, but just stared at it.] 】

Arco: “Looks really funny! I also wanted to experience a sorting ceremony. ”

Haruhi Suzumiya: “Mmmmmmmm I want to do it too! If I did, I’d be sorted into Gryffindor! ”

Amia: “Lily’s innocent, sunny and kind personality really fits Gryffindor, doesn’t she fit Slytherin?”

Kardock: “That’s where the feelings of childhood begotten arose…… Snape and Lily weren’t destined to get along. ”

Tony Stark: “Oh! I’d say it’s not a matter of character, right? It’s the shitty sorting mechanic of Hogwarts. ”

[The screen begins showing Snape’s life at Hogwarts.] 】

[Because of historical legacies, Gryffindor and Slytherin in Hogwarts are like fire and water.] 】

[All four of Jaime were assigned to Gryffindor, causing trouble everywhere, and he looked like a bully. 】

[And they call themselves the Marauder Four.] 】

[Because of the previous conflict and the Sorting House, the Marauders have been asking Snape for a long time to stir up trouble, and Snape has also ruthlessly used magic to fight back against the Marauders…….]

[However, two fists are hard to beat four hands, let alone one against four. 】

[Snape’s fight with the Marauders turned into him being bullied unilaterally, and he was even exposed to his underwear in front of all the students with an upside-down gold hook.] 】

X: “Hogwarts’ Sorting flaws are manifested…… Why should a whole be divided so much……

Tracys: “The infighting was all caused by the Hogwarts system…… They were supposed to be brothers, but they were hostile to each other. ”

Yu Ishigami: “A bung of mongrels for school bullying……”

Emiya Shirou: “Is this kind of bullying happening in the wizarding world…… The professor doesn’t care about anything! ”

Azusa Kawa Sakita: “If your underwear is exposed in front of everyone, this life will be over…… The blow in my heart is too great, and it is already the ultimate insult for a child. ”

Harry Potter: “Why is my father like this……”

HP subgeneration

Harry Potter looked at James in disbelief. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

In his eyes, the image of his father’s greatness has completely collapsed, and even he feels that this kind of bullying is very serious, but the perpetrator is his father……


Professor McGonagall looked at the Marauders with a serious and incredulous expression, these children were good children in her eyes, she never expected them to do such a thing!

Seeing this, McGonagall said solemnly: “Gryffindor will deduct 50 points because of you!” Don’t bully your classmates in the future! ”

Jaime and the others wilted, especially Jaime himself, and couldn’t help but hold his head and start remorseful at the thought that his future son also saw what he had done.


[When Lily came to stop Jaime and scolded him, the shame of being protected by the girls, the humiliation of being looked ugly by everyone, the resentment of being bullied in the past, and the fact that James was smiling at Lily made Snape angry and lose his mind!] 】

[Snape gets up and says angrily, “I don’t need a Mudblood’s help!” 】

[This sentence completely chilled Lily’s heart, and her eyes were full of undeniable 2.3 faith. 】

Thor: “This kid is too young and immature, he has been swallowed up by anger.”

March 7: “That…… What does mudblood mean wow? There is no malice, I just want to ask. ”

Luna: “Mudblood is a very bad word, the most insulting word in the wizarding world, the most offensive behavior.”

Ermelo II: “Unless anything else, the paths of Snape and Lily would never have crossed again.”

Hp world generations

Snape closed his eyes in pain, he didn’t want to look any more.

This is the whipping of his corpse, the whipping of his heart, this is the most regretful thing in his life, and it is also the beginning of the break with Lily.

Dumbledore watched Snape close his eyes and say nothing, but his eyes were lonely and guilty.


[Jaime also put away the appearance of the thug, his face changed greatly, pointed at Snape and scolded angrily, “What are you talking about, this guy!] 】

[As he speaks, Jaime raises his wand.] 】

[However, Lily stops Jaime, giving Snape a cold look with teary eyes before leaving.] 】

[Jaime glared at Snape as well, and left after Lily with the Marauder.] 】

[And Snape came to his senses and sat down on the ground, his eyes full of pain and disbelief about himself.] 】。

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