Chapter 209: Explosion! A sleepless night, straight to Brooklyn! Rockets’ redemption

【Rocket came back to life, and Nebula Drax and Mantis, who were still in the Supreme Evolution spaceship, were all very happy.】

【But bad news followed. The Supreme Evolution found them and captured the three Nebulas.】

【He threatened Star-Lord that if he didn’t hand over Rocket, all his friends would die!】

【But Star-Lord got anxious, and he angrily yelled at Mai,”Fuck you! You’re a bastard who had a facelift, you RoboWar Sheriff and a skull-head! Your face is as purple as an eggplant!””】

【This time he was not sure of winning, and Star-Lord succeeded in scolding him on the sore spot of his face, so the Supreme Evolution broke through! He crushed the communicator directly!

Robocop Murphy:”What? What do you mean by Robocop who had a facelift?! So rude!”

Red Skull:”Thank this rude guy generously! What did the skull do to you?”

Thanos:”Your face is purple like an eggplant… I had a good impression of you, kid, I’ll remember you.”

Deadpool:”Hahahaha! So good at scolding! You really learned the essence!”

Thor:”Peter, you and I can scold ten rookie Supremes together!”

Izumi Sagiri:”Is this the current situation of online trolls?”

【The scene changes, and everyone is ready, and the decisive battle with the Supreme Evolution is about to begin!】

【Three single-body spaceships came in front of the Supreme Evolutionary spaceship. Compared with it, these three spaceships were as small as rice grains.】

【The Supreme Evolution was amused, and said with his hands behind his back,”I admire their courage.”】

【But the commander behind him didn’t think so. He turned his head and his face changed drastically!】

【I saw the cosmic jump point behind the spacecraft begin to expand and tear!】

【The entire Unknowing Realm, which is larger than the Supreme Evolutionary spaceship, warped over! This is the reinforcement! 】

Ding Yi:”The gap in the spaceships is too big, unless Star-Lord’s spaceship is made of strong interaction materials, but this is impossible.”

Ge Xiaolun:”What can three small spaceships do? It’s really courageous… Shit!”

Captain Hyperion:”The space is torn apart! Something big is about to come out of the space crack!”

Ghost Rider:”Oh my God! I can only say that this big skull is handsome!”

Uzumaki Boruto:”TMD is on fire! The entire Unknowing Realm and the Plunderer are here!”

Liu Chuang:”This reinforcement is so powerful! Morale is so high!”

【The Zhiwu Territory opened fire first, and the two forces began the most intense collision in the universe!】

【The Supreme Evolution has gone mad, he killed all those who advised him and gave the order to catch Rocket at any cost!】

【The scene changes, and Star-Lord Rocket and others meet up with Nebula and others on the spaceship, and the Guardians of the Galaxy are assembled.】

【Because the people have been rescued, Star-Lord, who was about to retreat, stopped when he heard that there were thousands of children on the spaceship.

Thor:”Emmmm, I have to anchor the time period. When this time comes, my friends will definitely come to help!”

Luo Ji:”If Thor comes, there will be no need for the Knowing No Domain, right? Can you kill the Supreme Evolutionary alone?.!”

Pluto:”It lost its mind when the war was at its most intense. It is not far from destruction.”

Mermaid Warrior:”Oh oh oh oh! The Guardians of the Galaxy assemble again!”

Tendou Souji:”Rescuing children while shaking in the Plunderer, you are worthy of being the balance point between the black and white sides of the universe!”

【Rocket turned his head and looked at a door. Thinking of the past, his eyes became firm.】

【”I won’t run away again”】


【Guns loaded! Rocket turns around】

【Seeing Rocket turning around, the tacit understanding in their hearts made all the Guardians of the Galaxy turn around and walk towards the door, including Gamora. 】

Yasuo:”Have you made your choice? Decide what kind of person you want to be!”

Lu Mingfei:”So cool! Rocket who won’t run away anymore is the coolest!”

Itsuka Shidao:”Facing the inner demon, Rocket has transformed!”

Luffy:”Unconditionally support Rocket, this is a partner!”

March Seven:”No need to say, such a tacit understanding! It is worthy of being the most awesome team in the universe!”

【A burst of powerful rap BGM sounded!】

【A sleepless night! Arrived in Brooklyn!】

【Drax pried open the door and the battle was about to begin!】

【The Guardians of the Galaxy work together in perfect harmony as they maneuver in the air】

【Groot is physically invincible, and has several vines in a row.】

【Star-Lord and Nebula work well together. Nebula, who was transformed by Thanos, can be said to be the most powerful in the team.】

【In a long shot, the Guardians of the Galaxy eliminated all enemies, walked out of the passage and began to rescue the children. 】

The Emperor:”Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh! I want to know who created the rap! I’m going to get excited! He will definitely become the most shining star on this land!”

Tang Keke:”Too cool! It’s just heavenly music!”

Feidan:”I actually feel that the Guardians of the Galaxy are more handsome than us when they fight in a team!” Simon

:”Heaven and earth, one heart and one body! The silent tacit understanding makes them become a whole, and the roar of life resounds through the galaxy!!!”

Senju Hashirama:”I can feel that Groot can do better! Maybe he should learn to clap and stomp his feet!”

Lucy:”Nebula’s prosthetic transformation is too advanced! The strength that can be transformed by the overlord of the universe, this prosthetic strength crushes Night City!”

Matou Shinji:”I have to say, even someone like me has been ignited by the man’s soul in my heart! Watching them fight in a team is a hundred times more fun than playing with glue!”

【The Knowing Nothingness Realm connected to the gap in the Supreme Evolutionary Spaceship, and thousands of children escaped into the Knowing Nothingness Realm along the link.】

【Warlock Adam was also rescued along the way.】

【The awakened Warlock Adam looked at Groot,”Why? I was going to kill you, why did you save me?”】

【”I am Groot”】

【Drax explained:”He said everyone should have a chance to make amends.”】(To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Tendo Souji:”Well done! Children are the treasures of the world!”

Accelerator:”The chattering is so annoying! Children are obviously annoying!”

Su:”All things are impermanent and the cycle of cause and effect. The Guardians of the Galaxy gave Adam Warlock a chance, and Adam Warlock will definitely respond.”

Star-Lord:”If I’m not dreaming, our Guardians of the Galaxy will have the strength of the Father of the Universe?!”

Himeya Jun:”Yes, everyone has a chance to correct themselves, and the light in their hearts will be stimulated by this.”

【The scene changed, and Rocket stopped in front of a door and walked in slowly.】

【Under the dim light, Rocket walked to a cage full of raccoons. This was where he was born.】

【Rocket carefully took out his ID card and unlocked the cage, but noticed the sign on the wall.】


【Rocket stared at the word in a daze. It turned out that he was really a raccoon.

Kiana Kaslana:”Is this the beginning of Rocket’s life and everything? It seems that this is also the end. As it was, so it will be.……”

Clark Kent:”He needs redemption, but I think redemption will come soon.”

Old Taoist:”All the persistence I have had has collapsed. Today I know that I am who I am.……”

Twilight Sparkle:”This is something to be happy about. At least Rocket knows that besides his friends and family, he has people of the same kind.””

【Rocket, with tears in his eyes, opened his arms and took all the raccoons into his arms, leaving none behind.】

【But as soon as he turned around, Rocket stopped and looked around at the animals. They had the same fate as him.】

【Someone should redeem them, and this is also Rocket’s own redemption! 】

Rudolph symbol:”~This is his redemption of all the same fates and his own heart.”

Otakemaru:”All tragic fates must be redeemed, this is his beginning, he will not abandon any of them!”

Enkidu:”Rocket and I have a good compatibility, I am willing to fight for him.”

Kazami Yuuka:”Life becomes precious and magnificent here, and all the souls in the world should not be persecuted”


【Suddenly, the roar of the Supreme Evolution sounded! Rocket quickly drove away the little raccoon on his body.】

【The Supreme Evolution controlled gravity and threw the rocket outside. Finally, it stuck to the ceiling and roared fiercely:】

【”You little monster! Without me you can’t accomplish anything! You’re just a stepping stone! Who do you think you are! 89P13!”】

Shaonianlang:”How come this old thing byd Supreme Evolution hasn’t died yet!”

Deadpool:”Someone come and kill him! Kill him!” Kayn

:”Without you, Rocket can’t accomplish anything? Wouldn’t you still be trapped in that puzzle without Rocket?”

Gilgamesh:”Hahahaha! What a ridiculous clown? A creation with an IQ lower than yours is still barking here!”

Chaodianshe Mei:”It is important for people to know themselves. Supreme Evolution, who do you think you are?”

【Rocket stretched his hand to his leg with difficulty and pressed a button. The gravity-fixing device made him land and stand on the ground instantly!】


【Rocket loaded his gun, pointed at the dull-eyed Supreme Evolutionary and said confidently,”My name is Rocket, Rocket (good Li Hao) Raccoon”】


【Rocket shot the Supreme Evolution away with one shot, and before the Supreme Evolution could stand firm, the Guardians of the Galaxy had all arrived! 】

Zhan Guo:”He finally chose to face his own destiny and identity!”

Exia:”So handsome! This shot really touched my heart!”

Xiong Da:”Rocket is our pride! I have never seen such a handsome little animal in my life!”

【The Supreme Evolution was hit around like a ball, and was finally stabbed by Gamora!】

【Looking at the Supreme Evolution lying on the ground, Drax said to Rocket:”Kill him!”】

【Rocket thought for a moment and put down his gun.】

【”Why?” Drax was puzzled.】

【Rocket sighed and said proudly:”Because I am a member of the Galaxy’s awesome guard.”】

Zero:”Good kick! I should kick him away like a ball!”

Sakura Kyoko:”Wuhu! Seems like! The old thing should have died a long time ago, finally he can’t jump anymore!”

Bruce Wayne:”Beat him violently to vent my anger and hatred, spare him because it is my duty, what a lofty moral bottom line!……”

Seele:”It’s ok to let it fend for itself, this old thing should die in pain!”

Space Hunter Ishtar:”The Galaxy Guard is really awesome!”

【Top4 ends here, and the gold list screen goes dark】

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